
You can print out tab contents for the following tabs: Results, Table and Graph. The contents of the tabs Head to head and Detailed info cannot be printed directly from WinSplits Pro, but you can export tab contents and then open and print out the exported files in a different program.

The print dialogue appears when you choose File > Print from the menu or click on the button . If you want to see a preview of what the printout will look like, you can choose File > Print preview or click on . You can change printers, paper format, margins, pages to be printed, and the number of copies in the print dialogue. There are also functions available that allow you to print out split time tables by optimizing the usage of space on the page.

Option name Function
Nimi: Shows which printer will be used.
Ominaisuudet Changes printer properties for the selected printer.
Pysty Selects "portrait" page orientation for printing.
Vaaka Selects "landscape" paper orientation for printing.
Ylä: Shows the top margin size for the page. You can also edit the margins by clicking on and dragging the blue lines in the page image to the right.
Ala: Shows the bottom margin size for the page. You can also edit the margins by clicking on and dragging the blue lines in the page image to the right.
Vasen: Shows the left margin size for the page. You can also edit the margins by clicking on and dragging the blue lines in the page image to the right.
Oikea: Shows the right margin size for the page. You can also edit the margins by clicking on and dragging the blue lines in the page image to the right.
Yksikkö: Shows the unit of length used for margins. Choose between inches and centimeters.
Kaikki Prints out all the pages in the document.
Sivut x - y Prints out only the pages in the interval entered in the text boxes.
Valinta Prints out only part of the selected document. This option is only available when you are printing the contents of the results tab.
Kopioiden lukumäärä: Shows the number of copies to be printed.
Lajittele kopiot Shows the pages' printing order when you are printing multiple copies. Check this box if you want all the copies of page 1 to print first, then all copies of page 2, and so on.

Table-specific options

There is an additional section that contains options that allow you to optimize the usage of space on a page when printing a table.

Option name Function
Pidä osallistujan kaikki väliajat samalla sivulla Check this box if you want all of a given runner's times to appear on the same page. If a row with times is too long, it will be broken off and continued on the next row.
Kiinteät solut joka sivulla: Determines if cells with runner name or control number will be shown on each page or only on one page if the printout stretches out to several pages.
Automaattinen sovitus sivulle When this box is checked, WinSplits Pro adjusts the text size so that space on the paper is used optimally. Select the interval of acceptable text sizes in Koko välillä:. If you check the box Salli tulostussuunnan muutos, both landscape and portrait page orientations are considered. When automatic page customization is active, text size in percent is shown in parentheses.

Print preview

If you chose to see the preview, it appears on the right in the window. Changing print options requires pressing F5 to update the preview. At the top of the window there is a toolbar that allows you to choose zoom level, as well as which and how many pages are shown at a time.

Toolbar and shortcuts

Icon Function Shortcut
Shows the preview's zoom level in percent. The option Auto adjusts zoom level to the size of the window.
Previews one page at a time.
Previews two pages at a time.
Previews three pages at a time.
Previews four pages at a time.
Previews six pages at a time.
Sivu: Shows which page the preview should start from.
Updates the preview. F5