Pos	Name	S-1 (149)	1-2 (150)	2-3 (143)	3-4 (93)	4-5 (230)	5-6 (202)	6-7 (208)	7-8 (204)	8-9 (227)	9-10 (201)	10-11 (219)	11-12 (226)	12-13 (206)	13-14 (210)	14-15 (207)	15-16 (221)	16-17 (220)	17-18 (211)	18-19 (200)	19-F	Name	
	Club																					Club	
1	Bruce Arthur	1.17	1.18	0.52	0.49	0.52	0.35	0.26	0.41	0.46	0.24	0.08	0.21	0.35	0.41	0.30	0.32	1.00	0.34	0.21	0.11	Bruce Arthur	
	Melbourne	1.17	2.35	3.27	4.16	5.08	5.43	6.09	6.50	7.36	8.00	8.08	8.29	9.04	9.45	10.15	10.47	11.47	12.21	12.42	12.53	Melbourne	
2	Matthew Bell	1.24	1.05	0.56	0.42	1.09	0.37	0.33	0.39	0.45	0.25	0.12	0.21	0.36	0.51	0.21	0.26	1.48	0.35	0.24	0.13	Matthew Bell	
	Auckland	1.24	2.29	3.25	4.07	5.16	5.53	6.26	7.05	7.50	8.15	8.27	8.48	9.24	10.15	10.36	11.02	12.50	13.25	13.49	14.02	Auckland	
3	John Robertson	1.28	1.00	0.59	0.46	1.07	0.37	0.30	0.44	0.53	1.05	0.08	0.17	0.35	0.44	0.27	0.29	1.06	2.07	0.29	0.14	John Robertson	
	Hutt Valle	1.28	2.28	3.27	4.13	5.20	5.57	6.27	7.11	8.04	9.09	9.17	9.34	10.09	10.53	11.20	11.49	12.55	15.02	15.31	15.45	Hutt Valle	
4	Tony Brownrigg	1.49	1.28	0.58	0.46	1.21	0.37	0.37	0.47	1.06	0.25	0.13	0.32	0.40	0.53	0.37	0.40	1.04	1.03	0.25	0.16	Tony Brownrigg	
	Taranaki	1.49	3.17	4.15	5.01	6.22	6.59	7.36	8.23	9.29	9.54	10.07	10.39	11.19	12.12	12.49	13.29	14.33	15.36	16.01	16.17	Taranaki	
5	Shane Doyle	1.40	1.07	1.04	0.58	1.09	0.42	0.48	0.42	0.55	0.26	0.12	0.20	0.40	1.33	0.33	0.35	1.20	0.40	0.28	0.35	Shane Doyle	
	Uringa	1.40	2.47	3.51	4.49	5.58	6.40	7.28	8.10	9.05	9.31	9.43	10.03	10.43	12.16	12.49	13.24	14.44	15.24	15.52	16.27	Uringa	
6	Carl Whittleston	1.44	1.19	1.03	1.02	1.09	0.42	0.37	0.43	1.04	0.43	0.21	0.27	0.43	1.22	0.45	0.57	1.06	0.50	0.27	0.13	Carl Whittleston	
	Taranaki	1.44	3.03	4.06	5.08	6.17	6.59	7.36	8.19	9.23	10.06	10.27	10.54	11.37	12.59	13.44	14.41	15.47	16.37	17.04	17.17	Taranaki	
7	Kyle Brennan	2.02	1.08	1.07	0.56	1.17	0.52	0.42	0.45	0.55	0.31	0.18	1.00	0.58	1.08	0.56	0.43	1.10	1.00	0.26	0.12	Kyle Brennan	
	Bay of Ple	2.02	3.10	4.17	5.13	6.30	7.22	8.04	8.49	9.44	10.15	10.33	11.33	12.31	13.39	14.35	15.18	16.28	17.28	17.54	18.06	Bay of Ple	
8	Erik Kraayenhof	1.30	1.03	0.57	1.01	1.06	0.45	0.46	0.47	3.03	0.23	0.15	0.23	0.43	1.21	0.32	0.34	1.23	1.06	0.28	0.12	Erik Kraayenhof	
	Taranaki	1.30	2.33	3.30	4.31	5.37	6.22	7.08	7.55	10.58	11.21	11.36	11.59	12.42	14.03	14.35	15.09	16.32	17.38	18.06	18.18	Taranaki	
9	Llewellyn McGivern	1.24	1.02	1.01	0.43	3.49	0.49	0.30	0.36	0.53	0.20	0.15	0.20	2.29	0.48	0.35	0.29	1.15	0.43	0.28	0.13	Llewellyn McGivern	
	Counties M	1.24	2.26	3.27	4.10	7.59	8.48	9.18	9.54	10.47	11.07	11.22	11.42	14.11	14.59	15.34	16.03	17.18	18.01	18.29	18.42	Counties M	
10	Grant McKinnon	1.52	1.47	1.19	1.08	1.31	0.56	0.37	0.48	1.06	0.32	0.19	0.23	0.51	1.13	0.41	0.49	1.27	1.01	0.29	0.12	Grant McKinnon	
	Counties M	1.52	3.39	4.58	6.06	7.37	8.33	9.10	9.58	11.04	11.36	11.55	12.18	13.09	14.22	15.03	15.52	17.19	18.20	18.49	19.01	Counties M	
11	Blair Trewin	2.07	1.27	1.15	1.22	1.24	0.51	0.40	0.52	1.32	0.25	0.15	0.28	0.45	1.08	0.31	0.38	2.12	0.49	0.35	0.18	Blair Trewin	
	Yarra Vall	2.07	3.34	4.49	6.11	7.35	8.26	9.06	9.58	11.30	11.55	12.10	12.38	13.23	14.31	15.02	15.40	17.52	18.41	19.16	19.34	Yarra Vall	
12	Andrew Hobson	1.51	1.09	1.05	1.13	1.22	0.50	1.22	0.49	1.03	0.31	0.19	0.38	0.49	1.08	1.34	0.43	1.16	1.04	0.34	0.17	Andrew Hobson	
	Bushflyers	1.51	3.00	4.05	5.18	6.40	7.30	8.52	9.41	10.44	11.15	11.34	12.12	13.01	14.09	15.43	16.26	17.42	18.46	19.20	19.37	Bushflyers	
13	Alistair White	2.01	1.28	1.31	1.07	1.38	1.08	0.53	0.54	1.18	0.33	0.33	0.33	0.58	1.12	0.42	0.45	1.29	0.55	0.32	0.13	Alistair White	
	Auckland	2.01	3.29	5.00	6.07	7.45	8.53	9.46	10.40	11.58	12.31	13.04	13.37	14.35	15.47	16.29	17.14	18.43	19.38	20.10	20.23	Auckland	
14	Jarrod Colbourne	2.37	1.36	1.08	0.55	1.15	0.50	0.39	0.44	1.44	0.43	0.21	0.41	1.13	1.21	0.52	0.39	1.11	1.07	0.35	0.18	Jarrod Colbourne	
	Taranaki	2.37	4.13	5.21	6.16	7.31	8.21	9.00	9.44	11.28	12.11	12.32	13.13	14.26	15.47	16.39	17.18	18.29	19.36	20.11	20.29	Taranaki	
15	William Power	2.10	1.30	1.30	1.18	1.39	0.53	0.43	0.56	1.32	0.32	0.20	0.31	0.53	1.19	0.47	0.46	1.37	0.55	0.34	0.17	William Power	
	Wellington	2.10	3.40	5.10	6.28	8.07	9.00	9.43	10.39	12.11	12.43	13.03	13.34	14.27	15.46	16.33	17.19	18.56	19.51	20.25	20.42	Wellington	
16	Michael Croxford	2.12	1.26	1.36	1.15	1.35	0.57	0.40	0.59	1.24	0.32	0.22	0.31	0.54	1.26	0.32	0.50	1.54	0.56	0.39	0.20	Michael Croxford	
	Nelson	2.12	3.38	5.14	6.29	8.04	9.01	9.41	10.40	12.04	12.36	12.58	13.29	14.23	15.49	16.21	17.11	19.05	20.01	20.40	21.00	Nelson	
17	Matthew Coleman	2.13	1.22	1.24	1.20	1.27	0.55	0.57	1.12	1.34	0.33	0.19	0.25	0.54	2.04	0.34	0.49	1.32	1.14	0.33	0.17	Matthew Coleman	
	Kulgun	2.13	3.35	4.59	6.19	7.46	8.41	9.38	10.50	12.24	12.57	13.16	13.41	14.35	16.39	17.13	18.02	19.34	20.48	21.21	21.38	Kulgun	
	Bill Edwards	1.17	0.55	0.57	0.52	0.58	0.35	0.27	0.37	0.46	0.34	0.09	0.40	0.42	0.47			0.57	0.33	0.25	0.13	Bill Edwards	
	Hawke's Ba	1.17	2.12	3.09	4.01	4.59	5.34	6.01	6.38	7.24	7.58	8.07	8.47	9.29	10.16		11.01	11.58	12.31	12.56	13.09	Hawke's Ba	
	David Stewart	1.34	1.18	1.03	0.45	1.08	0.37	0.41	0.38	1.01	0.27	0.16	0.29	0.52			0.39	0.58	0.40	0.26	0.11	David Stewart	
	Auckland	1.34	2.52	3.55	4.40	5.48	6.25	7.06	7.44	8.45	9.12	9.28	9.57	10.49		12.03	12.42	13.40	14.20	14.46	14.57	Auckland	
	Juha Lehtonen	3.36	1.40	1.14	1.06	1.20	1.24	0.43					1.10	0.55	1.21	1.09	0.56	3.39	1.48	0.50	0.18	Juha Lehtonen	
	Garingal O	3.36	5.16	6.30	7.36	8.56	10.20	11.03		13.13		14.06	15.16	16.11	17.32	18.41	19.37	23.16	25.04	25.54	26.12	Garingal O	
	Paul Borton	1.35	1.14	1.06	0.59	1.18	2.02	0.34	0.40			2.16	0.25	0.50	0.56	1.10	0.31	1.04	0.55	0.34	0.16	Paul Borton	
	Auckland	1.35	2.49	3.55	4.54	6.12	8.14	8.48	9.28		11.00	13.16	13.41	14.31	15.27	16.37	17.08	18.12	19.07	19.41	19.57	Auckland