Time behind leader Pack running Leg placement Time loss per leg
Time loss and error-free time Performance index Pack index Head to headLink to this page
On this page you have access to bonus content: you can see eight of the tables and graphs that are available in WinSplits Pro. There are two randomly selected modes shown for each event. The rest of the modes are greyed and not available in WinSplits Online.
The Pack Index Table shows pack running, both over the entire course and on each leg. Green cells show a runner being followed by others, while red cells show a runner who is following. The higher the value, the greater the following. Pull index and following index should be interpreted carefully at the leg level, especially in packs where different runners took the lead at different times. The only data used for calculating pull and following indices is information about punching times at each control. What happens in between is unknown. More informtaion about pull index and following index.
PlNameTimePull indexFollowing index12345678910F
1Esmeralda Gabasa Lasheras / Martina Garcia Gabasa34.170.0%(3)0.0%(3)0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%EGL/MGG
2Elsa Aznar PASTOR / Sergio Aznar Pardo36.320.0%(3)0.0%(3)0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%EAP/SAP
3Jesús Ortega Moratalla / Paula Ortega Bescós47.2924.5%(2)35.6%(1)0%0%22%100%100%0%0%17%9%9%100%JOM/POB
4Ignacio Pablo Minguell Gracia / Olimpia Minguell Pérez48.4935.6%(1)24.5%(2)0%46%58%0%0%0%0%83%88%88%0%IPMG/OMP
5Enrique Lacambra Puerta / Pablo Lacambra Benito52.230.0%(3)0.0%(3)0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%ELP/PLB