WinSplits Pro, the new commercial version of WinSplits, was released in September 2007. The Pro version replaces WinSplits 3.0 and makes it even simpler and more enjoyable to analyse splits on your computer. WinSplits Pro is available in both English and Swedish. Buy your license today!
WinSplits is a software system created for presentation and analysis of split times from orienteering competitions. WinSplits exists in two versions, WinSplits Online and WinSplits Pro.
WinSplits Online
WinSplits Online is the free version that can be run in a standard web browser. Split times and leg places are shown in table format for each class in the competition. Certain additional information, such as time lost per control, is also available.
WinSplits Pro
WinSplits Pro is an independent program that needs to be downloaded, installed, and run on the computer. The program contains a vast array of different tables, graphs, and replays that provide a lot of detailed information about split times and results.
Club results, pack running, time earned by following, performance index, error-free times, trickiest controls, and head to head matrices are just some of the functions provided by WinSplits Pro. All of this comes with an attractive and intuitive user interface that makes the program simple to use.
The price for a program license is 495 SEK, while an upgrade from an earlier version costs 295 SEK. If you want to try the program before buying, you can download and install the free trial version.
A license for WinSplits Pro costs 495 SEK. Buy your license easily and securely over the web!
The trial version is the best way to discover and explore WinSplits Pro. Download, install, and try for free!