Main Menu

You can use the Main Menu, which is shown at the top of the program window, to access commands dealing with the program as a whole. Main menu options are divided into sub-menus, each of which can be accessed with a keyboard shortcut using the Alt-key together with a letter key. To get to File > Export split times, press first Alt+A and then Alt+S. Many menu commands also have shortcuts consisting of Ctrl in combination with another key associated with them. When you choose a menu option ending with ellipses (...), a dialogue box with further options appears.


Icon Menu option Shortcut Description
New... Ctrl+N Creates a new split time file and allows you to enter event data.
Open... Ctrl+O Opens a split time file.
Import... Ctrl+I Shows the import window where you can convert split times to WinSplits' own file format.
Import custom file format... Ctrl+Shift+I Shows the import custom file format window, where you can convert split times of unknown file format to WinSplits' own file format.
Export tab content... Ctrl+T Exports contents of the current tab to a file.
Export split times... Exports the open event's split times to a file in IOF's xml format.
Save as... Ctrl+S Saves the open split time file with a different name.
Print... Ctrl+P Prints out the contents of the current tab.
Print preview... Ctrl+Shift+P Previews the contents of the current tab before printing.
License information... Shows the license key, license owner's name, and license conditions.
Exit Exits WinSplits Pro.

The ten most recently opened files are also shown in the File menu. You can jump to them using shortcuts Alt+0 through Alt+9.


Icon Menu option Shortcut Description
Cut Ctrl+X Cuts out the contents of the current selection and places them onto the Clipboard.
Copy Ctrl+C Places a copy of the current selection onto the Clipboard.
Paste Ctrl+Y Places the contents of the clipboard into the clicked location.


Icon Menu option Shortcut Description
Database Ctrl+1 Shows the database tab.
Results Ctrl+2 Shows the results tab.
Table Ctrl+3 Shows the table tab.
Graph Ctrl+4 Shows the graph tab.
Database Ctrl+5 Shows the replay tab.
Head to head Ctrl+6 Shows the head to head tab.
Detailed info Ctrl+7 Shows the detailed info tab.
Full-screen mode F11 Switches between normal view and full-screen view. The full-screen view makes maximum usage of the display and is particularly useful for computers with small screens or when showing a presentation using a projector.


Icon Menu option Shortcut Description
Event data... Ctrl+D Allows you to change the event data for the open event. For example, you can change the event name, add or remove classes, runners, and custom classes, or change the runners' split times.
Create custom class... Shows the create course dialogue, where you can create a custom course consisting of selected runners and legs.
Course overview... Shows an overview of all the courses in the currently open event.


Icon Menu option Shortcut Description
Options... Shows the Options window, where you can, for example, change the language of the program. You can also add or remove modes for tabs Results, Table, Graph, and Replay.


Icon Menu option Shortcut Description
User guide Ctrl+F1 Shows the user manual for WinSplits Pro. The computer needs to be connected to the internet.
Get started with WinSplits Pro Shows the guide "Get started using WinSplits Pro." The computer needs to be connected to the internet.
Visit WinSplits Pro's website Goes to the WinSplits Pro homepage.
About WinSplits Pro Shows the program's version number and copyright information.