Pos	Name	S-1 (40)	1-2 (47)	2-3 (46)	3-4 (49)	4-5 (55)	5-6 (58)	6-7 (57)	7-8 (59)	8-9 (60)	9-10 (56)	10-11 (50)	11-12 (44)	12-13 (38)	13-14 (31)	14-15 (32)	15-16 (33)	16-17 (39)	17-18 (41)	18-19 (45)	19-20 (51)	20-21 (48)	21-22 (35)	22-F	Name	
	Club																								Club	
1	Eric Cessford	0.41	2.06	0.32	0.44	1.22	1.06	0.54	0.36	1.57	1.13	1.23	2.24	1.44	2.09	0.20	0.39	2.34	1.02	0.22	1.59	1.40	1.50	0.16	Eric Cessford	
	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	0.41	2.47	3.19	4.03	5.25	6.31	7.25	8.01	9.58	11.11	12.34	14.58	16.42	18.51	19.11	19.50	22.24	23.26	23.48	25.47	27.27	29.17	29.33	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	
2	Brian Poole	0.42	2.03	0.22	0.44	1.15	0.52	0.50	0.37	1.59	1.14	1.38	2.23	2.21	3.10	0.22	0.55	3.00	1.04	0.30	1.47	1.48	1.26	0.25	Brian Poole	
	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	0.42	2.45	3.07	3.51	5.06	5.58	6.48	7.25	9.24	10.38	12.16	14.39	17.00	20.10	20.32	21.27	24.27	25.31	26.01	27.48	29.36	31.02	31.27	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	
3	Graeme Cessford	0.53	1.56	0.30	0.39	1.47	0.53	1.05	0.47	1.53	5.34	1.21	2.24	1.54	2.14	0.23	0.44	2.39	1.02	0.21	1.49	1.59	1.31	0.17	Graeme Cessford	
	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	0.53	2.49	3.19	3.58	5.45	6.38	7.43	8.30	10.23	15.57	17.18	19.42	21.36	23.50	24.13	24.57	27.36	28.38	28.59	30.48	32.47	34.18	34.35	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	
4	Janis Meirans	1.02	1.20	0.37	0.47	1.32	1.18	0.57	0.42	2.21	1.27	1.52	2.27	1.56	2.43	0.22	0.54	3.26	1.15	0.19	2.22	2.12	2.34	0.46	Janis Meirans	
	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	1.02	2.22	2.59	3.46	5.18	6.36	7.33	8.15	10.36	12.03	13.55	16.22	18.18	21.01	21.23	22.17	25.43	26.58	27.17	29.39	31.51	34.25	35.11	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	
5	Nick Wall	0.43	2.34	0.35	0.52	1.46	1.08	2.21	2.48	2.36	1.44	1.30	3.18	2.35	4.15	0.21	1.15	2.51	1.18	0.26	2.10	1.56	1.36	0.16	Nick Wall	
	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	0.43	3.17	3.52	4.44	6.30	7.38	9.59	12.47	15.23	17.07	18.37	21.55	24.30	28.45	29.06	30.21	33.12	34.30	34.56	37.06	39.02	40.38	40.54	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	
6	Hanna Eriksson	3.36	2.44	0.47	0.58	2.28	1.24	1.03	1.02	2.14	1.39	2.00	3.05	2.58	2.36	0.23	1.03	2.57	1.06	0.28	1.56	2.07	2.11	0.20	Hanna Eriksson	
	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	3.36	6.20	7.07	8.05	10.33	11.57	13.00	14.02	16.16	17.55	19.55	23.00	25.58	28.34	28.57	30.00	32.57	34.03	34.31	36.27	38.34	40.45	41.05	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	
7	Hilary Anderson	0.49	5.04	1.04	0.53	2.15	1.29	1.10	0.46	2.20	1.28	1.51	3.03	2.04	2.51	0.33	1.04	3.11	1.25	0.29	2.18	2.34	2.15	0.20	Hilary Anderson	
	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	0.49	5.53	6.57	7.50	10.05	11.34	12.44	13.30	15.50	17.18	19.09	22.12	24.16	27.07	27.40	28.44	31.55	33.20	33.49	36.07	38.41	40.56	41.16	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	
8	Alison Schoenhardt	0.58	1.28	0.35	1.18	1.22	2.06	0.54	1.07	2.06	2.26	1.43	4.35	2.27	2.36	0.47	1.52	4.22	1.10	0.45	2.05	4.00	2.24	0.22	Alison Schoenhardt	
	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	0.58	2.26	3.01	4.19	5.41	7.47	8.41	9.48	11.54	14.20	16.03	20.38	23.05	25.41	26.28	28.20	32.42	33.52	34.37	36.42	40.42	43.06	43.28	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	
9	David Leman	4.43	4.14	0.37	1.01	1.58	1.31	1.19	1.12	2.32	1.35	2.14	3.00	2.49	4.41	0.31	1.23	3.04	1.23	0.34	2.31	2.10	2.12	0.24	David Leman	
	Orienteering Association of British Columbia	4.43	8.57	9.34	10.35	12.33	14.04	15.23	16.35	19.07	20.42	22.56	25.56	28.45	33.26	33.57	35.20	38.24	39.47	40.21	42.52	45.02	47.14	47.38	Orienteering Association of British Columbia	
10	John Rance	1.00	3.25	1.07	1.02	3.03	1.27	1.21	1.01	2.54	1.40	2.23	3.16	4.00	3.21	0.44	1.19	3.58	1.41	0.41	2.44	3.18	2.57	0.32	John Rance	
	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	1.00	4.25	5.32	6.34	9.37	11.04	12.25	13.26	16.20	18.00	20.23	23.39	27.39	31.00	31.44	33.03	37.01	38.42	39.23	42.07	45.25	48.22	48.54	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	
11	Bryce Haley	7.32	4.36	0.53	3.17	5.28	1.04	0.51	1.20	2.07	1.49	1.36	4.08	2.43	2.53	0.23	1.18	4.45	1.53	0.27	3.25	3.44	2.32	0.25	Bryce Haley	
	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	7.32	12.08	13.01	16.18	21.46	22.50	23.41	25.01	27.08	28.57	30.33	34.41	37.24	40.17	40.40	41.58	46.43	48.36	49.03	52.28	56.12	58.44	59.09	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	
12	Calvin Kuah	13.37	2.22	0.35	0.53	3.41	1.43	1.01	0.55	2.02	2.34	2.03	4.01	3.45	5.02	0.45	1.43	3.19	1.24	0.36	4.27	2.20	2.14	0.25	Calvin Kuah	
	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	13.37	15.59	16.34	17.27	21.08	22.51	23.52	24.47	26.49	29.23	31.26	35.27	39.12	44.14	44.59	46.42	50.01	51.25	52.01	56.28	58.48	1:01.02	1:01.27	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	
13	Greg Puchniak	15.18	0.54	0.42	2.39	3.01	1.12	1.15	1.08	2.20	2.17	2.39	3.04	2.42	3.38	0.46	2.50	3.18	2.00	0.32	2.47	4.13	2.11	0.33	Greg Puchniak	
	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	15.18	16.12	16.54	19.33	22.34	23.46	25.01	26.09	28.29	30.46	33.25	36.29	39.11	42.49	43.35	46.25	49.43	51.43	52.15	55.02	59.15	1:01.26	1:01.59	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	
13	Shauna Puchniak	15.19	1.02	0.46	2.44	2.50	1.20	1.04	1.10	2.35	1.59	2.40	3.10	2.42	3.41	1.00	2.41	3.46	1.17	0.32	2.50	4.03	2.16	0.32	Shauna Puchniak	
	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	15.19	16.21	17.07	19.51	22.41	24.01	25.05	26.15	28.50	30.49	33.29	36.39	39.21	43.02	44.02	46.43	50.29	51.46	52.18	55.08	59.11	1:01.27	1:01.59	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	
15	Bob Mastico	2.42	5.50	1.03	1.26	3.48	2.08	2.05	1.25	4.17	4.29	3.40	4.52	3.45	4.22	0.56	2.22	4.52	2.12	0.50	3.38	3.05	4.01	0.32	Bob Mastico	
	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	2.42	8.32	9.35	11.01	14.49	16.57	19.02	20.27	24.44	29.13	32.53	37.45	41.30	45.52	46.48	49.10	54.02	56.14	57.04	1:00.42	1:03.47	1:07.48	1:08.20	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	
16	Karen Lachance	2.28	3.48	1.11	1.33	3.02	1.49	2.18	1.17	4.03	3.27	3.22	4.54	4.56	5.50	0.53	1.56	5.17	2.19	0.51	4.57	4.07	3.48	0.58	Karen Lachance	
	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club	2.28	6.16	7.27	9.00	12.02	13.51	16.09	17.26	21.29	24.56	28.18	33.12	38.08	43.58	44.51	46.47	52.04	54.23	55.14	1:00.11	1:04.18	1:08.06	1:09.04	Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club