Pos Name S-1 (41) 1-2 (40) 2-3 (35) 3-4 (38) 4-5 (45) 5-6 (46) 6-7 (42) 7-8 (44) 8-9 (53) 9-10 (58) 10-11 (65) 11-12 (63) 12-13 (67) 13-F Name
Club Club
1 David King 4.04 0.32 2.03 2.30 1.51 3.17 3.02 2.14 1.46 4.04 3.32 1.50 5.03 1.28 David King
Wellington 4.04 4.36 6.39 9.09 11.00 14.17 17.19 19.33 21.19 25.23 28.55 30.45 35.48 37.16 Wellington
2 Trevor Batin 5.42 0.44 2.37 2.50 2.36 1.40 3.30 3.27 1.32 4.36 3.45 2.08 3.53 1.11 Trevor Batin
Peninsula and Plains 5.42 6.26 9.03 11.53 14.29 16.09 19.39 23.06 24.38 29.14 32.59 35.07 39.00 40.11 Peninsula and Plains
3 Alister Metherell 5.58 0.35 2.44 3.20 2.13 2.00 3.56 2.11 1.41 3.16 5.45 2.12 5.18 1.37 Alister Metherell
Peninsula and Plains 5.58 6.33 9.17 12.37 14.50 16.50 20.46 22.57 24.38 27.54 33.39 35.51 41.09 42.46 Peninsula and Plains
4 Owen Evans 5.49 0.26 2.08 2.58 2.21 2.02 4.04 2.42 1.57 3.01 10.02 2.10 4.19 1.34 Owen Evans
Peninsula and Plains 5.49 6.15 8.23 11.21 13.42 15.44 19.48 22.30 24.27 27.28 37.30 39.40 43.59 45.33 Peninsula and Plains
5 Dave Shadbolt 6.00 0.53 3.03 3.24 2.44 2.13 4.22 3.25 1.55 3.02 6.05 2.26 4.24 1.40 Dave Shadbolt
Peninsula and Plains 6.00 6.53 9.56 13.20 16.04 18.17 22.39 26.04 27.59 31.01 37.06 39.32 43.56 45.36 Peninsula and Plains
6 Tim Webb 7.38 0.58 3.58 4.00 2.59 2.46 6.13 3.02 2.01 7.11 5.26 3.10 5.29 2.14 Tim Webb
Dunedin 7.38 8.36 12.34 16.34 19.33 22.19 28.32 31.34 33.35 40.46 46.12 49.22 54.51 57.05 Dunedin
7 Dave Armstrong 10.25 1.28 8.52 5.13 4.35 14.36 8.16 5.30 2.46 5.48 14.09 5.55 8.41 3.09 Dave Armstrong
Peninsula and Plains 10.25 11.53 20.45 25.58 30.33 45.09 53.25 58.55 1:01.41 1:07.29 1:21.38 1:27.33 1:36.14 1:39.23 Peninsula and Plains