Pos	Name	S-1 (132)	1-2 (120)	2-3 (130)	3-4 (143)	4-5 (149)	5-6 (145)	6-7 (126)	7-8 (125)	8-9 (127)	9-10 (128)	10-11 (129)	11-12 (123)	12-F	Name	
	Club														Club	
1	Priscilla Kelley	2.14	7.38	2.26	5.22	5.13	2.11	3.00	0.39	8.07	3.34	3.10	2.50	0.56	Priscilla Kelley	
	OC of Cincinnati	2.14	9.52	12.18	17.40	22.53	25.04	28.04	28.43	36.50	40.24	43.34	46.24	47.20	OC of Cincinnati	
2	Kara Turner	2.34	4.28	3.33	7.46	4.43	2.06	3.45	1.10	9.35	4.40	2.18	3.36	1.08	Kara Turner	
	Orienteering Nova Scotia	2.34	7.02	10.35	18.21	23.04	25.10	28.55	30.05	39.40	44.20	46.38	50.14	51.22	Orienteering Nova Scotia	
3	Marion Owen	4.20	5.27	3.51	7.38	5.41	3.06	3.03	1.04	7.57	5.46	2.07	3.04	0.58	Marion Owen	
	Foothills Wanderers OC	4.20	9.47	13.38	21.16	26.57	30.03	33.06	34.10	42.07	47.53	50.00	53.04	54.02	Foothills Wanderers OC	
4	Sophie Ratermann	7.57	8.14	3.16	7.21	5.27	3.52	3.04	1.07	10.00	6.07	2.31	4.18	2.53	Sophie Ratermann	
	OC of Cincinnati	7.57	16.11	19.27	26.48	32.15	36.07	39.11	40.18	50.18	56.25	58.56	1:03.14	1:06.07	OC of Cincinnati	
5	Elena Logvina	3.10	12.47	8.34	7.54	6.08	2.40	3.44	3.21	10.14	5.18	2.16	3.20	1.05	Elena Logvina	
	Ukrainian OC	3.10	15.57	24.31	32.25	38.33	41.13	44.57	48.18	58.32	1:03.50	1:06.06	1:09.26	1:10.31	Ukrainian OC	
6	Shelagh Pepper	3.44	6.44	6.31	13.17	10.16	3.25	5.34	2.10	14.52	6.28	3.03	5.38	2.16	Shelagh Pepper	
	Waterloo Stars	3.44	10.28	16.59	30.16	40.32	43.57	49.31	51.41	1:06.33	1:13.01	1:16.04	1:21.42	1:23.58	Waterloo Stars	
7	Anastasia Bilous	4.41	10.25	7.00	7.56	26.38	3.02	4.11	1.00	17.05	6.39	8.33	6.32	1.53	Anastasia Bilous	
	Azimut	4.41	15.06	22.06	30.02	56.40	59.42	1:03.53	1:04.53	1:21.58	1:28.37	1:37.10	1:43.42	1:45.35	Azimut	
	Carry me!	8.18	17.29	19.25	14.38	9.00	4.14			28.02	8.38	4.15	8.03	3.09	Carry me!	
	Ramblers	8.18	25.47	45.12	59.50	1:08.50	1:13.04		1:19.16	1:47.18	1:55.56	2:00.11	2:08.14	2:11.23	Ramblers	
	Lorna Guttormson											4.58	8.00	2.54	Lorna Guttormson	
	Orienteering Ottawa		23.57								1:27.14	1:32.12	1:40.12	1:43.06	Orienteering Ottawa	
	Maia Iotzova	5.46	9.36	5.48	16.15	10.23	4.05	6.18	2.00						Maia Iotzova	
	Ramblers	5.46	15.22	21.10	37.25	47.48	51.53	58.11	1:00.11						Ramblers