Pos	Name	S-1 (80)	1-2 (63)	2-3 (82)	3-4 (73)	4-5 (72)	5-6 (62)	6-7 (50)	7-8 (48)	8-9 (49)	9-10 (51)	10-11 (61)	11-12 (56)	12-13 (65)	13-14 (70)	14-15 (59)	15-16 (69)	16-17 (55)	17-18 (43)	18-19 (36)	19-20 (42)	20-21 (100)	21-F	Name	
	Club																							Club	
1	Tim Dennis	3.02	1.20	0.51	1.30	1.09	1.34	1.41	1.19	1.07	1.17	0.49	3.01	1.50	1.26	1.28	2.24	2.32	0.49	2.07	1.20	0.39	0.37	Tim Dennis	
	Dunedin	3.02	4.22	5.13	6.43	7.52	9.26	11.07	12.26	13.33	14.50	15.39	18.40	20.30	21.56	23.24	25.48	28.20	29.09	31.16	32.36	33.15	33.52	Dunedin	
2	Andrew Scott	3.21	0.56	0.56	1.27	1.08	1.38	1.55	1.25	1.15	1.10	0.54	2.53	1.59	1.36	1.39	2.45	2.41	0.51	1.44	0.54	0.35	0.39	Andrew Scott	
	Peninsula and Plains	3.21	4.17	5.13	6.40	7.48	9.26	11.21	12.46	14.01	15.11	16.05	18.58	20.57	22.33	24.12	26.57	29.38	30.29	32.13	33.07	33.42	34.21	Peninsula and Plains	
3	Craig Pelvin	2.52	1.05	0.55	1.26	1.06	1.34	1.40	1.13	1.10	1.08	3.03	3.20	1.37	1.16	1.31	2.37	2.40	0.58	2.12	3.30	0.33	0.29	Craig Pelvin	
	Dunedin	2.52	3.57	4.52	6.18	7.24	8.58	10.38	11.51	13.01	14.09	17.12	20.32	22.09	23.25	24.56	27.33	30.13	31.11	33.23	36.53	37.26	37.55	Dunedin	
4	Gordon Thrower	2.20	1.14	1.02	1.39	1.34	1.40	1.41	1.30	3.26	1.51	0.46	3.12	2.09	1.41	2.14	2.48	3.23	1.02	2.01	1.04	0.35	0.38	Gordon Thrower	
	Peninsula and Plains	2.20	3.34	4.36	6.15	7.49	9.29	11.10	12.40	16.06	17.57	18.43	21.55	24.04	25.45	27.59	30.47	34.10	35.12	37.13	38.17	38.52	39.30	Peninsula and Plains	
5	Kunihiko Tano	2.23	1.22	1.00	2.05	1.11	2.02	1.36	1.37	2.03	4.07	1.04	3.25	1.52	1.24	1.36	2.25	3.13	1.03	1.48	1.11	0.36	0.35	Kunihiko Tano	
	Shizuoka OLC	2.23	3.45	4.45	6.50	8.01	10.03	11.39	13.16	15.19	19.26	20.30	23.55	25.47	27.11	28.47	31.12	34.25	35.28	37.16	38.27	39.03	39.38	Shizuoka OLC	
6	Andrew Johnstone	5.53	1.34	1.12	1.35	1.31	2.39	2.41	1.58	2.27	1.37	1.12	3.53	2.43	2.01	1.54	3.19	3.22	1.13	1.51	1.21	0.35	0.48	Andrew Johnstone	
	Peninsula and Plains	5.53	7.27	8.39	10.14	11.45	14.24	17.05	19.03	21.30	23.07	24.19	28.12	30.55	32.56	34.50	38.09	41.31	42.44	44.35	45.56	46.31	47.19	Peninsula and Plains	
7	Michael Croxford	3.11	1.29	1.18	2.05	1.33	2.35	2.24	1.57	1.44	1.50	1.12	4.41	3.18	1.59	2.52	4.13	3.42	1.15	2.11	1.23	1.01	1.02	Michael Croxford	
	Nelson	3.11	4.40	5.58	8.03	9.36	12.11	14.35	16.32	18.16	20.06	21.18	25.59	29.17	31.16	34.08	38.21	42.03	43.18	45.29	46.52	47.53	48.55	Nelson	
8	Dave Pedley	4.31	1.35	1.19	2.06	2.00	2.23	2.26	2.05	1.35	1.51	1.23	3.49	5.44	2.16	2.24	3.36	4.11	1.21	2.18	1.32	0.38	0.47	Dave Pedley	
	Peninsula and Plains	4.31	6.06	7.25	9.31	11.31	13.54	16.20	18.25	20.00	21.51	23.14	27.03	32.47	35.03	37.27	41.03	45.14	46.35	48.53	50.25	51.03	51.50	Peninsula and Plains	
9	Mark Burgess	8.18	3.08	1.24	2.17	2.19	2.58	3.20	4.06	3.19	2.25	1.36	8.26	3.31	4.42	3.59	5.30	7.28	1.58	3.47	2.25	0.50	0.50	Mark Burgess	
	Dunedin	8.18	11.26	12.50	15.07	17.26	20.24	23.44	27.50	31.09	33.34	35.10	43.36	47.07	51.49	55.48	1:01.18	1:08.46	1:10.44	1:14.31	1:16.56	1:17.46	1:18.36	Dunedin