Pos Name S-1 (75) 1-2 (100) 2-3 (60) 3-4 (61) 4-5 (101) 5-6 (77) 6-7 (97) 7-8 (92) 8-9 (96) 9-10 (93) 10-11 (76) 11-12 (102) 12-13 (63) 13-14 (107) 14-15 (65) 15-16 (106) 16-17 (71) 17-18 (108) 18-19 (67) 19-20 (64) 20-21 (65) 21-22 (85) 22-23 (78) 23-24 (87) 24-25 (103) 25-26 (104) 26-27 (74) 27-28 (105) 28-29 (57) 29-F Name
Club Club
1 Matt Scott 0.13 2.08 2.35 1.17 0.14 0.57 1.34 0.47 0.19 1.00 0.30 1.17 1.22 0.53 5.16 0.21 0.46 1.46 0.39 0.33 1.37 0.47 0.39 2.29 0.49 2.08 1.26 1.14 1.28 0.46 Matt Scott
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.13 2.21 4.56 6.13 6.27 7.24 8.58 9.45 10.04 11.04 11.34 12.51 14.13 15.06 20.22 20.43 21.29 23.15 23.54 24.27 26.04 26.51 27.30 29.59 30.48 32.56 34.22 35.36 37.04 37.50 PP Peninsula and Plains
2 Carsten Joergensen 0.18 3.17 2.23 1.33 0.17 1.02 1.45 0.36 0.20 0.59 0.40 1.39 1.46 0.56 5.15 0.22 1.00 2.35 0.37 0.42 1.57 0.43 1.00 3.07 0.47 2.42 1.18 1.34 1.34 0.47 Carsten Joergensen
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.18 3.35 5.58 7.31 7.48 8.50 10.35 11.11 11.31 12.30 13.10 14.49 16.35 17.31 22.46 23.08 24.08 26.43 27.20 28.02 29.59 30.42 31.42 34.49 35.36 38.18 39.36 41.10 42.44 43.31 PP Peninsula and Plains
3 Isaac Egan 0.56 2.19 2.06 1.29 0.22 1.17 1.54 0.37 0.20 0.58 0.38 1.25 1.38 1.01 5.24 0.23 0.48 2.41 0.37 0.41 2.09 0.42 1.05 2.51 1.14 3.37 1.22 1.24 1.40 0.48 Isaac Egan
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.56 3.15 5.21 6.50 7.12 8.29 10.23 11.00 11.20 12.18 12.56 14.21 15.59 17.00 22.24 22.47 23.35 26.16 26.53 27.34 29.43 30.25 31.30 34.21 35.35 39.12 40.34 41.58 43.38 44.26 PP Peninsula and Plains
4 Boris De Bouck 0.23 5.42 2.29 1.28 0.15 1.14 2.15 0.38 0.17 1.04 0.36 1.24 2.03 1.02 6.31 0.31 1.06 2.19 0.39 0.40 2.04 0.59 1.01 2.49 1.14 3.13 1.34 1.36 1.37 0.51 Boris De Bouck
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.23 6.05 8.34 10.02 10.17 11.31 13.46 14.24 14.41 15.45 16.21 17.45 19.48 20.50 27.21 27.52 28.58 31.17 31.56 32.36 34.40 35.39 36.40 39.29 40.43 43.56 45.30 47.06 48.43 49.34 PP Peninsula and Plains
5 Oliver Egan 0.43 2.43 2.20 1.38 0.14 1.08 1.52 0.54 0.18 1.06 0.45 1.32 1.53 0.58 6.02 0.33 1.20 2.44 0.44 0.48 2.15 1.15 1.20 3.34 1.11 3.16 2.05 2.01 1.48 0.45 Oliver Egan
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.43 3.26 5.46 7.24 7.38 8.46 10.38 11.32 11.50 12.56 13.41 15.13 17.06 18.04 24.06 24.39 25.59 28.43 29.27 30.15 32.30 33.45 35.05 38.39 39.50 43.06 45.11 47.12 49.00 49.45 PP Peninsula and Plains
6 Conal Boland-Bristow 0.23 3.05 2.26 1.39 0.18 1.21 2.35 1.35 0.29 1.19 0.44 2.43 1.47 1.07 6.10 0.39 0.59 2.30 0.32 0.45 1.47 1.09 1.18 3.25 0.58 2.51 1.27 1.55 1.36 0.54 Conal Boland-Bristow
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.23 3.28 5.54 7.33 7.51 9.12 11.47 13.22 13.51 15.10 15.54 18.37 20.24 21.31 27.41 28.20 29.19 31.49 32.21 33.06 34.53 36.02 37.20 40.45 41.43 44.34 46.01 47.56 49.32 50.26 PP Peninsula and Plains
7 Katie Cory-Wright 0.22 3.25 2.36 1.46 0.17 1.23 2.02 0.45 0.24 1.04 0.43 1.24 1.58 1.11 6.20 0.27 1.11 2.56 0.57 0.43 2.12 1.26 1.05 3.20 1.05 3.19 2.01 1.47 1.55 1.01 Katie Cory-Wright
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.22 3.47 6.23 8.09 8.26 9.49 11.51 12.36 13.00 14.04 14.47 16.11 18.09 19.20 25.40 26.07 27.18 30.14 31.11 31.54 34.06 35.32 36.37 39.57 41.02 44.21 46.22 48.09 50.04 51.05 PP Peninsula and Plains
8 Michael Smithson 0.22 2.59 3.27 1.56 0.21 1.07 1.49 0.59 0.28 1.06 0.38 3.02 2.12 1.19 7.25 0.30 0.59 2.23 0.37 0.38 1.56 0.56 1.06 3.52 0.54 2.31 1.31 1.43 1.44 1.02 Michael Smithson
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.22 3.21 6.48 8.44 9.05 10.12 12.01 13.00 13.28 14.34 15.12 18.14 20.26 21.45 29.10 29.40 30.39 33.02 33.39 34.17 36.13 37.09 38.15 42.07 43.01 45.32 47.03 48.46 50.30 51.32 PP Peninsula and Plains
9 Dominic Cleary 0.24 2.33 2.43 1.41 0.14 1.11 2.31 0.55 0.22 1.08 0.53 2.12 2.07 1.16 7.42 0.36 1.05 3.03 0.55 0.58 2.19 1.01 0.55 4.42 1.04 3.57 1.55 1.59 1.43 1.01 Dominic Cleary
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.24 2.57 5.40 7.21 7.35 8.46 11.17 12.12 12.34 13.42 14.35 16.47 18.54 20.10 27.52 28.28 29.33 32.36 33.31 34.29 36.48 37.49 38.44 43.26 44.30 48.27 50.22 52.21 54.04 55.05 PP Peninsula and Plains
10 Marisol Hunter 0.27 4.07 4.05 1.45 0.21 1.10 2.23 1.00 0.26 1.00 0.42 1.48 1.48 1.11 6.46 0.24 1.20 2.33 0.40 0.50 2.26 2.11 1.07 4.17 1.14 2.59 1.41 1.55 1.48 0.51 Marisol Hunter
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.27 4.34 8.39 10.24 10.45 11.55 14.18 15.18 15.44 16.44 17.26 19.14 21.02 22.13 28.59 29.23 30.43 33.16 33.56 34.46 37.12 39.23 40.30 44.47 46.01 49.00 50.41 52.36 54.24 55.15 PP Peninsula and Plains
11 Jack Drage 0.16 3.35 5.54 1.45 1.13 1.13 2.08 1.12 0.21 2.05 0.52 1.50 2.36 1.08 5.58 0.26 1.10 2.30 0.35 0.39 1.53 1.04 1.14 4.20 1.09 2.57 1.44 1.43 1.58 0.53 Jack Drage
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.16 3.51 9.45 11.30 12.43 13.56 16.04 17.16 17.37 19.42 20.34 22.24 25.00 26.08 32.06 32.32 33.42 36.12 36.47 37.26 39.19 40.23 41.37 45.57 47.06 50.03 51.47 53.30 55.28 56.21 PP Peninsula and Plains
12 Pat Bodger 0.33 3.58 3.22 2.02 0.30 1.25 2.22 1.16 0.36 1.42 0.51 1.58 1.50 1.21 7.00 0.35 1.05 2.56 0.47 0.47 2.07 1.26 1.11 3.56 1.02 3.23 2.05 1.57 1.54 1.07 Pat Bodger
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.33 4.31 7.53 9.55 10.25 11.50 14.12 15.28 16.04 17.46 18.37 20.35 22.25 23.46 30.46 31.21 32.26 35.22 36.09 36.56 39.03 40.29 41.40 45.36 46.38 50.01 52.06 54.03 55.57 57.04 PP Peninsula and Plains
13 John Howard 2.17 3.35 3.57 1.42 0.23 1.16 2.47 0.59 0.35 1.22 0.57 1.41 2.45 1.08 7.13 0.38 1.01 2.34 0.38 0.35 1.53 1.14 1.09 3.23 1.00 3.11 2.16 1.59 1.58 1.06 John Howard
PP Peninsula and Plains 2.17 5.52 9.49 11.31 11.54 13.10 15.57 16.56 17.31 18.53 19.50 21.31 24.16 25.24 32.37 33.15 34.16 36.50 37.28 38.03 39.56 41.10 42.19 45.42 46.42 49.53 52.09 54.08 56.06 57.12 PP Peninsula and Plains
14 Bruce Steven 0.27 3.41 2.28 1.47 0.32 1.04 2.23 0.52 0.24 1.01 0.51 3.05 2.29 1.02 7.17 0.28 1.13 2.53 0.39 0.57 2.04 1.19 1.41 4.14 1.00 3.23 5.51 1.55 2.01 0.57 Bruce Steven
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.27 4.08 6.36 8.23 8.55 9.59 12.22 13.14 13.38 14.39 15.30 18.35 21.04 22.06 29.23 29.51 31.04 33.57 34.36 35.33 37.37 38.56 40.37 44.51 45.51 49.14 55.05 57.00 59.01 59.58 PP Peninsula and Plains
15 Jenni Adams 0.24 3.32 3.12 2.10 0.25 1.30 2.48 0.59 0.32 1.31 0.53 2.04 2.15 2.26 7.37 0.46 1.03 3.30 0.42 0.53 2.22 1.15 1.27 4.34 1.10 3.07 1.50 2.01 2.09 1.05 Jenni Adams
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.24 3.56 7.08 9.18 9.43 11.13 14.01 15.00 15.32 17.03 17.56 20.00 22.15 24.41 32.18 33.04 34.07 37.37 38.19 39.12 41.34 42.49 44.16 48.50 50.00 53.07 54.57 56.58 59.07 1:00.12 PP Peninsula and Plains
16 Connor Cleary 0.24 4.30 2.39 2.50 0.25 1.17 2.43 1.32 0.27 1.32 1.00 2.18 2.18 1.28 7.04 0.54 1.23 5.27 0.52 0.45 2.32 1.09 1.12 3.21 1.13 3.50 1.40 1.43 1.51 1.00 Connor Cleary
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.24 4.54 7.33 10.23 10.48 12.05 14.48 16.20 16.47 18.19 19.19 21.37 23.55 25.23 32.27 33.21 34.44 40.11 41.03 41.48 44.20 45.29 46.41 50.02 51.15 55.05 56.45 58.28 1:00.19 1:01.19 PP Peninsula and Plains
17 Peter Cleary 0.23 3.43 2.48 1.54 0.26 1.30 3.54 1.56 0.32 1.39 0.47 2.34 1.46 1.29 7.51 0.37 1.06 2.52 0.42 0.58 2.00 1.33 1.21 4.48 1.27 3.14 1.58 2.09 2.24 1.09 Peter Cleary
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.23 4.06 6.54 8.48 9.14 10.44 14.38 16.34 17.06 18.45 19.32 22.06 23.52 25.21 33.12 33.49 34.55 37.47 38.29 39.27 41.27 43.00 44.21 49.09 50.36 53.50 55.48 57.57 1:00.21 1:01.30 PP Peninsula and Plains
18 Alister Metherell 1.04 2.57 5.01 1.59 1.16 1.28 2.33 2.23 0.29 1.24 0.56 2.16 2.03 1.14 7.18 0.32 1.22 3.05 0.58 0.53 2.27 1.05 1.26 4.07 1.04 4.43 1.49 1.51 2.05 1.10 Alister Metherell
PP Peninsula and Plains 1.04 4.01 9.02 11.01 12.17 13.45 16.18 18.41 19.10 20.34 21.30 23.46 25.49 27.03 34.21 34.53 36.15 39.20 40.18 41.11 43.38 44.43 46.09 50.16 51.20 56.03 57.52 59.43 1:01.48 1:02.58 PP Peninsula and Plains
19 Briana Steven 0.24 3.11 2.22 1.49 0.16 1.04 2.16 0.45 0.28 1.11 0.44 3.35 1.55 1.20 9.15 0.50 1.31 3.49 1.24 1.24 2.48 1.57 1.34 7.13 1.25 4.14 2.16 2.43 2.43 0.53 Briana Steven
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.24 3.35 5.57 7.46 8.02 9.06 11.22 12.07 12.35 13.46 14.30 18.05 20.00 21.20 30.35 31.25 32.56 36.45 38.09 39.33 42.21 44.18 45.52 53.05 54.30 58.44 1:01.00 1:03.43 1:06.26 1:07.19 PP Peninsula and Plains
20 Lara Scott 0.22 3.51 4.57 2.16 0.24 4.28 2.45 2.09 0.30 1.28 0.59 2.50 2.03 1.09 8.19 0.31 1.06 3.04 1.01 0.53 2.19 1.16 1.20 3.40 1.42 4.44 2.41 2.11 2.08 1.05 Lara Scott
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.22 4.13 9.10 11.26 11.50 16.18 19.03 21.12 21.42 23.10 24.09 26.59 29.02 30.11 38.30 39.01 40.07 43.11 44.12 45.05 47.24 48.40 50.00 53.40 55.22 1:00.06 1:02.47 1:04.58 1:07.06 1:08.11 PP Peninsula and Plains
21 Owen Evans 0.33 5.03 3.57 2.21 0.33 1.45 2.54 1.17 0.36 1.18 1.11 2.32 2.32 1.30 9.26 1.21 1.37 4.07 1.16 0.49 2.47 1.21 1.30 4.45 1.18 7.41 2.15 3.18 2.20 1.12 Owen Evans
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.33 5.36 9.33 11.54 12.27 14.12 17.06 18.23 18.59 20.17 21.28 24.00 26.32 28.02 37.28 38.49 40.26 44.33 45.49 46.38 49.25 50.46 52.16 57.01 58.19 1:06.00 1:08.15 1:11.33 1:13.53 1:15.05 PP Peninsula and Plains
22 Jan Harrison 0.28 6.51 5.43 2.29 0.25 1.32 3.28 2.29 0.36 1.37 0.55 2.11 2.27 1.26 7.46 0.32 1.21 3.29 0.49 1.28 3.55 1.55 1.51 5.27 1.24 4.39 2.45 2.26 2.33 1.03 Jan Harrison
PP Peninsula and Plains 0.28 7.19 13.02 15.31 15.56 17.28 20.56 23.25 24.01 25.38 26.33 28.44 31.11 32.37 40.23 40.55 42.16 45.45 46.34 48.02 51.57 53.52 55.43 1:01.10 1:02.34 1:07.13 1:09.58 1:12.24 1:14.57 1:16.00 PP Peninsula and Plains
23 Brian Wilson 0.32 4.13 5.30 2.12 0.30 1.42 7.35 1.08 0.40 2.03 1.03 3.44 3.54 2.05 10.33 4.16 1.47 4.51 0.58 1.30 2.39 1.33 2.03 5.43 1.23 4.48 3.49 2.02 2.14 1.13 Brian Wilson
0.32 4.45 10.15 12.27 12.57 14.39 22.14 23.22 24.02 26.05 27.08 30.52 34.46 36.51 47.24 51.40 53.27 58.18 59.16 1:00.46 1:03.25 1:04.58 1:07.01 1:12.44 1:14.07 1:18.55 1:22.44 1:24.46 1:27.00 1:28.13
24 Richard Smith 1.28 5.16 10.24 2.31 0.34 2.00 2.50 4.04 0.46 2.31 1.05 3.28 2.48 2.13 9.21 0.51 1.29 3.19 0.58 1.10 2.43 1.34 1.54 6.25 1.29 5.32 3.04 2.55 3.16 0.51 Richard Smith
PP Peninsula and Plains 1.28 6.44 17.08 19.39 20.13 22.13 25.03 29.07 29.53 32.24 33.29 36.57 39.45 41.58 51.19 52.10 53.39 56.58 57.56 59.06 1:01.49 1:03.23 1:05.17 1:11.42 1:13.11 1:18.43 1:21.47 1:24.42 1:27.58 1:28.49 PP Peninsula and Plains
Linnea Borg 0.31 5.15 6.49 2.16 0.27 2.26 2.52 1.35 0.41 2.07 1.10 2.34 2.41 1.41 7.33 0.48 1.56 2.50 4.02 2.03 2.26 4.47 1.34 5.27 3.04 3.04 2.28 1.27 Linnea Borg
. Non-member 0.31 5.46 12.35 14.51 15.18 17.44 20.36 22.11 22.52 24.59 26.09 28.43 31.24 33.05 40.38 41.26 43.22 48.50 51.40 55.42 57.45 1:00.11 1:04.58 1:06.32 1:11.59 1:15.03 1:18.07 1:20.35 1:22.02 . Non-member
Robert Matthews 0.28 3.48 3.19 1.24 0.21 1.48 2.23 4.22 0.34 1.18 0.44 4.08 Robert Matthews
. Non-member 0.28 4.16 7.35 8.59 9.20 11.08 13.31 17.53 18.27 19.45 20.29 24.37 . Non-member