Pos	Name	S-1 (113)	1-2 (112)	2-3 (108)	3-4 (74)	4-5 (72)	5-6 (49)	6-7 (40)	7-8 (51)	8-9 (59)	9-10 (88)	10-11 (100)	11-F	Name	
	Club													Club	
1	Fletcher Kopua	1.18	0.48	2.13	3.50	1.22	1.52	2.43	2.20	1.22	3.28	1.28	0.19	Fletcher Kopua	
	MB Marlborough	1.18	2.06	4.19	8.09	9.31	11.23	14.06	16.26	17.48	21.16	22.44	23.03	MB Marlborough	
2	Odin Hyink	1.27	0.47	2.46	4.08	1.07	2.50	3.23	2.17	1.39	4.32	1.41	0.22	Odin Hyink	
	DN Dunedin	1.27	2.14	5.00	9.08	10.15	13.05	16.28	18.45	20.24	24.56	26.37	26.59	DN Dunedin	
3	James Wright	1.14	0.44	6.19	3.44	1.01	1.58	3.29	2.18	1.43	3.04	1.38	0.20	James Wright	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	1.14	1.58	8.17	12.01	13.02	15.00	18.29	20.47	22.30	25.34	27.12	27.32	PP Peninsula and Plains	
4	Leo Croxford	2.19	1.03	4.10	5.01	1.02	2.27	5.02	2.43	2.19	4.41	2.06	0.24	Leo Croxford	
	NL Nelson	2.19	3.22	7.32	12.33	13.35	16.02	21.04	23.47	26.06	30.47	32.53	33.17	NL Nelson	
5	Tarras Learmonth	1.37	0.57	3.02	5.01	1.33	2.26	3.12	1.54	1.32	10.50	1.26	0.21	Tarras Learmonth	
	DN Dunedin	1.37	2.34	5.36	10.37	12.10	14.36	17.48	19.42	21.14	32.04	33.30	33.51	DN Dunedin	
6	Max Franks	1.48	1.26	4.59	5.40	1.08	7.23	4.48	2.50	2.21	3.52	1.44	0.24	Max Franks	
	HB Hawke's Bay	1.48	3.14	8.13	13.53	15.01	22.24	27.12	30.02	32.23	36.15	37.59	38.23	HB Hawke's Bay	
7	Nicholas Schollum	1.30	2.17	4.22	5.59	1.32	3.32	3.51	2.33	2.46	9.55	1.56	0.23	Nicholas Schollum	
	DN Dunedin	1.30	3.47	8.09	14.08	15.40	19.12	23.03	25.36	28.22	38.17	40.13	40.36	DN Dunedin	
8	Leo O'Neill	6.27	1.27	5.13	8.04	1.39	4.56	6.03	4.21	3.07	5.16	3.28	0.51	Leo O'Neill	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	6.27	7.54	13.07	21.11	22.50	27.46	33.49	38.10	41.17	46.33	50.01	50.52	PP Peninsula and Plains	
9	Torin Stephens	3.50	3.03	8.20	8.43	3.30	5.04	6.49	4.39	2.34	5.30	2.00	0.28	Torin Stephens	
	. Non-member	3.50	6.53	15.13	23.56	27.26	32.30	39.19	43.58	46.32	52.02	54.02	54.30	. Non-member	
	Thomas Zinzan dickie													Thomas Zinzan dickie	
	PP Peninsula and Plains													PP Peninsula and Plains