Import split times

You can use the Import split times dialogue to read split times from a file created using an event administraiton system into WinSplits Pro. This can be used in several cases.

  • When you want to be able to analyse split times from a competition or training session that you organised yourself, without needing to load up the split times into the database.
  • When an event organised put ip split times on the event website but did not upload them into the WinSplits database, you can save the split times in a web browser and then import the file into WinSplits Pro.

WinSplits Pro handles file formats from several common event administration systems, which you can see from the list shown in the File format box. If the file you wish to import is of an unsupported format, you can try Importing custom file format, which you can do from the File menu. Contact if you would like to see a particular file format handled by the next software update of WinSplits Pro.

Fill-in boxes

The import dialogue contains several boxes that need to be filled in.

  • In the Import from - file name box, enter the file name you want to import split times from. The names of most recently imported files are shown when you expand the drop-down box.
  • The drop-down box File format is used to indicate which type of file you want to import. WinSplits Pro recognizes the most common file formats and automatically selects the right type when you choose the auto option.
  • Certain file formats require that you provide the event's zero time, which is the time of day from which the times contained in the split time file are calculated. If you do not know the zero time, leave the field blank.
  • If the file to be imported does not contain the runners' start times, check off the Import start list box. Then provide the name of the file that contains the start list. File format for the start list file can be chosed from the drop-down box below.
  • Save as - file name is used for entering the name of the file that will be saved in WinSplits-format. By default, the file name is kept the same as that of the imported file, with the exception that the file extension is changed to .spl.
  • If a file name with the name shown in the "Save as - file name" box already exists, use the check-box Keep existing split times to manage how the split times will be saved. If the box is checked, the improted split times will be added to the file. Otherwise, the previous split times will be deleted before the file is imported.

Start the import of split times by clicking OK. If the import succeeds, the split time file will automatically open in WinSplits Pro. If you want to change certain details, such as event or class names, you can do that in the Event data dialogue that can be accessed via Event > Event data from the menu.

I cannot import split times

If the button OK is gray after you have filled in all the boxes, this means that the file format is not recognized. Make sure that the file was created by an event administration system that WinSplits Pro can handle, and that it was not motified afterwards. Files that are downloaded from the internet and saved in a web browser are often modified in some way. Try to use the Import custom file format dialogue.