<------- Start of file format specification -------> WinSplits Standard Text Format [Event name] [Event date] [Name of class 1] [Leg length 1 (in metres)] [Leg length 2] ... [Leg length last control-finish] {NOTE: If no leg lengths are measured, enter zeros for the leg lengths. This is important because this line determines the number of controls on the course. There should be n+1 tab-separated values, where n is the number of controls} [Name of runner 1] [Club of runner 1] [Start time, hh.mm.ss] [Split time 1, [h.]mm.ss] [Split time 2, [h.]mm.ss] ... [Split time last control-finish, [h.]mm.ss] [Name of runner 2] [Club of runner 2] [Start time, hh.mm.ss] [Split time 1, [h.]mm.ss] [Split time 2, [h.]mm.ss] ... [Split time last control-finish, [h.]mm.ss] [Name of runner n] [Club of runner n] [Start time, hh.mm.ss] [Split time 1, [h.]mm.ss] [Split time 2, [h.]mm.ss] ... [Split time last control-finish, [h.]mm.ss] [Name of class 2] [Leg length 1 (in metres)] [Leg length 2] ... [Leg length last control-finish] {NOTE: If no leg lengths are measured, enter zeros for the leg lengths. This is important because this line determines the number of controls on the course. There should be n+1 tab-separated values, where n is the number of controls} [Name of runner 1] [Club of runner 1] [Start time, hh.mm.ss] [Split time 1, [h.]mm.ss] [Split time 2, [h.]mm.ss] ... [Split time last control-finish, [h.]mm.ss] [Name of runner 2] [Club of runner 2] [Start time, hh.mm.ss] [Split time 1, [h.]mm.ss] [Split time 2, [h.]mm.ss] ... [Split time last control-finish, [h.]mm.ss] [Name of runner n] [Club of runner n] [Start time, hh.mm.ss] [Split time 1, [h.]mm.ss] [Split time 2, [h.]mm.ss] ... [Split time last control-finish, [h.]mm.ss] <------- End of file format specification -------> Some special punching codes, to enter instead of [h.]mm.ss: - The runner has not punched the control and is therefore disqualified 0.00 The runner has no punch registration at the control but should be treated as OK anyway.