Pos	Name	S-1 (96)	1-2 (103)	2-3 (102)	3-4 (65)	4-5 (52)	5-6 (53)	6-7 (77)	7-8 (90)	8-9 (72)	9-10 (48)	10-11 (56)	11-12 (94)	12-13 (100)	13-F	Name	
	Club															Club	
1	Yvette Baker	3.55	5.10	1.01	6.36	8.48	1.49	4.54	3.11	3.46	3.06	1.37	8.33	1.57	0.26	Yvette Baker	
	WN Wellington	3.55	9.05	10.06	16.42	25.30	27.19	32.13	35.24	39.10	42.16	43.53	52.26	54.23	54.49	WN Wellington	
2	Jan Harrison	4.17	6.26	1.28	9.26	18.17	3.09	4.56	3.02	5.21	3.18	1.21	8.18	1.56	0.28	Jan Harrison	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	4.17	10.43	12.11	21.37	39.54	43.03	47.59	51.01	56.22	59.40	1:01.01	1:09.19	1:11.15	1:11.43	PP Peninsula and Plains	
3	Sue cooke	5.08	7.35	1.25	8.26	14.30	1.51	4.16	14.57	3.16	4.14	1.47	8.42	2.00	0.24	Sue cooke	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	5.08	12.43	14.08	22.34	37.04	38.55	43.11	58.08	1:01.24	1:05.38	1:07.25	1:16.07	1:18.07	1:18.31	PP Peninsula and Plains	
4	Kay Knightbridge	4.33	6.43	1.49	8.23	22.21	2.14	3.47	5.48	5.09	3.24	2.43	13.21	2.04	0.27	Kay Knightbridge	
	NW North West	4.33	11.16	13.05	21.28	43.49	46.03	49.50	55.38	1:00.47	1:04.11	1:06.54	1:20.15	1:22.19	1:22.46	NW North West	
5	Wendy van den Berg	8.05	9.01	1.56	10.15	18.04	3.56	6.38	4.08	4.06	4.06	3.06	8.43	1.47	0.25	Wendy van den Berg	
	NL Nelson	8.05	17.06	19.02	29.17	47.21	51.17	57.55	1:02.03	1:06.09	1:10.15	1:13.21	1:22.04	1:23.51	1:24.16	NL Nelson	
6	Julia Fettes	6.40	8.30	0.59	8.38	27.48	1.37	5.07	3.20	3.00	3.45	2.08	10.06	2.06	0.33	Julia Fettes	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	6.40	15.10	16.09	24.47	52.35	54.12	59.19	1:02.39	1:05.39	1:09.24	1:11.32	1:21.38	1:23.44	1:24.17	PP Peninsula and Plains	
7	Alexa Troedson	5.31	7.29	3.58	8.11	23.31	2.06	6.43	4.50	3.33	5.33	2.00	10.02	1.52	0.26	Alexa Troedson	
	AUS Big Foot Orienteers	5.31	13.00	16.58	25.09	48.40	50.46	57.29	1:02.19	1:05.52	1:11.25	1:13.25	1:23.27	1:25.19	1:25.45	AUS Big Foot Orienteers	
8	Suzanne Stolberger	11.02	7.34	1.45	9.03	22.29	2.13	4.22	5.18	6.26	4.33	2.14	8.09	1.45	0.27	Suzanne Stolberger	
	NW North West	11.02	18.36	20.21	29.24	51.53	54.06	58.28	1:03.46	1:10.12	1:14.45	1:16.59	1:25.08	1:26.53	1:27.20	NW North West	
9	Chris Rowe	10.31	10.11	1.51	10.21	15.54	4.37	5.31	4.04	4.23	5.15	3.32	9.31	2.15	0.31	Chris Rowe	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	10.31	20.42	22.33	32.54	48.48	53.25	58.56	1:03.00	1:07.23	1:12.38	1:16.10	1:25.41	1:27.56	1:28.27	PP Peninsula and Plains	
10	Megan Hall	6.33	9.03	2.49	15.51	23.45	1.55	7.16	4.20	4.31	4.42	2.10	9.27	2.01	0.35	Megan Hall	
	DN Dunedin	6.33	15.36	18.25	34.16	58.01	59.56	1:07.12	1:11.32	1:16.03	1:20.45	1:22.55	1:32.22	1:34.23	1:34.58	DN Dunedin	
11	Lisa Kane	9.20	7.01	2.26	18.14	24.40	3.06	4.45	6.15	6.10	3.32	2.12	10.31	1.42	0.34	Lisa Kane	
	MB Marlborough	9.20	16.21	18.47	37.01	1:01.41	1:04.47	1:09.32	1:15.47	1:21.57	1:25.29	1:27.41	1:38.12	1:39.54	1:40.28	MB Marlborough	
12	Bronwyn Rosie	6.35	13.47	2.09	17.03	15.17	3.34	6.10	4.02	4.21	14.22	2.10	10.57	1.59	0.29	Bronwyn Rosie	
	AK Auckland	6.35	20.22	22.31	39.34	54.51	58.25	1:04.35	1:08.37	1:12.58	1:27.20	1:29.30	1:40.27	1:42.26	1:42.55	AK Auckland	
13	Julia Moore	5.45	15.25	1.40	10.22	27.21	2.05	9.05	5.14	3.17	5.00	2.28	16.59	1.44	0.33	Julia Moore	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	5.45	21.10	22.50	33.12	1:00.33	1:02.38	1:11.43	1:16.57	1:20.14	1:25.14	1:27.42	1:44.41	1:46.25	1:46.58	PP Peninsula and Plains	
14	Libby Mcleay	10.48	10.06	2.52	15.28	26.05	7.10	13.16	6.51	9.19	6.32	2.47	13.39	2.53	0.27	Libby Mcleay	
	AK Auckland	10.48	20.54	23.46	39.14	1:05.19	1:12.29	1:25.45	1:32.36	1:41.55	1:48.27	1:51.14	2:04.53	2:07.46	2:08.13	AK Auckland	
15	Carmen Fookes	7.45	41.19	1.30	13.03	20.59	4.40	18.34	3.16	3.13	4.09	2.47	16.00	1.42	0.25	Carmen Fookes	
	DN Dunedin	7.45	49.04	50.34	1:03.37	1:24.36	1:29.16	1:47.50	1:51.06	1:54.19	1:58.28	2:01.15	2:17.15	2:18.57	2:19.22	DN Dunedin	
16	Monique Dean	9.57	23.35	2.05	22.41	49.42	2.21	7.06	6.44	5.04	5.28	3.15	14.38	2.39	0.30	Monique Dean	
	AK Auckland	9.57	33.32	35.37	58.18	1:48.00	1:50.21	1:57.27	2:04.11	2:09.15	2:14.43	2:17.58	2:32.36	2:35.15	2:35.45	AK Auckland	
17	Margaret Kertesz	24.03	12.15	4.16	17.37	51.26	3.24	36.23	8.57	10.12	11.04	5.59	19.58	3.40	0.36	Margaret Kertesz	
	AUS Eureka	24.03	36.18	40.34	58.11	1:49.37	1:53.01	2:29.24	2:38.21	2:48.33	2:59.37	3:05.36	3:25.34	3:29.14	3:29.50	AUS Eureka	
	Alison Comer	7.22							5.48	6.23	8.45	4.51	17.20	2.48	0.32	Alison Comer	
	AK Auckland	7.22						38.32	44.20	50.43	59.28	1:04.19	1:21.39	1:24.27	1:24.59	AK Auckland	
	Jane Clifford	10.12	6.55	1.45	9.55	15.13	1.41	9.20	4.28			2.12	9.32	1.55	0.26	Jane Clifford	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	10.12	17.07	18.52	28.47	44.00	45.41	55.01	59.29		1:10.58	1:13.10	1:22.42	1:24.37	1:25.03	PP Peninsula and Plains	
	Katharine Webb	14.09	15.13	3.03	23.27	1:04.40	3.49								1.06	Katharine Webb	
	DN Dunedin	14.09	29.22	32.25	55.52	2:00.32	2:04.21							3:14.45	3:15.51	DN Dunedin	
	Mary Wadsworth															Mary Wadsworth	
	AK Auckland															AK Auckland	
	Christine Browne															Christine Browne	
	BP Bay of Plenty															BP Bay of Plenty