Pos	Name	S-1 (125)	1-2 (127)	2-3 (58)	3-4 (57)	4-5 (124)	5-6 (47)	6-7 (48)	7-8 (40)	8-9 (34)	9-10 (31)	10-11 (32)	11-12 (33)	12-13 (36)	13-14 (120)	14-15 (35)	15-16 (121)	16-17 (42)	17-18 (122)	18-19 (100)	19-20 (52)	20-21 (56)	21-22 (58)	22-23 (46)	23-24 (53)	24-25 (55)	25-26 (100)	26-F	Name	
	Club																												Club	
1	Anna Babington	0.46	0.34	0.31	0.31	1.31	0.52	1.09	0.47	0.57	0.43	0.16	0.32	0.57	0.31	0.26	0.41	0.27	0.31	0.28	0.42	0.24	0.31	0.38	0.25	0.30	0.42	0.20	Anna Babington	
	Peninsula and Plains	0.46	1.20	1.51	2.22	3.53	4.45	5.54	6.41	7.38	8.21	8.37	9.09	10.06	10.37	11.03	11.44	12.11	12.42	13.10	13.52	14.16	14.47	15.25	15.50	16.20	17.02	17.22	Peninsula and Plains	
2	Phoebe Hunt	0.43	0.34	0.17	0.34	1.29	0.55	1.16	0.46	1.05	0.43	0.19	0.35	1.04	0.29	0.25	0.30	0.29	0.33	0.36	0.42	0.27	0.38	0.41	0.30	0.33	0.46	0.19	Phoebe Hunt	
	Peninsula and Plains	0.43	1.17	1.34	2.08	3.37	4.32	5.48	6.34	7.39	8.22	8.41	9.16	10.20	10.49	11.14	11.44	12.13	12.46	13.22	14.04	14.31	15.09	15.50	16.20	16.53	17.39	17.58	Peninsula and Plains	
3	Katherine Babington	0.45	0.32	0.18	0.32	2.18	0.56	1.18	0.48	1.10	0.46	0.19	0.30	1.07	0.31	0.27	0.33	0.28	0.36	0.30	0.41	0.26	0.34	0.42	0.29	0.31	0.45	0.19	Katherine Babington	
	Peninsula and Plains	0.45	1.17	1.35	2.07	4.25	5.21	6.39	7.27	8.37	9.23	9.42	10.12	11.19	11.50	12.17	12.50	13.18	13.54	14.24	15.05	15.31	16.05	16.47	17.16	17.47	18.32	18.51	Peninsula and Plains	
4	Tide Faavae	0.47	0.32	0.17	0.33	1.27	0.56	1.17	0.47	1.09	0.44	0.21	0.34	1.07	0.34	0.26	0.46	0.39	0.36	0.33	0.45	0.26	0.32	0.47	0.30	0.39	0.47	0.22	Tide Faavae	
	Nelson	0.47	1.19	1.36	2.09	3.36	4.32	5.49	6.36	7.45	8.29	8.50	9.24	10.31	11.05	11.31	12.17	12.56	13.32	14.05	14.50	15.16	15.48	16.35	17.05	17.44	18.31	18.53	Nelson	
5	Juliet Freeman	1.23	0.38	0.17	0.35	1.42	0.58	1.17	0.46	1.09	0.45	0.19	0.35	1.06	0.35	0.26	0.33	0.53	0.33	0.38	0.42	0.28	0.31	0.49	0.27	0.39	0.46	0.22	Juliet Freeman	
	Peninsula and Plains	1.23	2.01	2.18	2.53	4.35	5.33	6.50	7.36	8.45	9.30	9.49	10.24	11.30	12.05	12.31	13.04	13.57	14.30	15.08	15.50	16.18	16.49	17.38	18.05	18.44	19.30	19.52	Peninsula and Plains	
6	Lani Murray	1.07	0.38	0.24	0.32	1.50	1.09	1.24	0.59	1.24	0.59	0.23	0.46	1.13	0.30	0.28	0.31	0.40	0.50	0.43	0.49	0.39	0.39	1.09	0.31	0.44	0.45	0.20	Lani Murray	
	Nelson	1.07	1.45	2.09	2.41	4.31	5.40	7.04	8.03	9.27	10.26	10.49	11.35	12.48	13.18	13.46	14.17	14.57	15.47	16.30	17.19	17.58	18.37	19.46	20.17	21.01	21.46	22.06	Nelson	
7	Charlotte Blay	0.59	0.47	0.34	0.39	1.58	1.08	1.45	1.08	1.31	1.00	0.25	0.47	1.24	0.47	0.38	0.48	0.41	0.51	0.44	0.46	0.40	0.49	1.10	0.38	0.56	1.18	0.34	Charlotte Blay	
	Southland	0.59	1.46	2.20	2.59	4.57	6.05	7.50	8.58	10.29	11.29	11.54	12.41	14.05	14.52	15.30	16.18	16.59	17.50	18.34	19.20	20.00	20.49	21.59	22.37	23.33	24.51	25.25	Southland