Pos	Name	S-1 (135)	1-2 (134)	2-3 (101)	3-4 (103)	4-5 (111)	5-6 (114)	6-7 (116)	7-8 (159)	8-9 (182)	9-10 (180)	10-11 (157)	11-12 (140)	12-13 (133)	13-14 (132)	14-15 (154)	15-16 (170)	16-17 (175)	17-18 (177)	18-19 (179)	19-20 (178)	20-21 (173)	21-22 (158)	22-23 (156)	23-24 (152)	24-25 (162)	25-26 (163)	26-27 (153)	27-28 (166)	28-29 (167)	29-F	Name	
	Club																															Club	
1	Thomas Reynolds	2.26	0.37	5.55	0.38	1.36	1.03	2.39	3.33	11.19	3.01	15.41	2.25	1.59	2.22	5.33	3.57	7.21	3.06	4.45	2.22	6.20	11.21	0.49	12.27	1.28	1.22	1.23	0.32	0.26	0.35	Thomas Reynolds	
	NZL-NW North West	2.26	3.03	8.58	9.36	11.12	12.15	14.54	18.27	29.46	32.47	48.28	50.53	52.52	55.14	1:00.47	1:04.44	1:12.05	1:15.11	1:19.56	1:22.18	1:28.38	1:39.59	1:40.48	1:53.15	1:54.43	1:56.05	1:57.28	1:58.00	1:58.26	1:59.01	NZL-NW North West	
2	James Bradshaw	2.35	0.36	6.38	0.37	1.44	1.08	2.53	3.41	14.05	2.55	16.30	2.21	1.33	1.35	4.35	4.26	6.46	2.43	5.45	2.45	8.08	9.46	0.45	13.30	1.32	1.21	2.03	0.34	0.25	0.36	James Bradshaw	
	NZL-CM Counties Manakau	2.35	3.11	9.49	10.26	12.10	13.18	16.11	19.52	33.57	36.52	53.22	55.43	57.16	58.51	1:03.26	1:07.52	1:14.38	1:17.21	1:23.06	1:25.51	1:33.59	1:43.45	1:44.30	1:58.00	1:59.32	2:00.53	2:02.56	2:03.30	2:03.55	2:04.31	NZL-CM Counties Manakau	
3	Carsten Joergensen	2.42	0.37	5.56	0.37	1.42	1.06	3.13	3.39	13.20	3.28	17.09	2.29	1.26	1.23	5.16	4.24	7.10	3.01	6.25	2.56	7.05	9.46	0.55	12.58	1.29	1.08	2.00	0.34	0.26	0.36	Carsten Joergensen	
	NZL-PP Peninsula and Plains	2.42	3.19	9.15	9.52	11.34	12.40	15.53	19.32	32.52	36.20	53.29	55.58	57.24	58.47	1:04.03	1:08.27	1:15.37	1:18.38	1:25.03	1:27.59	1:35.04	1:44.50	1:45.45	1:58.43	2:00.12	2:01.20	2:03.20	2:03.54	2:04.20	2:04.56	NZL-PP Peninsula and Plains	
4	Nick Barrable	2.33	0.36	6.36	0.41	1.40	1.11	3.33	3.48	14.54	3.11	17.33	2.21	2.10	3.07	5.16	4.41	7.54	3.35	5.25	3.36	8.02	10.18	1.24	12.15	1.37	1.16	1.30	0.36	0.26	0.39	Nick Barrable	
	GBR Great Britain	2.33	3.09	9.45	10.26	12.06	13.17	16.50	20.38	35.32	38.43	56.16	58.37	1:00.47	1:03.54	1:09.10	1:13.51	1:21.45	1:25.20	1:30.45	1:34.21	1:42.23	1:52.41	1:54.05	2:06.20	2:07.57	2:09.13	2:10.43	2:11.19	2:11.45	2:12.24	GBR Great Britain	
5	Fredrik Eliasson	2.35	0.36	9.04	0.37	1.42	1.08	2.43	3.55	16.04	2.52	17.24	2.53	1.32	1.18	4.04	4.33	7.12	3.03	4.46	2.46	6.45	10.37	0.57	14.36	2.13	1.47	2.35	0.43	0.35	0.55	Fredrik Eliasson	
	NOR-HAL Halden SK	2.35	3.11	12.15	12.52	14.34	15.42	18.25	22.20	38.24	41.16	58.40	1:01.33	1:03.05	1:04.23	1:08.27	1:13.00	1:20.12	1:23.15	1:28.01	1:30.47	1:37.32	1:48.09	1:49.06	2:03.42	2:05.55	2:07.42	2:10.17	2:11.00	2:11.35	2:12.30	NOR-HAL Halden SK	
6	Toby Scott	3.13	0.37	5.58	0.38	1.47	1.18	2.50	4.01	13.12	2.57	17.52	2.48	1.53	1.46	5.23	4.44	8.22	3.22	5.46	3.27	8.23	11.33	1.02	12.48	1.51	1.15	1.56	0.47	0.49	0.43	Toby Scott	
	NZL-AK Auckland	3.13	3.50	9.48	10.26	12.13	13.31	16.21	20.22	33.34	36.31	54.23	57.11	59.04	1:00.50	1:06.13	1:10.57	1:19.19	1:22.41	1:28.27	1:31.54	1:40.17	1:51.50	1:52.52	2:05.40	2:07.31	2:08.46	2:10.42	2:11.29	2:12.18	2:13.01	NZL-AK Auckland	
7	Jan Troeng	2.24	0.41	7.29	0.37	1.38	1.05	2.39	4.24	12.52	2.28	16.11	2.26	1.32	1.29	4.08	4.14	7.36	3.25	8.06	3.13	9.31	12.45	1.05	14.22	1.58	1.29	2.08	1.03	0.30	0.43	Jan Troeng	
	SWE-LIN OK Linne	2.24	3.05	10.34	11.11	12.49	13.54	16.33	20.57	33.49	36.17	52.28	54.54	56.26	57.55	1:02.03	1:06.17	1:13.53	1:17.18	1:25.24	1:28.37	1:38.08	1:50.53	1:51.58	2:06.20	2:08.18	2:09.47	2:11.55	2:12.58	2:13.28	2:14.11	SWE-LIN OK Linne	
8	Jakob Andersson	3.08	0.36	7.22	0.42	1.41	1.11	2.31	4.22	15.52	3.00	18.15	2.03	1.32	2.05	5.59	5.27	8.45	3.36	8.18	3.08	8.18	11.45	1.10	14.48	1.47	1.30	2.28	0.35	0.27	0.32	Jakob Andersson	
	SWE-BRE Bredaryds SOK	3.08	3.44	11.06	11.48	13.29	14.40	17.11	21.33	37.25	40.25	58.40	1:00.43	1:02.15	1:04.20	1:10.19	1:15.46	1:24.31	1:28.07	1:36.25	1:39.33	1:47.51	1:59.36	2:00.46	2:15.34	2:17.21	2:18.51	2:21.19	2:21.54	2:22.21	2:22.53	SWE-BRE Bredaryds SOK	
9	Lachlan Hallett	2.59	0.42	8.13	1.05	1.51	1.21	3.56	3.52	14.09	3.05	17.44	2.48	1.49	1.39	6.52	6.01	8.45	3.20	6.02	3.14	8.29	14.31	1.00	12.49	1.48	1.20	1.56	0.40	0.30	0.29	Lachlan Hallett	
	SA-TE Top End Orienteers	2.59	3.41	11.54	12.59	14.50	16.11	20.07	23.59	38.08	41.13	58.57	1:01.45	1:03.34	1:05.13	1:12.05	1:18.06	1:26.51	1:30.11	1:36.13	1:39.27	1:47.56	2:02.27	2:03.27	2:16.16	2:18.04	2:19.24	2:21.20	2:22.00	2:22.30	2:22.59	SA-TE Top End Orienteers	
10	Nick Mead	3.29	0.35	8.22	0.52	1.46	1.14	2.59	3.45	15.27	3.32	20.09	2.29	2.26	1.41	7.19	5.22	7.56	4.08	6.26	3.02	7.51	10.51	0.51	14.02	1.33	2.45	2.00	0.39	0.26	0.36	Nick Mead	
	NZL-NW North West	3.29	4.04	12.26	13.18	15.04	16.18	19.17	23.02	38.29	42.01	1:02.10	1:04.39	1:07.05	1:08.46	1:16.05	1:21.27	1:29.23	1:33.31	1:39.57	1:42.59	1:50.50	2:01.41	2:02.32	2:16.34	2:18.07	2:20.52	2:22.52	2:23.31	2:23.57	2:24.33	NZL-NW North West	
11	Jason Markham	3.11	0.40	7.16	0.42	1.59	1.18	3.00	4.23	14.40	3.29	17.17	2.46	2.00	1.55	4.40	4.50	7.57	6.46	7.44	5.15	8.04	16.45	1.11	18.36	1.54	1.33	2.15	0.40	0.32	0.45	Jason Markham	
	NZL-HV Hutt Valley	3.11	3.51	11.07	11.49	13.48	15.06	18.06	22.29	37.09	40.38	57.55	1:00.41	1:02.41	1:04.36	1:09.16	1:14.06	1:22.03	1:28.49	1:36.33	1:41.48	1:49.52	2:06.37	2:07.48	2:26.24	2:28.18	2:29.51	2:32.06	2:32.46	2:33.18	2:34.03	NZL-HV Hutt Valley	
12	Ryan Batin	3.20	0.41	7.12	0.59	1.55	1.23	3.01	4.44	17.49	5.03	17.52	2.43	1.47	1.44	8.03	6.12	9.59	4.01	9.17	3.03	9.14	11.37	1.02	16.40	1.50	1.52	2.09	0.41	0.26	0.28	Ryan Batin	
	NZL-PP Peninsula and Plains	3.20	4.01	11.13	12.12	14.07	15.30	18.31	23.15	41.04	46.07	1:03.59	1:06.42	1:08.29	1:10.13	1:18.16	1:24.28	1:34.27	1:38.28	1:47.45	1:50.48	2:00.02	2:11.39	2:12.41	2:29.21	2:31.11	2:33.03	2:35.12	2:35.53	2:36.19	2:36.47	NZL-PP Peninsula and Plains	
13	Kasimir Gregory	2.47	0.38	6.16	0.41	1.41	1.13	3.12	4.32	15.18	3.55	22.22	3.14	2.05	1.29	5.31	5.13	9.23	4.04	7.35	3.30	11.37	14.26	1.13	17.26	1.54	1.41	2.30	0.48	0.30	0.38	Kasimir Gregory	
	NSW-NT Northern Tablelands Orienteeri	2.47	3.25	9.41	10.22	12.03	13.16	16.28	21.00	36.18	40.13	1:02.35	1:05.49	1:07.54	1:09.23	1:14.54	1:20.07	1:29.30	1:33.34	1:41.09	1:44.39	1:56.16	2:10.42	2:11.55	2:29.21	2:31.15	2:32.56	2:35.26	2:36.14	2:36.44	2:37.22	NSW-NT Northern Tablelands Orienteeri	
14	Morten Neve	3.23	0.43	7.37	0.54	1.58	1.24	3.03	4.26	18.45	4.32	20.06	2.38	3.28	2.43	5.58	5.09	9.50	4.05	6.07	3.44	9.27	13.22	1.31	14.56	1.50	1.24	2.29	0.50	0.28	0.39	Morten Neve	
	VIC-MF Melbourne Forest Racers	3.23	4.06	11.43	12.37	14.35	15.59	19.02	23.28	42.13	46.45	1:06.51	1:09.29	1:12.57	1:15.40	1:21.38	1:26.47	1:36.37	1:40.42	1:46.49	1:50.33	2:00.00	2:13.22	2:14.53	2:29.49	2:31.39	2:33.03	2:35.32	2:36.22	2:36.50	2:37.29	VIC-MF Melbourne Forest Racers	
15	Riki Cambridge	3.23	0.43	7.58	0.55	1.51	1.24	3.41	5.12	15.16	5.35	21.41	2.31	2.02	1.55	8.24	5.01	12.28	3.59	6.20	3.22	7.39	11.44	1.14	15.57	1.58	1.28	2.04	0.50	0.29	0.32	Riki Cambridge	
	NZL-PP Peninsula and Plains	3.23	4.06	12.04	12.59	14.50	16.14	19.55	25.07	40.23	45.58	1:07.39	1:10.10	1:12.12	1:14.07	1:22.31	1:27.32	1:40.00	1:43.59	1:50.19	1:53.41	2:01.20	2:13.04	2:14.18	2:30.15	2:32.13	2:33.41	2:35.45	2:36.35	2:37.04	2:37.36	NZL-PP Peninsula and Plains	
16	Todd Oates	2.40	0.41	8.18	0.42	1.39	1.15	2.47	4.20	16.05	5.15	19.56	3.27	3.05	2.42	6.52	5.24	9.44	13.29	5.51	3.46	8.48	14.00	1.32	17.44	2.12	1.44	3.02	0.45	0.32	0.45	Todd Oates	
	GBR Great Britain	2.40	3.21	11.39	12.21	14.00	15.15	18.02	22.22	38.27	43.42	1:03.38	1:07.05	1:10.10	1:12.52	1:19.44	1:25.08	1:34.52	1:48.21	1:54.12	1:57.58	2:06.46	2:20.46	2:22.18	2:40.02	2:42.14	2:43.58	2:47.00	2:47.45	2:48.17	2:49.02	GBR Great Britain	
17	Keith Agmen	3.48	1.18	7.42	0.53	2.09	1.53	3.47	5.56	23.12	4.46	23.32	2.47	2.25	1.42	6.29	6.05	9.47	4.00	6.09	4.01	8.25	15.08	1.21	17.27	2.26	1.51	2.49	0.41	0.33	0.43	Keith Agmen	
	NZL-NL Nelson	3.48	5.06	12.48	13.41	15.50	17.43	21.30	27.26	50.38	55.24	1:18.56	1:21.43	1:24.08	1:25.50	1:32.19	1:38.24	1:48.11	1:52.11	1:58.20	2:02.21	2:10.46	2:25.54	2:27.15	2:44.42	2:47.08	2:48.59	2:51.48	2:52.29	2:53.02	2:53.45	NZL-NL Nelson	
18	Martin Peat	3.18	0.41	7.27	0.41	2.00	1.40	3.45	4.52	18.13	4.13	24.21	3.29	2.00	2.34	9.35	6.12	11.05	4.54	7.34	4.20	12.26	15.31	1.07	23.06	2.52	2.02	3.21	0.43	0.35	0.42	Martin Peat	
	NZL-CM Counties Manakau	3.18	3.59	11.26	12.07	14.07	15.47	19.32	24.24	42.37	46.50	1:11.11	1:14.40	1:16.40	1:19.14	1:28.49	1:35.01	1:46.06	1:51.00	1:58.34	2:02.54	2:15.20	2:30.51	2:31.58	2:55.04	2:57.56	2:59.58	3:03.19	3:04.02	3:04.37	3:05.19	NZL-CM Counties Manakau	
	Matthias Kyburz	3.20	0.30	6.16	0.42	1.49	1.14	2.55	4.01	13.42	2.59																				0.44	Matthias Kyburz	
	SUI Switzerland	3.20	3.50	10.06	10.48	12.37	13.51	16.46	20.47	34.29	37.28																			49.36	50.20	SUI Switzerland	
	Baptiste Rollier	2.59	0.38	6.34	0.44	1.57	1.16	3.01	4.07																						0.45	Baptiste Rollier	
	SUI Switzerland	2.59	3.37	10.11	10.55	12.52	14.08	17.09	21.16			43.29				47.28														58.31	59.16	SUI Switzerland	
	Jan Procházka	2.54	0.27	5.51	0.41	1.32	1.14	2.30	3.33	12.54	2.47	16.32	1.52	1.30	1.44	5.46	4.15	7.00	2.55	5.24	2.52	7.40					1.09	1.27	0.35	0.29	0.43	Jan Procházka	
	CZE Czech Republic	2.54	3.21	9.12	9.53	11.25	12.39	15.09	18.42	31.36	34.23	50.55	52.47	54.17	56.01	1:01.47	1:06.02	1:13.02	1:15.57	1:21.21	1:24.13	1:31.53				1:40.35	1:41.44	1:43.11	1:43.46	1:44.15	1:44.58	CZE Czech Republic	
	Antti Parjanne	6.47	0.36	5.48	0.43	2.01	1.10	2.32	3.42	12.42	3.24	16.26	2.20	3.42	4.26	5.40	3.50	6.42	2.56	6.49	3.22	6.31					1.16	1.49	0.32	0.31	0.40	Antti Parjanne	
	FIN-LYN Lynx	6.47	7.23	13.11	13.54	15.55	17.05	19.37	23.19	36.01	39.25	55.51	58.11	1:01.53	1:06.19	1:11.59	1:15.49	1:22.31	1:25.27	1:32.16	1:35.38	1:42.09				1:52.19	1:53.35	1:55.24	1:55.56	1:56.27	1:57.07	FIN-LYN Lynx	
	Oscar Bjorck	2.59	0.38	6.26	0.40	2.01	1.18	3.08	4.42	16.54	5.02	17.12	2.37	1.55	5.39			8.11	5.10	5.56	2.55	7.59	10.55	1.02	12.54	1.43	1.40	2.16	0.35	0.28	0.40	Oscar Bjorck	
	SWE-ALM OK Alme	2.59	3.37	10.03	10.43	12.44	14.02	17.10	21.52	38.46	43.48	1:01.00	1:03.37	1:05.32	1:11.11		1:21.59	1:30.10	1:35.20	1:41.16	1:44.11	1:52.10	2:03.05	2:04.07	2:17.01	2:18.44	2:20.24	2:22.40	2:23.15	2:23.43	2:24.23	SWE-ALM OK Alme	
	Yannick Michiels	5.01	0.35	7.00	0.44	1.53	1.06	3.00	4.24																							Yannick Michiels	
	BEL-BT Belgium Team	5.01	5.36	12.36	13.20	15.13	16.19	19.19	23.43																						34.25	BEL-BT Belgium Team	
	Olav Lundanes	2.12	0.30	5.16	0.32	1.24	1.02	2.30	3.02	14.34	2.15																					Olav Lundanes	
	NOR Norway	2.12	2.42	7.58	8.30	9.54	10.56	13.26	16.28	31.02	33.17																				38.48	NOR Norway	
	Joshua Blatchford	2.55	0.41	8.11	0.39	1.51	1.23																								0.46	Joshua Blatchford	
	NSW-NC Newcastle Orienteering Club	2.55	3.36	11.47	12.26	14.17	15.40		24.37																					40.11	40.57	NSW-NC Newcastle Orienteering Club	
	Chris Forne	2.31	0.39	5.47	0.41	1.42	1.08	2.41	3.26	13.14	2.50																					Chris Forne	
	NZL-PP Peninsula and Plains	2.31	3.10	8.57	9.38	11.20	12.28	15.09	18.35	31.49	34.39																				42.52	NZL-PP Peninsula and Plains	
	Matthias Müller	3.15	0.34	6.31	0.43	1.55	1.18	2.55	4.41	13.33	3.18																					Matthias Müller	
	SUI Switzerland	3.15	3.49	10.20	11.03	12.58	14.16	17.11	21.52	35.25	38.43																				43.08	SUI Switzerland	
	Rob Preston	2.37	0.34	6.54	0.45	1.41	1.08	2.34	3.32	14.14	3.47																					Rob Preston	
	NSW-NC Newcastle Orienteering Club	2.37	3.11	10.05	10.50	12.31	13.39	16.13	19.45	33.59	37.46																				46.16	NSW-NC Newcastle Orienteering Club	
	Tane Cambridge	2.37	0.41	6.28	0.43	1.47	1.13	3.59	4.08	14.51	4.07																				0.39	Tane Cambridge	
	NZL-PP Peninsula and Plains	2.37	3.18	9.46	10.29	12.16	13.29	17.28	21.36	36.27	40.34																			45.39	46.18	NZL-PP Peninsula and Plains	
	Rhys Findlay-Robinson	2.56	0.36	6.44	0.38	1.45	1.10	2.55	4.25																							Rhys Findlay-Robinson	
	GBR Great Britain	2.56	3.32	10.16	10.54	12.39	13.49	16.44	21.09																						46.42	GBR Great Britain	
	Lachlan Dow	2.50	0.40	5.45	0.36	1.40	1.04	2.36	3.36	14.09	3.57																					Lachlan Dow	
	ACT-BS Bushflyers ACT	2.50	3.30	9.15	9.51	11.31	12.35	15.11	18.47	32.56	36.53																				47.38	ACT-BS Bushflyers ACT	
	Andreas Kyburz	2.38	0.40	8.10	0.44	2.02	1.19	4.15	4.21	12.11	3.25																				0.53	Andreas Kyburz	
	SUI Switzerland	2.38	3.18	11.28	12.12	14.14	15.33	19.48	24.09	36.20	39.45																			47.02	47.55	SUI Switzerland	
	Martin Hubmann	3.10	0.34	7.15	0.50	1.57											4.43														0.48	Martin Hubmann	
	SUI Switzerland	3.10	3.44	10.59	11.49	13.46										26.28	31.11													48.28	49.16	SUI Switzerland	
	Fabian Hertner	3.11	0.30	7.49	1.20	1.50	1.12							1.36	1.43																	Fabian Hertner	
	SUI Switzerland	3.11	3.41	11.30	12.50	14.40	15.52						24.45	26.21	28.04																49.34	SUI Switzerland	
	Matt Ogden	2.37	0.33	7.14	0.45	1.51	1.20	3.09	4.31	14.56	3.34																					Matt Ogden	
	NZL-NW North West	2.37	3.10	10.24	11.09	13.00	14.20	17.29	22.00	36.56	40.30																				52.11	NZL-NW North West	
	Julian Dent																															Julian Dent	
	NSW-CC Central Coast Orienteers																														57.31	NSW-CC Central Coast Orienteers	
	Will Critchley	2.52	0.46	7.31	0.38	2.47	1.14	2.55	7.36	22.36	6.47																					Will Critchley	
	CAN-EOOC Edmonton Overlanders Orienteer	2.52	3.38	11.09	11.47	14.34	15.48	18.43	26.19	48.55	55.42																				1:01.58	CAN-EOOC Edmonton Overlanders Orienteer	
	Simon Jager	3.21	0.36	11.48	0.39	2.03	1.42	3.46	7.30	15.35	10.36																					Simon Jager	
	NZL-AK Auckland	3.21	3.57	15.45	16.24	18.27	20.09	23.55	31.25	47.00	57.36																				1:04.27	NZL-AK Auckland	
	Raffael Huber	3.55	0.35	7.23	0.45	1.50	1.16	2.54	4.08	13.19	3.55																					Raffael Huber	
	SUI Switzerland	3.55	4.30	11.53	12.38	14.28	15.44	18.38	22.46	36.05	40.00																				1:06.38	SUI Switzerland	
	Matthias Merz	2.37	0.32	6.34	0.55	1.58	1.26								2.42	4.35	5.22	6.58	3.20								1.26	1.40	0.35	0.28	0.47	Matthias Merz	
	SUI Switzerland	2.37	3.09	9.43	10.38	12.36	14.02							23.16	25.58	30.33	35.55	42.53	46.13			54.15				1:03.10	1:04.36	1:06.16	1:06.51	1:07.19	1:08.06	SUI Switzerland	
	John Nieuwenhoven	4.10	1.02	10.17	1.01	3.09	2.07	4.30	7.58	22.36	5.55																					John Nieuwenhoven	
	SA-TT Tintookies Orienteers	4.10	5.12	15.29	16.30	19.39	21.46	26.16	34.14	56.50	1:02.45																				1:09.06	SA-TT Tintookies Orienteers	
	Tyson Hillyard	4.49	1.05	10.47	0.58	3.27	2.07	4.44	7.16																							Tyson Hillyard	
	SA-TJ Tjuringa Orienteers	4.49	5.54	16.41	17.39	21.06	23.13	27.57	35.13		1:05.30																				1:14.22	SA-TJ Tjuringa Orienteers	
	Rasmus Thrane Hansen	3.28	0.41	9.32	0.43	1.55	1.49																								0.25	Rasmus Thrane Hansen	
	DEN Denmark	3.28	4.09	13.41	14.24	16.19	18.08					39.16							56.17											1:16.58	1:17.23	DEN Denmark	
	Jan Šedivý	2.30	0.38	5.46	0.38	1.36	1.03	2.44	4.56	15.30	3.02	17.24	3.30	2.02	1.48	5.00															0.50	Jan Šedivý	
	CZE Czech Republic	2.30	3.08	8.54	9.32	11.08	12.11	14.55	19.51	35.21	38.23	55.47	59.17	1:01.19	1:03.07	1:08.07														1:21.20	1:22.10	CZE Czech Republic	
	Carl Waaler Kaas	2.11	0.31	5.03	0.38	1.32	1.01	2.14	3.35	11.02	2.29							7.05	3.31													Carl Waaler Kaas	
	NOR Norway	2.11	2.42	7.45	8.23	9.55	10.56	13.10	16.45	27.47	30.16						43.52	50.57	54.28												1:35.12	NOR Norway	
	Eric Hansson	3.19	0.36	16.14	0.47	1.49	1.08	2.50	8.40	26.29	2.23	16.46	2.06	1.50	2.58																0.55	Eric Hansson	
	SWE-HAK IK HP	3.19	3.55	20.09	20.56	22.45	23.53	26.43	35.23	1:01.52	1:04.15	1:21.01	1:23.07	1:24.57	1:27.55															1:59.30	2:00.25	SWE-HAK IK HP	
	Alexander Voloshko	3.17	0.34	10.32	0.54	2.13	1.34	5.42	5.06	20.47	4.49	30.32	4.28	2.16	2.22																0.53	Alexander Voloshko	
	RUS Russia	3.17	3.51	14.23	15.17	17.30	19.04	24.46	29.52	50.39	55.28	1:26.00	1:30.28	1:32.44	1:35.06															2:09.21	2:10.14	RUS Russia	
	Matthew Crane	2.13	0.33	5.29	0.39	1.33	1.05	2.24	3.56	10.11	3.11																					Matthew Crane	
	ACT-AO Abominable O-Men ACT	2.13	2.46	8.15	8.54	10.27	11.32	13.56	17.52	28.03	31.14																				2:48.25	ACT-AO Abominable O-Men ACT	
	Torbjorn ?	2.55	0.35	6.26	0.44	1.52	1.13	3.00	3.53	12.49	3.26	18.11	2.52	1.49	1.44	7.07	5.07	11.03	4.17	5.37	3.28	9.44										Torbjorn ?	
	DEN Denmark	2.55	3.30	9.56	10.40	12.32	13.45	16.45	20.38	33.27	36.53	55.04	57.56	59.45	1:01.29	1:08.36	1:13.43	1:24.46	1:29.03	1:34.40	1:38.08	1:47.52										DEN Denmark	
	Tue Lassen	2.38	0.37	6.17	0.44	1.41	1.09	2.42	4.30	12.01	2.51	17.21	3.12	1.27	1.15	4.07	4.44	7.56	4.14													Tue Lassen	
	DEN Denmark	2.38	3.15	9.32	10.16	11.57	13.06	15.48	20.18	32.19	35.10	52.31	55.43	57.10	58.25	1:02.32	1:07.16	1:15.12	1:19.26													DEN Denmark	
	Řystein Kvaal Řsterbř	3.39	0.41	7.24	0.55	2.08	1.59							1.47	2.31																	Řystein Kvaal Řsterbř	
	NOR Norway	3.39	4.20	11.44	12.39	14.47	16.46						30.57	32.44	35.15		49.09															NOR Norway	
	Matthew Scott																															Matthew Scott	
	NZL-PP Peninsula and Plains																															NZL-PP Peninsula and Plains	
	Daniel Hubmann	3.50	0.41	6.49	1.11	2.09	1.27	3.22	4.45																							Daniel Hubmann	
	SUI Switzerland	3.50	4.31	11.20	12.31	14.40	16.07	19.29	24.14																							SUI Switzerland	
	Ed Nicholas	3.37	0.38	8.04	0.37	1.53	1.30	4.14	5.00	19.09	9.12	21.15	3.09	1.58	2.15	7.37	6.29	12.50	8.37	6.10	4.02	17.13										Ed Nicholas	
	GBR-ARO Auld Reekie Orienteering Socie	3.37	4.15	12.19	12.56	14.49	16.19	20.33	25.33	44.42	53.54	1:15.09	1:18.18	1:20.16	1:22.31	1:30.08	1:36.37	1:49.27	1:58.04	2:04.14	2:08.16	2:25.29										GBR-ARO Auld Reekie Orienteering Socie	
	Magne Dćhli	2.28	0.34	5.44	0.37	1.32	1.08	2.23	3.34	13.54	3.18																					Magne Dćhli	
	NOR Norway	2.28	3.02	8.46	9.23	10.55	12.03	14.26	18.00	31.54	35.12																					NOR Norway	
	Duncan Grassie	3.23	0.41	11.28	0.53	2.13	2.53	3.21	6.28	15.23	5.32	23.23	3.37	2.13	2.15	8.33	7.27	12.56														Duncan Grassie	
	GBR Great Britain	3.23	4.04	15.32	16.25	18.38	21.31	24.52	31.20	46.43	52.15	1:15.38	1:19.15	1:21.28	1:23.43	1:32.16	1:39.43	1:52.39														GBR Great Britain	
	Greg Flynn	3.05	0.52	8.48	0.39	2.02	1.32	2.50	4.47	19.11	4.54																					Greg Flynn	
	NZL-NW North West	3.05	3.57	12.45	13.24	15.26	16.58	19.48	24.35	43.46	48.40																					NZL-NW North West