Selection of runners and legs

In some cases you only want to analyse certain runners and/or legs, such as in the following cases:

  • You would like to change the current graph so that only you and the winner are shown.
  • You want to create a head to head matrix for runners from a particular club.
  • You want to see just the second half of the course in a graph.
  • You want to replay the race with just a few of the runners shown.

Select the desired runners and legs by clicking on them, either in the Table tab or in the runner list (only for selecting runners). The tabs Graph, Replay, Head to head and Detailed info are then automatically updated to only show the selected runners and legs. Note that selecting particular legs has no effect on the Replay tab.

A fast way to select all runners from a particular club is to right-click on a runner in the Table tab or in the runner list and choose Select all runners from [club name] from the menu that appears.

When you want to see all runners and legs again, use the shortcut Ctrl+R.