Pos	Name	S-1 (83)	1-2 (82)	2-3 (74)	3-4 (70)	4-5 (67)	5-6 (64)	6-7 (69)	7-8 (53)	8-9 (55)	9-10 (38)	10-11 (39)	11-12 (100)	12-F	Name	
	Club														Club	
1	Bryce Coulter	10.41	0.57	1.15	2.22	1.30	1.33	1.22	2.21	3.35	1.50	2.19	1.31	0.51	Bryce Coulter	
	Peninsula and Plains	10.41	11.38	12.53	15.15	16.45	18.18	19.40	22.01	25.36	27.26	29.45	31.16	32.07	Peninsula and Plains	
2	Jilt Van Keulen	9.35	0.51	1.35	2.56	4.06	1.32	1.31	3.53	1.19	5.33	2.56	0.58	0.37	Jilt Van Keulen	
	Peninsula and Plains	9.35	10.26	12.01	14.57	19.03	20.35	22.06	25.59	27.18	32.51	35.47	36.45	37.22	Peninsula and Plains	
3	Nicky Hogarth	15.22	1.22	1.34	3.01	3.52	1.35	1.30	4.00	1.16	5.43	1.49	1.14	1.49	Nicky Hogarth	
	Peninsula and Plains	15.22	16.44	18.18	21.19	25.11	26.46	28.16	32.16	33.32	39.15	41.04	42.18	44.07	Peninsula and Plains	
4	Sarah Vickers	12.02	1.04	2.00	4.52	10.54	2.25	2.39	4.35	3.09	5.08	3.33	1.57	0.45	Sarah Vickers	
	Peninsula and Plains	12.02	13.06	15.06	19.58	30.52	33.17	35.56	40.31	43.40	48.48	52.21	54.18	55.03	Peninsula and Plains	
5	Valerie Fletcher	8.47	0.47	1.48	3.27	12.03	2.47	11.08	7.04	2.43	3.26	2.36	1.36	0.52	Valerie Fletcher	
	Peninsula and Plains	8.47	9.34	11.22	14.49	26.52	29.39	40.47	47.51	50.34	54.00	56.36	58.12	59.04	Peninsula and Plains	
6	Mark Wehi	15.45	1.24	7.12	12.16	11.06	2.24	2.20	5.52	2.51	11.30	3.09	1.39	1.03	Mark Wehi	
	No Club	15.45	17.09	24.21	36.37	47.43	50.07	52.27	58.19	1:01.10	1:12.40	1:15.49	1:17.28	1:18.31	No Club	
	Helen Dent														Helen Dent	
	Dunedin														Dunedin	
	Marcel Vickers														Marcel Vickers	
	Peninsula and Plains														Peninsula and Plains