Replay Tab

The replay tab allows you to see a replay of the race with the runners represented by animated figures running across the screen. Each figure's speed at any given point is proportional to the speed the corresponding runner had at that point on the course. You can see the control positions as percentage of the course above the replay field. There are several different replay modes to choose from in the drop-down menu in the tab toolbar.

Start the replay by clicking on in the tab toolbar, and the places, trend arrows, and times behind the leader will be updated continually for each runner. The information field explains the details behind the numbers and symbols that you see. You can control the replay settings with the buttons and text boxes in the tab toolbar. For example, you can switch between a simulated mass start and individual starts, or change the point in the race you start the replay from, as well as the replay speed.

Show just certain runners or legs

If you want to run a replay with only certain runners, select those runners from the list on the left in the program window or in thetable tab. To include only certain legs from the course, go to the table tab and select the desired legs. The replay is updated automatically after selections are made.

Tab toolbar and shortcuts

Ikon Function Shortcut
The selected replay mode's name is shown in the drop-down menu. Ctrl+, shows previous mode, Ctrl+. shows next. Ctrl+, / Ctrl+.
Provides zoom level in percent. Ctrl++ zooms in, Ctrl+- zooms out, Ctrl+0 resets to 100%. Ctrl+- / Ctrl++ / Ctrl+0
Switches between individual and mass start.
Starts the replay. Välilyönti
Pauses the replay. Välilyönti
Stops the replay and resets the time. Ctrl+Välilyönti
Steps one second back in time.
Steps one second forward in time.
The current time is shown in the box on the right. You can type in a new time and press Enter or change the time with up- and down-arrows on the keyboard when the cursor is in the text box. The bar to the right of the text box shows the current time in the race and can be clicked in order to jump to a different moment in the race.
The replay speed is shown in a text box to the right and indicates how many times faster than in reality the replay is run. For example, a replay speed of 60 means that an hour of running will take a minute to replay. Change the speed by typing in a new value in the text box and pressing Enter, or by using the Ctrl key with the up- and down-arrows when the cursor is in the text box.
Doubles the scale of the course. A scroll-bar at the bottom of the replay window shows which part of the course is currently being replayed.
Halves the scale of the course.
Resets the scale of the course so that the entire course fits in one window.
Moves the window horisontally in order to make sure that the selected runner (or the leader if no runner was selected) is visible in the window during the entire replay. This option is only available if the scale of the course has been enlarged.
Dynamic sorting: if selected, this option makes sure that the runners are sorted by current position in the race during the entire replay.
Shows previous class. Ctrl+Page Up
Shows next class. Ctrl+Page Down
Deselect all runners and legs. Ctrl+R
Reduces replay speed. -
Increases replay speed. +
Reduces replay speed by 10 units. Shift+-
Increases replay speed by 10 units. Shift++
Reduces replay speed by 100 units. Ctrl+Shift+-
Increases replay speed by 100 units. Ctrl+Shift++
Moves the replay window backward (to the left). This option is only available if the scale of the course has been increased. Shift+LeftArrow / Ctrl+MouseWheelScroll
Moves the replay window forward (to the right). This option is only available if the scale of the course has been increased. Shift+RightArrow / Ctrl+MouseWheelScroll
Steps 10 seconds backward. LeftArrow
Steps 10 seconds forward. RightArrow
Steps a minute backward. Ctrl+LeftArrow / Shift+MouseWheelScroll
Steps a minute forward. Ctrl+RightArrow / Shift+MouseWheelScroll
Steps upward through the runners. UpArrow / MouseWheelScroll
Steps downward through the runners. DownArrow / MouseWheelScroll
Steps a page upward through the runners. Page Up
Steps a page downward through the runners. Page Down
Resets the time. Home
Sets time to the maximum value. End

Mouse commands

  • Click on a runner's name to focus on that runner. That runner's lane turns yellow, and a vertical red line makes it easy to keep track of the selected runner's position in the race. Additionally, an information bar for the selected runner is shown under the replay window.
  • Click somewhere in a runner's lane to move the runner to that spot. Time and runners' positions are updated. You can also hold down the mouse button and drag the runners up and down their replay lanes.
  • Click and drag in the field with control numbers above the replay window in order to increase the scale of the course.


  • In order to quickly start a replay that only includes runners from a certain club, right-click on one of that club's runners in the runner list on the left in the program window and choose Select all runners from [club name].