About WinSplits OnlineWinSplits Online is a web based information service for split times from orienteering events. The website is hosted by Mats Troeng in cooperation with the Swedish Orienteering Federation (SOFT). Today, most orienteering events use electronical punching and time electronic keeping systems. Thus, runners are in addition to the finish times also provided split times at the controls. This makes comprehensive analysis of the races possible. WinSplits Online offers split time lists containing more extensive and more clearly presented information compared to the split time lists of the event administration systems. Moreover, WinSplits Online is today the largest public accessible digital results archive, including split times from more than 2000 events. Most of these events are Swedish, but there are many events from all over the world as well. The difference between WinSplits Online and WinSplits Pro
What is WinSplits Online, and what is WinSplits Pro? Are there any differences? Briefly, WinSplits Online is a free web service for basic split time analysis, while WinSplits Pro is a commercial piece of software for Windows giving extensive opportunities for an in-depth split time analysis with several tables, charts and replay functions. In both cases, the split time data comes from the same database. More information about WinSplits Pro can be found at the WinSplits Pro web pages. How are new splits added to the database?
It is the responisbility (but not duty) of the event organizer to upload split times to the database. The uploading process is simple. It is performed at specially designed upload web pages, and takes only a few minutes. A split time file from the event administration system is the only file that is needed.The file creation guide gives more information about how to create split time files for upload in some widely-used systems. Event organizers should ensure that the split times are uploaded as soon as possible after the event has concluded! A link to a page containing the split times of the event will be presented when the upload is completed. This link might then be added to the website of the event or the organizing club. What to do if the splits from an event are missing?
As stated previously, the organizer is responsible for uploading the split times. The people behind WinSplits Online have no responsibility for updateing the database. If split times are not uploaded, please contact the event organizers and inform them about WinSplits Online. Are the results of WinSplits Online official?
No. WinSplits Online does not guarantee that the information presented at these web pages coincides with the official information. However, the ambition is of course to present as reliable information as possible. Problems might occur for example when an electronic punching device has been out of order, forcing runners to manually back-up punch. In results prior to June 2003, such runners are interpreted as mispunched in WinSplits Online, while they are OK in the official results. From June 2003 and on, these problems are solved, and the results are more reliable. How to make nice printouts
It's tricky to print wide html tables (which the split time lists consist of) in a nice-looking way. A tip might be to change the the smallest font size and adjust the printer paper orientation to landscape. WinSplits Pro gives great opportunities to tailor your printouts. Where are the graphs?
Previous versions of WinSplits Online provided simple graphical presentation of some split time information. This version does not provide graphs. The reason is that the graphs were highly resource-consuming, giving the server of WinSplits Online a heavy load. People interested in split time graphs should consider the commercial software WinSplits. History
The first version of the split time analysis software that later on was named WinSplits was developed by Mats Troeng as a upper-secondary school degree project in 1997. following year the first commercial version of the software was completed, and in May 1999 WinSplits Online was born. Since then, both the software and the online service have been developed into a number of new versions, always with Mats Troeng as the developer. Questions and comments
Questions and comments regarding WinSplits Pro and WinSplits Online are appreciated. E-mail them on info@winsplits.se.