FAQ - frequently asked questions

This is a collection of some of the most common questions about WinSplits.

WinSplits Online and WinSplits Pro, what's the difference?

WinSplits Online is the free web-based version that presents split times as a table. WinSplits Pro is a stand-alone program that you download and insall on your computer. WinSplits Pro gives you the opportunity to analyse your races in all imaginable ways. You need to buy a license in order to use WinSplits Pro.

I want to buy WinSplits Pro, but am nervous about paying by credit card over the internet. Can I pay in some other way?

WinSplits Pro uses the TellusPay system, which handles internet payments with the highest security requirements in the field. The payment is made over a secure connection, which means that your credit card number cannot be intercepted. When the payment is completed, you will receive your license key and instructions on getting started using WinSplits Pro within seconds.

If, despite these arguments, you still choose not to or simply cannot pay by credit card, you can place your order by e-mailing info@winsplits.se and paying by bank transfer. In this case, a service fee of 120 SEK applies, and the license key will not be sent out before payment is received. Read more about paying by bank transfer.

Can anybody upload split times to the WinSplits database?

Yes. There are no restrictions on uploading, and the whole service is entirely free.

Can I use a WinSplits Pro license on several computers?

The basic rule is that you can use the program on several computers only if all of them belong to your household. Companies and organisations, such as orienteering clubs, only have the right to use a license on one computer at a time. The use of a license is regulated by the terms and conditions that you can view via File > License information in the top menu i WinSplits Pro.

Can I use WinSplits Pro on a computer that is not connected to the internet?

Yes, as long as the split times you want to look at were downloaded to your computer on an earlier occasion. If you want to download new split times, you need to be connected.