Pos	Name	S-1 (127)	1-2 (57)	2-3 (73)	3-4 (182)	4-5 (47)	5-6 (32)	6-7 (33)	7-8 (74)	8-9 (52)	9-10 (54)	10-11 (216)	11-12 (56)	12-13 (201)	13-F	Name	
	Club															Club	
1	Andrei Logvin	5.00	1.49	6.20	8.55	7.49	10.32	4.52	6.31	9.12	6.38	8.31	3.09	1.50	0.51	Andrei Logvin	
	Ukrainian OC (UOC)	5.00	6.49	13.09	22.04	29.53	40.25	45.17	51.48	1:01.00	1:07.38	1:16.09	1:19.18	1:21.08	1:21.59	Ukrainian OC (UOC)	
2	Dirk Hartmann	5.00	3.24	6.44	9.44	10.35	13.25	3.27	7.33	11.57	7.37	5.03	2.59	1.58	1.19	Dirk Hartmann	
	SV Mietraching/ Germany	5.00	8.24	15.08	24.52	35.27	48.52	52.19	59.52	1:11.49	1:19.26	1:24.29	1:27.28	1:29.26	1:30.45	SV Mietraching/ Germany	
3	Stanley Woods	6.01	2.06	8.10	10.47	11.50	12.59	5.18	5.42	11.07	11.07	5.36	3.08	2.00	0.51	Stanley Woods	
	Greater Vancouver OC (GVOC)	6.01	8.07	16.17	27.04	38.54	51.53	57.11	1:02.53	1:14.00	1:25.07	1:30.43	1:33.51	1:35.51	1:36.42	Greater Vancouver OC (GVOC)	
4	Sevastian Irimie	6.46	2.02	9.03	10.31	9.00	13.03	5.54	6.05	19.26	7.24	4.34	3.32	2.09	1.22	Sevastian Irimie	
	Waterloo Stars (STARS)	6.46	8.48	17.51	28.22	37.22	50.25	56.19	1:02.24	1:21.50	1:29.14	1:33.48	1:37.20	1:39.29	1:40.51	Waterloo Stars (STARS)	
5	Stefan Bergstrom	6.13	2.43	12.05	11.57	10.10	13.11	4.18	6.45	12.11	10.03	5.00	3.25	2.02	1.09	Stefan Bergstrom	
	Orienteering Ottawa (OOC)	6.13	8.56	21.01	32.58	43.08	56.19	1:00.37	1:07.22	1:19.33	1:29.36	1:34.36	1:38.01	1:40.03	1:41.12	Orienteering Ottawa (OOC)	
6	Alexander Mazuruc	7.43	2.27	11.18	12.50	10.55	14.50	4.18	11.36	11.29	9.11	4.59	4.05	1.54	1.03	Alexander Mazuruc	
	DontGetLost Adventure Running (DGL)	7.43	10.10	21.28	34.18	45.13	1:00.03	1:04.21	1:15.57	1:27.26	1:36.37	1:41.36	1:45.41	1:47.35	1:48.38	DontGetLost Adventure Running (DGL)	
7	Mitch Collinsworth	7.39	3.02	12.33	14.30	14.10	16.54	5.10	6.38	18.00	15.15	12.52	4.44	2.24	1.15	Mitch Collinsworth	
	Rochester OC (ROC/USA)	7.39	10.41	23.14	37.44	51.54	1:08.48	1:13.58	1:20.36	1:38.36	1:53.51	2:06.43	2:11.27	2:13.51	2:15.06	Rochester OC (ROC/USA)	
8	Michael Minium	7.42	2.41	10.32	12.46	18.31	20.56	5.37	8.34	15.41	15.40	7.22	6.01	2.22	1.13	Michael Minium	
	OC of Cincinnati (OCIN/USA)	7.42	10.23	20.55	33.41	52.12	1:13.08	1:18.45	1:27.19	1:43.00	1:58.40	2:06.02	2:12.03	2:14.25	2:15.38	OC of Cincinnati (OCIN/USA)	
9	Peter Laurich	13.43	2.10	8.54	13.14	19.46	12.32	5.05	18.02	28.17	16.43	7.07	4.03	2.29	1.14	Peter Laurich	
	Orienteering Ottawa (OOC)	13.43	15.53	24.47	38.01	57.47	1:10.19	1:15.24	1:33.26	2:01.43	2:18.26	2:25.33	2:29.36	2:32.05	2:33.19	Orienteering Ottawa (OOC)	
10	Michael Raz	7.16	3.53	12.51	20.18	20.43	16.40	4.49	16.52	18.39	18.01	7.42	4.58	2.07	1.15	Michael Raz	
	Orienteering Ottawa (OOC)	7.16	11.09	24.00	44.18	1:05.01	1:21.41	1:26.30	1:43.22	2:02.01	2:20.02	2:27.44	2:32.42	2:34.49	2:36.04	Orienteering Ottawa (OOC)	
11	Paul Lefebvre	5.55	2.05	7.45	8.57	14.54	17.39	38.27	11.24	22.38	16.45	5.25	4.46	2.06	0.55	Paul Lefebvre	
	Orienteering Ottawa (OOC)	5.55	8.00	15.45	24.42	39.36	57.15	1:35.42	1:47.06	2:09.44	2:26.29	2:31.54	2:36.40	2:38.46	2:39.41	Orienteering Ottawa (OOC)	
12	Raymond Chung	7.48	4.37	14.43	18.53	21.33	17.18	11.08	21.29	13.51	16.46	4.58	4.20	2.25	1.09	Raymond Chung	
	Toronto OC (TOC)	7.48	12.25	27.08	46.01	1:07.34	1:24.52	1:36.00	1:57.29	2:11.20	2:28.06	2:33.04	2:37.24	2:39.49	2:40.58	Toronto OC (TOC)	
13	David Ross	6.47	2.24	9.35	13.49	47.29	17.29	5.03	7.13	18.56	10.45	16.01	9.18	2.10	1.06	David Ross	
	Orienteering New Brunswick (ONB)	6.47	9.11	18.46	32.35	1:20.04	1:37.33	1:42.36	1:49.49	2:08.45	2:19.30	2:35.31	2:44.49	2:46.59	2:48.05	Orienteering New Brunswick (ONB)	
14	Anatoliy Rayda	11.40	4.51	27.28	10.45	18.34	15.02	4.05	24.19	23.25	14.00	14.56	3.58	2.10	1.11	Anatoliy Rayda	
	Ramblers	11.40	16.31	43.59	54.44	1:13.18	1:28.20	1:32.25	1:56.44	2:20.09	2:34.09	2:49.05	2:53.03	2:55.13	2:56.24	Ramblers	
	Patrick Fernet	15.10	26.39	23.35	27.48	44.21								5.40	3.09	Patrick Fernet	
	Ramblers	15.10	41.49	1:05.24	1:33.12	2:17.33							3:06.33	3:12.13	3:15.22	Ramblers	
	Scott Bohle															Scott Bohle	
	Ramblers														1:01.50	Ramblers