Pos	Name	S-1 (83)	1-2 (63)	2-3 (81)	3-4 (73)	4-5 (62)	5-6 (50)	6-7 (51)	7-8 (61)	8-9 (71)	9-10 (69)	10-11 (60)	11-12 (35)	12-13 (43)	13-14 (36)	14-15 (42)	15-16 (100)	16-F	Name	
	Club																		Club	
1	Kev Knowles	2.40	0.11	1.18	1.19	2.29	1.35	0.36	0.50	4.47	1.29	1.27	3.14	2.05	1.21	0.59	0.34	0.38	Kev Knowles	
	Dunedin	2.40	2.51	4.09	5.28	7.57	9.32	10.08	10.58	15.45	17.14	18.41	21.55	24.00	25.21	26.20	26.54	27.32	Dunedin	
2	Steve O'Neill	5.29	0.23	1.23	1.32	2.29	1.36	0.31	0.46	4.31	2.44	1.30	4.39	1.40	1.36	0.57	0.25	0.30	Steve O'Neill	
	Peninsula and Plains	5.29	5.52	7.15	8.47	11.16	12.52	13.23	14.09	18.40	21.24	22.54	27.33	29.13	30.49	31.46	32.11	32.41	Peninsula and Plains	
3	Martin Freeman	3.46	0.16	1.40	1.34	3.07	2.08	0.34	1.06	6.11	2.21	1.50	3.58	2.10	1.41	1.05	0.38	1.10	Martin Freeman	
	Peninsula and Plains	3.46	4.02	5.42	7.16	10.23	12.31	13.05	14.11	20.22	22.43	24.33	28.31	30.41	32.22	33.27	34.05	35.15	Peninsula and Plains	
4	Nic Gorman	4.24	0.18	1.39	1.45	2.52	1.44	1.59	1.04	6.08	1.43	1.39	4.27	2.19	1.43	1.21	0.40	0.40	Nic Gorman	
	Peninsula and Plains	4.24	4.42	6.21	8.06	10.58	12.42	14.41	15.45	21.53	23.36	25.15	29.42	32.01	33.44	35.05	35.45	36.25	Peninsula and Plains	
5	Scott Babington	5.18	0.22	1.39	1.50	3.49	2.25	0.53	3.01	6.51	3.21	2.29	6.32	3.59	2.40	1.11	0.37	0.37	Scott Babington	
	Peninsula and Plains	5.18	5.40	7.19	9.09	12.58	15.23	16.16	19.17	26.08	29.29	31.58	38.30	42.29	45.09	46.20	46.57	47.34	Peninsula and Plains	
6	Jonathan Hunt	11.07	0.45	2.21	2.36	4.23	2.48	1.23	3.37	8.32	5.03	2.10	7.06	2.56	2.27	1.22	0.43	0.50	Jonathan Hunt	
	Peninsula and Plains	11.07	11.52	14.13	16.49	21.12	24.00	25.23	29.00	37.32	42.35	44.45	51.51	54.47	57.14	58.36	59.19	1:00.09	Peninsula and Plains	
7	Garry Dean	8.45	0.36	1.37	11.31	3.46	2.31	0.34	1.11	7.36	3.19	2.20	5.43	7.59	2.08	1.20	0.32	0.53	Garry Dean	
	Auckland	8.45	9.21	10.58	22.29	26.15	28.46	29.20	30.31	38.07	41.26	43.46	49.29	57.28	59.36	1:00.56	1:01.28	1:02.21	Auckland	
	Steve Macknight																		Steve Macknight	
	Dunedin																		Dunedin	
	Bruce Steven																		Bruce Steven	
	Peninsula and Plains																		Peninsula and Plains