Pos	Name	S-1 (80)	1-2 (63)	2-3 (82)	3-4 (73)	4-5 (72)	5-6 (62)	6-7 (50)	7-8 (48)	8-9 (49)	9-10 (51)	10-11 (61)	11-12 (56)	12-13 (65)	13-14 (70)	14-15 (59)	15-16 (69)	16-17 (55)	17-18 (43)	18-19 (36)	19-20 (42)	20-21 (100)	21-F	Name	
	Club																							Club	
1	Lizzie Ingham	1.41	0.51	0.43	1.05	0.51	1.12	1.26	1.08	0.58	0.56	0.56	2.37	1.29	1.01	1.21	1.52	2.08	0.43	1.22	0.40	0.29	0.32	Lizzie Ingham	
	Taranaki	1.41	2.32	3.15	4.20	5.11	6.23	7.49	8.57	9.55	10.51	11.47	14.24	15.53	16.54	18.15	20.07	22.15	22.58	24.20	25.00	25.29	26.01	Taranaki	
2	Amber Riddle	2.10	1.00	0.53	1.24	1.09	1.29	1.28	1.32	1.04	1.08	0.51	3.05	2.12	1.25	1.32	2.26	3.02	0.44	1.28	0.52	0.32	0.35	Amber Riddle	
	Dunedin	2.10	3.10	4.03	5.27	6.36	8.05	9.33	11.05	12.09	13.17	14.08	17.13	19.25	20.50	22.22	24.48	27.50	28.34	30.02	30.54	31.26	32.01	Dunedin	
3	Sara Prince	2.21	1.03	0.55	1.25	1.01	1.36	2.49	1.25	1.10	1.10	0.48	3.08	1.49	1.20	1.39	2.25	2.44	1.12	1.24	0.46	0.35	0.38	Sara Prince	
	Peninsula and Plains	2.21	3.24	4.19	5.44	6.45	8.21	11.10	12.35	13.45	14.55	15.43	18.51	20.40	22.00	23.39	26.04	28.48	30.00	31.24	32.10	32.45	33.23	Peninsula and Plains	
4	Lara Scott	2.37	1.32	0.56	1.19	0.57	1.35	1.45	1.22	1.17	1.13	0.53	3.10	2.02	1.56	1.55	2.50	3.05	1.00	1.44	1.14	0.39	0.38	Lara Scott	
	Peninsula and Plains	2.37	4.09	5.05	6.24	7.21	8.56	10.41	12.03	13.20	14.33	15.26	18.36	20.38	22.34	24.29	27.19	30.24	31.24	33.08	34.22	35.01	35.39	Peninsula and Plains	
5	Emily Forne	4.49	1.10	0.59	2.02	1.12	2.00	1.35	1.26	1.09	1.15	0.51	3.13	2.14	1.28	1.47	2.26	2.29	0.57	1.25	1.12	0.37	0.43	Emily Forne	
	Peninsula and Plains	4.49	5.59	6.58	9.00	10.12	12.12	13.47	15.13	16.22	17.37	18.28	21.41	23.55	25.23	27.10	29.36	32.05	33.02	34.27	35.39	36.16	36.59	Peninsula and Plains	
6	Amelia Horne	3.12	1.40	1.21	2.21	1.46	2.53	2.42	1.54	1.37	2.00	1.19	5.02	2.48	1.44	2.35	3.51	4.16	1.08	2.44	1.24	1.04	1.30	Amelia Horne	
	Nelson	3.12	4.52	6.13	8.34	10.20	13.13	15.55	17.49	19.26	21.26	22.45	27.47	30.35	32.19	34.54	38.45	43.01	44.09	46.53	48.17	49.21	50.51	Nelson	
7	Neroli Wall	3.34	1.33	1.15	5.08	2.00	2.02	2.04	1.48	1.44	2.21	1.01	3.31	7.58	3.42	3.08	7.01	3.53	1.18	5.37	2.09	0.48	0.40	Neroli Wall	
	No Club	3.34	5.07	6.22	11.30	13.30	15.32	17.36	19.24	21.08	23.29	24.30	28.01	35.59	39.41	42.49	49.50	53.43	55.01	1:00.38	1:02.47	1:03.35	1:04.15	No Club	
	Kaia Joergensen																							Kaia Joergensen	
	Peninsula and Plains																							Peninsula and Plains