Head to Head Tab

The head to head tab consists of a matrix that shows all the runners' so-called "head to head" results, that is, how many legs each runner won, lost, or tied when compared to each of the other runners. For the runner in a given row, a green cell indicates that this runner won more legs than the runner in the corresponding column. A red cell indicates the opposite, and a yellow cell means that the two runners beat each other on the same number of legs.

Matrix or single runner

The head to head results are shown either in a matrix that includes all the runners' head to head results, or in a list with these results listed for a single runner. The display mode is controlled by buttons in the tab toolbar. In order to switch from matrix mode to single runner mode, click on the desired runner's name in the matrix. The matrix mode shows the columns W, D and L, which contain the number of won, drawn, and lost legs for a runner.

Number of legs or percentage of course

A head to head result between two runners can be shown in several different formats. These formats are controlled by the buttons Show draws, Show as percentage of the course and Show results as relative values in the tab toolbar. The table below explains the different display modes. When an icon for a button is shown, this means that the button should be clicked. In matrix mode, the runner in the current row is referred to as "runner A" and the runner in the current column as "runner B". In single runner mode, the runner whose entire head to head results are shown is referred to as "runner A", and the other runner as "runner B".

Display mode
Shows the number of legs won by runner A, and the number won by runner B. 5-3 means that A beat B on 5 legs, and was beaten by B on 3 legs.
Shows the number of legs won by runner A, the number of legs on which A and B had the same time, and the number of legs won by runner B. 5-1-3 means that A beat B on 5 legs and was beaten by B on 3 legs. The two runners had the same time on 1 leg.
Shows percentage of the course that was won by A and the percentage of the course that was won by B. 68-27 means that A beat B on 68% of the course and was beaten by B on 27% of the course.
Shows the relative difference in results between A and B. A positive number means that A beat B on more legs, while a negative number means the opposite.
Shows percentage of the course that was won by A, the percentage on which the two runners were tied, and the percentage of the course that was won by B. 68-5-27 means that A beat B on 68% of the course, was beaten by B on 27% of the course, and the two runners had the same split times on the remaining 5% of the course.
Shows the relative difference in results between A and B in percent. A positive number means that A beat B on a larger part of the course, while a negative number means the opposite.

Show extended information

The green, yellow, and red result cells have additional information that can be accessed by letting the mouse cursor rest over the cell. You can then see an explanation of the numbers in the cells, as well as the two runners' split times on all the legs. The information box is divided into three pages. Press Enter or Space to switch between the three different pages.

Show only certain runners or legs

The entire head to head matrix can be hard to get a good overview of when a class contains many runners. You can select some of the runners, either from the runner list on the left in the program window or from the table tab. Only the selected runners' head to head meetings are then shown in the matrix.

You can also choose to include only certain legs, for example, just the short legs on the course. Go to the table tab and select the desired legs, and the head to head matrix will be updated automatically.

Right-click on the matrix

When you right-click on a cell with a runner's name, you see a menu customized for that runner. This menu gives you, for example, the opportunity to create a custom class based on that runner, or to edit data for that runner.

Export the head to head matrix

Choose File > Export tab content from the menu or click on the button in the header toolbar in order to export the head to head matrix in html- or text-format.

Tab toolbar and shortcuts

Icon Function Shortcut
Shows head to head information in matrix mode.
Shows head to head information in single runner mode. Select the runner from the list box to the right.
Provides zoom level for the table in percent. Ctrl++ zooms in, Ctrl+- zooms out, Ctrl+0 resets to 100%. Ctrl+- / Ctrl++ / Ctrl+0
Shows draws in addition to wins and losses.
Shows head to head results as percentage of the course instead of the number of legs won.
Shows head to head results as relative values.
Shows previous class. Ctrl+Page Up
Shows next class. Ctrl+Page Down
Deselects all runners and legs. Ctrl+R
Scrolls one step up in the matrix. UpArrow / MouseWheelScroll
Scrolls one step down in the matrix. DownArrow / MouseWheelScroll
Scrolls one step to the left in the matrix. LeftArrow / Ctrl+MouseWheelScroll
Scrolls one step to the right in the matrix. RightArrow / Ctrl+MouseWheelScroll
Jumps one page up in the matrix. Page Up
Jumps one page down in the matrix. Page Down
Jumps all the way to the left in the matrix. Home
Jumps all the way to the right in the matrix. End
Jumps all the way to the top of the matrix. Shift+Home
Jumps all the way to the bottom of the matrix. Shift+End
Jumps both all the way up and to the left in the matrix. Ctrl+Shift+Home
Jumps both all the way down and to the right in the matrix. Ctrl+Shift+End


  • In order to quickly select all the runners from the same club, right-click on one of that club's runners and choose Select all runners from [club name].