Pos	Name	S-1 (41)	1-2 (39)	2-3 (36)	3-4 (35)	4-5 (43)	5-6 (50)	6-7 (42)	7-8 (44)	8-9 (58)	9-10 (65)	10-11 (63)	11-12 (79)	12-13 (80)	13-14 (82)	14-15 (83)	15-16 (76)	16-17 (72)	17-18 (70)	18-19 (61)	19-F	Name	
	Club																					Club	
1	Zara Stewart	3.10	1.14	1.15	1.32	3.08	1.50	3.13	1.55	2.44	2.47	1.20	5.57	1.42	2.19	1.05	3.09	1.20	2.33	2.21	0.53	Zara Stewart	
	Auckland	3.10	4.24	5.39	7.11	10.19	12.09	15.22	17.17	20.01	22.48	24.08	30.05	31.47	34.06	35.11	38.20	39.40	42.13	44.34	45.27	Auckland	
2	Katherine Babington	3.42	1.22	1.15	1.28	3.08	2.04	3.14	1.32	2.44	2.35	1.23	5.28	3.02	2.23	1.17	3.20	1.20	3.49	2.41	0.42	Katherine Babington	
	Peninsula and Plains	3.42	5.04	6.19	7.47	10.55	12.59	16.13	17.45	20.29	23.04	24.27	29.55	32.57	35.20	36.37	39.57	41.17	45.06	47.47	48.29	Peninsula and Plains	
3	Anna Babington	3.43	1.22	1.21	1.41	3.13	1.40	4.00	1.30	2.38	2.42	1.45	5.50	2.28	2.41	1.17	3.42	2.05	3.04	3.05	0.38	Anna Babington	
	Peninsula and Plains	3.43	5.05	6.26	8.07	11.20	13.00	17.00	18.30	21.08	23.50	25.35	31.25	33.53	36.34	37.51	41.33	43.38	46.42	49.47	50.25	Peninsula and Plains	
4	Phoebe Hunt	3.41	1.28	1.38	1.51	4.07	2.34	4.35	3.00	3.21	4.11	1.49	7.19	4.24	3.08	1.31	3.31	3.39	4.26	2.50	0.52	Phoebe Hunt	
	Peninsula and Plains	3.41	5.09	6.47	8.38	12.45	15.19	19.54	22.54	26.15	30.26	32.15	39.34	43.58	47.06	48.37	52.08	55.47	1:00.13	1:03.03	1:03.55	Peninsula and Plains	
5	Sofia Toes	6.11	1.50	1.53	2.25	4.05	5.23	5.33	1.55	3.35	7.26	2.20	7.43	2.10	3.46	1.29	7.37	2.04	4.15	3.45	0.58	Sofia Toes	
	Auckland	6.11	8.01	9.54	12.19	16.24	21.47	27.20	29.15	32.50	40.16	42.36	50.19	52.29	56.15	57.44	1:05.21	1:07.25	1:11.40	1:15.25	1:16.23	Auckland	
6	Kyla Moore	4.23	1.45	1.54	1.52	4.59	2.30	5.10	4.52	3.36	10.50	1.49	7.53	2.24	3.23	1.56	4.52	3.19	6.08	3.22	0.52	Kyla Moore	
	Peninsula and Plains	4.23	6.08	8.02	9.54	14.53	17.23	22.33	27.25	31.01	41.51	43.40	51.33	53.57	57.20	59.16	1:04.08	1:07.27	1:13.35	1:16.57	1:17.49	Peninsula and Plains	
	Sam Bixley	4.47	1.40	1.36	2.25	4.00	2.37	5.04	1.57	3.36	11.21	2.32	10.01	4.19			9.05	2.34	3.59	3.23	1.00	Sam Bixley	
	Peninsula and Plains	4.47	6.27	8.03	10.28	14.28	17.05	22.09	24.06	27.42	39.03	41.35	51.36	55.55		59.35	1:08.40	1:11.14	1:15.13	1:18.36	1:19.36	Peninsula and Plains	
	Karin Prince	5.11	2.04	1.58	2.18	5.21	3.26	5.54	3.37	4.19	5.30	2.03										Karin Prince	
	Peninsula and Plains	5.11	7.15	9.13	11.31	16.52	20.18	26.12	29.49	34.08	39.38	41.41										Peninsula and Plains	
	Juliet Freeman																					Juliet Freeman	
	Peninsula and Plains																					Peninsula and Plains