Pos Nombre S-1 (100) 1-2 (74) 2-3 (102) 3-4 (71) 4-5 (80) 5-6 (40) 6-7 (47) 7-8 (255) 8-M Nombre
Club Club
1 Gérard Venon 4.37 2.00 3.47 4.21 3.03 3.15 12.14 3.24 0.30 Gérard Venon
ADOC ADOC 4.37 6.37 10.24 14.45 17.48 21.03 33.17 36.41 37.11 ADOC ADOC
2 Jean-pierre Poncet 4.21 1.38 2.12 4.36 7.46 3.12 14.45 4.47 0.30 Jean-pierre Poncet
O'Jura O'Jura 4.21 5.59 8.11 12.47 20.33 23.45 38.30 43.17 43.47 O'Jura O'Jura
3 Øyvind Stene 5.46 1.36 2.54 4.57 2.44 3.58 18.43 3.25 0.42 Øyvind Stene
Nydalens Skiklub Nydalens Skiklub 5.46 7.22 10.16 15.13 17.57 21.55 40.38 44.03 44.45 Nydalens Skiklub Nydalens Skiklub
4 Hansjoerg Suter 5.24 1.23 2.30 4.43 2.29 3.42 21.53 3.24 0.36 Hansjoerg Suter
CA Rosé CA Rosé 5.24 6.47 9.17 14.00 16.29 20.11 42.04 45.28 46.04 CA Rosé CA Rosé
5 Ross Barr 4.35 1.44 2.45 6.37 7.47 5.01 14.19 4.44 0.32 Ross Barr
Garingal Oriente Garingal Orienteers Inc 4.35 6.19 9.04 15.41 23.28 28.29 42.48 47.32 48.04 Garingal Oriente Garingal Orienteers Inc
6 Roland Eggli 7.09 1.55 2.44 6.58 3.13 3.59 17.31 4.15 0.33 Roland Eggli
COM Club d'Orientation de Mulhouse 7.09 9.04 11.48 18.46 21.59 25.58 43.29 47.44 48.17 COM Club d'Orientation de Mulhouse
7 Jean-paul Humbertclaude 5.38 2.22 2.40 5.16 2.40 3.41 22.16 3.43 0.30 Jean-paul Humbertclaude
CapOnord, Sports CapOnord, Sports d'Orientation 5.38 8.00 10.40 15.56 18.36 22.17 44.33 48.16 48.46 CapOnord, Sports CapOnord, Sports d'Orientation
8 Hervé Cabon 6.47 2.44 2.44 5.29 7.48 4.23 18.05 3.16 0.35 Hervé Cabon
Quimper orientat Quimper orientation 6.47 9.31 12.15 17.44 25.32 29.55 48.00 51.16 51.51 Quimper orientat Quimper orientation
9 Aage Damsgaard 8.10 2.01 3.36 5.02 9.34 3.55 15.04 4.11 0.37 Aage Damsgaard
FIF Hilleroed FIF Hilleroed 8.10 10.11 13.47 18.49 28.23 32.18 47.22 51.33 52.10 FIF Hilleroed FIF Hilleroed
10 Peter Ross 6.10 2.05 3.28 5.59 5.27 4.48 16.49 8.09 0.30 Peter Ross
Manchester and D Manchester and District Orient 6.10 8.15 11.43 17.42 23.09 27.57 44.46 52.55 53.25 Manchester and D Manchester and District Orient
11 Bob Pinker 5.32 2.11 3.27 5.50 4.44 4.33 20.25 7.02 0.41 Bob Pinker
Cork Orienteerin Cork Orienteering Club 5.32 7.43 11.10 17.00 21.44 26.17 46.42 53.44 54.25 Cork Orienteerin Cork Orienteering Club
12 Alexander Friedman 8.11 2.59 3.19 6.18 5.01 5.09 18.45 4.53 0.40 Alexander Friedman
asa tel aviv asa tel aviv 8.11 11.10 14.29 20.47 25.48 30.57 49.42 54.35 55.15 asa tel aviv asa tel aviv
13 Jouko Karjalainen 12.43 2.23 3.18 6.50 3.12 5.02 18.51 5.22 0.51 Jouko Karjalainen
Hels.Suunn. Hels.Suunn. 12.43 15.06 18.24 25.14 28.26 33.28 52.19 57.41 58.32 Hels.Suunn. Hels.Suunn.
14 Walter Bieri 5.44 1.58 3.58 7.38 4.38 4.48 24.18 6.32 0.38 Walter Bieri
OLT SLOCH OLT SLOCH 5.44 7.42 11.40 19.18 23.56 28.44 53.02 59.34 1:00.12 OLT SLOCH OLT SLOCH
15 Tony Ludford 8.44 5.36 3.02 5.53 4.48 5.08 21.02 5.31 0.50 Tony Ludford
Basingstoke Ando Basingstoke Andover District O 8.44 14.20 17.22 23.15 28.03 33.11 54.13 59.44 1:00.34 Basingstoke Ando Basingstoke Andover District O
16 Jean-claude Elias 8.14 2.35 4.19 6.01 5.23 4.42 19.58 8.42 0.46 Jean-claude Elias
ACA Aix Provence ACA Aix Provence 8.14 10.49 15.08 21.09 26.32 31.14 51.12 59.54 1:00.40 ACA Aix Provence ACA Aix Provence
17 Errol Pittet 6.56 1.58 5.13 4.56 3.33 4.05 29.32 4.23 0.39 Errol Pittet
OLG Breitsee OLG Breitsee 6.56 8.54 14.07 19.03 22.36 26.41 56.13 1:00.36 1:01.15 OLG Breitsee OLG Breitsee
18 Yann Jequel 7.39 3.29 3.27 6.24 10.30 7.20 18.51 4.30 0.50 Yann Jequel
Nantes Atlantiqu Nantes Atlantique Orientation 7.39 11.08 14.35 20.59 31.29 38.49 57.40 1:02.10 1:03.00 Nantes Atlantiqu Nantes Atlantique Orientation
19 Agustín Pajaro Vouillamoz 7.13 2.08 3.06 6.35 4.49 4.14 21.13 14.33 0.33 Agustín Pajaro Vouillamoz
ADOL ADOL 7.13 9.21 12.27 19.02 23.51 28.05 49.18 1:03.51 1:04.24 ADOL ADOL
20 Jean Michel Dubroca 8.21 2.20 7.01 6.57 4.30 5.18 22.59 8.23 0.49 Jean Michel Dubroca
SAGC Cestas SAGC Cestas 8.21 10.41 17.42 24.39 29.09 34.27 57.26 1:05.49 1:06.38 SAGC Cestas SAGC Cestas
21 Serge Blasco 8.21 2.11 3.18 5.45 5.30 5.35 29.26 5.57 0.40 Serge Blasco
CAC CLUB ATHLETIQUE DE CONDAT 8.21 10.32 13.50 19.35 25.05 30.40 1:00.06 1:06.03 1:06.43 CAC CLUB ATHLETIQUE DE CONDAT
22 Georges Rennotte 10.37 6.18 3.40 4.43 13.21 7.47 15.30 4.47 0.37 Georges Rennotte
Tout Azimut Fame Tout Azimut Fameck 10.37 16.55 20.35 25.18 38.39 46.26 1:01.56 1:06.43 1:07.20 Tout Azimut Fame Tout Azimut Fameck
23 Christian Studer 8.01 2.08 3.56 7.48 13.25 6.04 18.45 6.36 0.52 Christian Studer
OLG Murten OLG Murten 8.01 10.09 14.05 21.53 35.18 41.22 1:00.07 1:06.43 1:07.35 OLG Murten OLG Murten
24 David Mawdsley 15.32 2.39 7.16 5.46 6.05 4.19 20.29 5.18 0.53 David Mawdsley
Manchester and D Manchester and District Orient 15.32 18.11 25.27 31.13 37.18 41.37 1:02.06 1:07.24 1:08.17 Manchester and D Manchester and District Orient
25 Hiroshi Tanaka 9.46 8.27 4.04 10.10 5.01 5.25 24.26 7.11 0.47 Hiroshi Tanaka
Iruma-shi OLC Iruma-shi OLC 9.46 18.13 22.17 32.27 37.28 42.53 1:07.19 1:14.30 1:15.17 Iruma-shi OLC Iruma-shi OLC
26 Henning Løwenstein 21.18 3.10 3.05 6.07 7.13 4.13 23.53 6.08 0.44 Henning Løwenstein
FIF Hilleroed FIF Hilleroed 21.18 24.28 27.33 33.40 40.53 45.06 1:08.59 1:15.07 1:15.51 FIF Hilleroed FIF Hilleroed
27 Doug Edwards 25.22 3.39 3.05 5.47 6.53 5.01 25.16 6.39 0.56 Doug Edwards
Manchester and D Manchester and District Orient 25.22 29.01 32.06 37.53 44.46 49.47 1:15.03 1:21.42 1:22.38 Manchester and D Manchester and District Orient
28 Philippe Pauwels 12.08 2.53 6.55 9.00 11.11 6.35 30.54 6.07 0.38 Philippe Pauwels
TROL Belgium TROL Belgium 12.08 15.01 21.56 30.56 42.07 48.42 1:19.36 1:25.43 1:26.21 TROL Belgium TROL Belgium
29 Gérard Lefrançois 17.27 2.36 3.54 8.51 5.25 18.13 22.09 10.58 0.59 Gérard Lefrançois
A C Beauchamp A C Beauchamp 17.27 20.03 23.57 32.48 38.13 56.26 1:18.35 1:29.33 1:30.32 A C Beauchamp A C Beauchamp
30 Jean Pierre Van Der Cruys 14.20 3.02 5.34 16.14 6.12 6.24 33.53 8.07 1.07 Jean Pierre Van Der Cruys
ASUB Orientation ASUB Orientation 14.20 17.22 22.56 39.10 45.22 51.46 1:25.39 1:33.46 1:34.53 ASUB Orientation ASUB Orientation
31 Joseph Le Guen 7.08 3.36 4.25 26.02 41.01 7.02 25.12 7.23 1.10 Joseph Le Guen
Saint Brieuc Ori Saint Brieuc Orientation 7.08 10.44 15.09 41.11 1:22.12 1:29.14 1:54.26 2:01.49 2:02.59 Saint Brieuc Ori Saint Brieuc Orientation
32 Francis Garros 14.59 4.54 7.55 11.51 16.32 12.33 40.19 22.40 1.16 Francis Garros
COOL Club d'Orientation d'Oxygenati 14.59 19.53 27.48 39.39 56.11 1:08.44 1:49.03 2:11.43 2:12.59 COOL Club d'Orientation d'Oxygenati
33 Guy Coupey 10.31 31.06 30.13 11.26 9.27 11.42 29.32 9.44 1.06 Guy Coupey
Club Orientation Club Orientation Boucles de la 10.31 41.37 1:11.50 1:23.16 1:32.43 1:44.25 2:13.57 2:23.41 2:24.47 Club Orientation Club Orientation Boucles de la
Michel Guiguet 6.48 6.01 4.19 7.46 27.00 6.06 0.57 Michel Guiguet
ACA Aix Provence ACA Aix Provence 6.48 12.49 17.08 24.54 42.04 1:09.04 1:15.10 1:16.07 ACA Aix Provence ACA Aix Provence
Jean Ejsmont Jean Ejsmont
Artois Rand'Orie Artois Rand'Orientation 62 Artois Rand'Orie Artois Rand'Orientation 62