Pos	Name	S-1 (74)	1-2 (162)	2-3 (102)	3-4 (94)	4-5 (164)	5-6 (168)	6-7 (98)	7-8 (101)	8-9 (72)	9-10 (81)	10-11 (166)	11-12 (71)	12-13 (80)	13-14 (58)	14-15 (55)	15-16 (92)	16-17 (200)	17-F	Name	
	Club																			Club	
1	John Embrey	3.03	1.43	1.25	0.43	0.04	3.55	1.30	3.55	1.43	1.51	2.43	1.35	2.19	0.31	1.00	1.16	0.37	0.37	John Embrey	
	SROC	3.03	4.46	6.11	6.54	6.58	10.53	12.23	16.18	18.01	19.52	22.35	24.10	26.29	27.00	28.00	29.16	29.53	30.30	SROC	
2	Keith Tonkin	3.05	1.43	1.14	0.13	0.01	4.32	1.59	3.43	1.39	1.51	2.49	1.22	2.14	0.34	0.58	1.32	0.40	0.37	Keith Tonkin	
	BL	3.05	4.48	6.02	6.15	6.16	10.48	12.47	16.30	18.09	20.00	22.49	24.11	26.25	26.59	27.57	29.29	30.09	30.46	BL	
3	Mark Saunders	3.08	1.49	1.32	0.02	0.01	5.27	1.10	3.51	1.57	1.52	2.34	1.37	2.37	0.41	1.01	1.38	0.44	0.39	Mark Saunders	
	BOK	3.08	4.57	6.29	6.31	6.32	11.59	13.09	17.00	18.57	20.49	23.23	25.00	27.37	28.18	29.19	30.57	31.41	32.20	BOK	
4	Roger Coombs	3.43	2.34	1.28	0.28	0.03	4.34	1.05	3.47	2.17	1.51	2.27	1.25	2.32	0.33	0.57	1.35	0.41	0.32	Roger Coombs	
	MAROC	3.43	6.17	7.45	8.13	8.16	12.50	13.55	17.42	19.59	21.50	24.17	25.42	28.14	28.47	29.44	31.19	32.00	32.32	MAROC	
5	Helen Hargreaves	3.43	2.02	1.25	0.02	0.01	5.19	1.10	3.52	2.00	2.00	2.32	1.39	2.34	0.39	1.02	1.30	0.45	0.40	Helen Hargreaves	
	WCOC	3.43	5.45	7.10	7.12	7.13	12.32	13.42	17.34	19.34	21.34	24.06	25.45	28.19	28.58	30.00	31.30	32.15	32.55	WCOC	
6	Juliette Soulard	3.40	2.44	1.28	3.12	-3.12	5.35	1.08	4.16	1.38	1.58	2.45	1.44	2.12	0.56	1.05	1.40	0.50	0.51	Juliette Soulard	
	OD	3.40	6.24	7.52	11.04	7.52	13.27	14.35	18.51	20.29	22.27	25.12	26.56	29.08	30.04	31.09	32.49	33.39	34.30	OD	
7	Barry Elkington	3.29	2.15	1.34	1.06	0.05	4.36	1.17	4.28	1.58	1.56	2.55	1.36	2.46	0.38	1.05	1.35	0.44	0.40	Barry Elkington	
	OD	3.29	5.44	7.18	8.24	8.29	13.05	14.22	18.50	20.48	22.44	25.39	27.15	30.01	30.39	31.44	33.19	34.03	34.43	OD	
8	Alan Rosen	3.25	1.54	1.23	0.30	0.03	5.27	1.11	4.22	2.21	2.14	3.18	1.46	2.49	0.39	1.01	1.45	0.45	0.38	Alan Rosen	
	HH	3.25	5.19	6.42	7.12	7.15	12.42	13.53	18.15	20.36	22.50	26.08	27.54	30.43	31.22	32.23	34.08	34.53	35.31	HH	
9	Kevin Harding	3.52	2.18	1.51	0.49	0.04	4.46	1.12	4.15	1.51	2.07	3.20	1.45	2.34	0.49	1.13	1.46	0.50	0.44	Kevin Harding	
	ESOC	3.52	6.10	8.01	8.50	8.54	13.40	14.52	19.07	20.58	23.05	26.25	28.10	30.44	31.33	32.46	34.32	35.22	36.06	ESOC	
10	Paul Bradbury	3.40	2.14	1.20	2.45	0.12	3.22	2.05	4.25	1.42	2.37	2.48	1.31	2.39	0.51	1.03	1.41	0.38	0.36	Paul Bradbury	
	SYO	3.40	5.54	7.14	9.59	10.11	13.33	15.38	20.03	21.45	24.22	27.10	28.41	31.20	32.11	33.14	34.55	35.33	36.09	SYO	
11	Steve Corrigan	4.02	2.11	1.28	2.49	0.12	2.57	1.18	4.09	2.02	2.16	3.14	2.14	2.35	0.53	1.07	1.43	0.43	0.34	Steve Corrigan	
	EBOR	4.02	6.13	7.41	10.30	10.42	13.39	14.57	19.06	21.08	23.24	26.38	28.52	31.27	32.20	33.27	35.10	35.53	36.27	EBOR	
12	James Crawford	3.41	1.56	1.30	1.38	0.07	6.08	1.18	4.21	2.21	1.59	3.01	1.39	2.17	0.37	1.02	1.40	0.40	0.39	James Crawford	
	GO	3.41	5.37	7.07	8.45	8.52	15.00	16.18	20.39	23.00	24.59	28.00	29.39	31.56	32.33	33.35	35.15	35.55	36.34	GO	
13	Rachel Leathwood	3.25	1.55	1.56	3.29	0.15	3.49	1.19	4.04	1.39	2.04	3.05	2.12	2.45	0.39	1.01	1.39	0.42	0.39	Rachel Leathwood	
	BOK	3.25	5.20	7.16	10.45	11.00	14.49	16.08	20.12	21.51	23.55	27.00	29.12	31.57	32.36	33.37	35.16	35.58	36.37	BOK	
14	Emma Harrison	3.42	2.06	1.29	2.11	0.10	3.34	1.21	4.32	1.54	2.25	3.21	1.42	3.03	0.45	1.12	1.45	0.49	0.43	Emma Harrison	
	EPOC	3.42	5.48	7.17	9.28	9.38	13.12	14.33	19.05	20.59	23.24	26.45	28.27	31.30	32.15	33.27	35.12	36.01	36.44	EPOC	
15	Vanessa Lawson	3.59	2.19	1.39	2.08	0.09	4.06	1.29	4.21	2.08	2.19	3.11	1.41	2.44	0.35	1.03	1.37	0.45	0.39	Vanessa Lawson	
	NGOC	3.59	6.18	7.57	10.05	10.14	14.20	15.49	20.10	22.18	24.37	27.48	29.29	32.13	32.48	33.51	35.28	36.13	36.52	NGOC	
16	Peter Jones	3.43	2.28	1.31	2.30	0.11	3.03	1.24	4.53	2.09	2.17	3.33	1.53	2.32	0.39	1.11	1.43	0.43	0.37	Peter Jones	
	SN	3.43	6.11	7.42	10.12	10.23	13.26	14.50	19.43	21.52	24.09	27.42	29.35	32.07	32.46	33.57	35.40	36.23	37.00	SN	
17	Ian Ditchfield	3.24	2.03	1.58	1.03	0.05	4.54	1.21	4.36	2.13	2.20	3.08	2.13	2.48	0.41	1.04	1.40	0.48	0.44	Ian Ditchfield	
	MV	3.24	5.27	7.25	8.28	8.33	13.27	14.48	19.24	21.37	23.57	27.05	29.18	32.06	32.47	33.51	35.31	36.19	37.03	MV	
18	Gavin Smith	3.59	2.07	2.28	0.45	0.04	5.05	1.16	4.50	2.01	2.35	2.57	1.50	2.41	0.41	1.07	1.40	0.48	0.41	Gavin Smith	
	SROC	3.59	6.06	8.34	9.19	9.23	14.28	15.44	20.34	22.35	25.10	28.07	29.57	32.38	33.19	34.26	36.06	36.54	37.35	SROC	
19	Charlotte Ross	3.36	3.06	1.48	1.50	0.08	3.49	1.29	4.24	2.05	2.27	3.22	1.49	2.37	0.45	1.07	1.50	0.52	0.38	Charlotte Ross	
	SN	3.36	6.42	8.30	10.20	10.28	14.17	15.46	20.10	22.15	24.42	28.04	29.53	32.30	33.15	34.22	36.12	37.04	37.42	SN	
20	Ashley Tilling	4.17	3.03	1.40	1.58	0.09	4.06	1.25	4.25	2.16	2.16	3.12	1.40	2.43	0.39	1.04	1.34	0.45	0.39	Ashley Tilling	
	MV	4.17	7.20	9.00	10.58	11.07	15.13	16.38	21.03	23.19	25.35	28.47	30.27	33.10	33.49	34.53	36.27	37.12	37.51	MV	
21	Paul Addison	3.14	1.49	1.31	0.15	0.02	5.15	1.58	4.07	1.50	6.51	2.42	1.43	2.28	0.38	0.58	1.31	0.46	0.38	Paul Addison	
	LOC	3.14	5.03	6.34	6.49	6.51	12.06	14.04	18.11	20.01	26.52	29.34	31.17	33.45	34.23	35.21	36.52	37.38	38.16	LOC	
22	Peter Haynes	3.48	2.01	1.46	3.01	0.13	3.16	1.34	4.54	2.05	2.21	3.55	1.37	2.51	0.39	1.17	1.39	0.44	0.40	Peter Haynes	
	WAOC	3.48	5.49	7.35	10.36	10.49	14.05	15.39	20.33	22.38	24.59	28.54	30.31	33.22	34.01	35.18	36.57	37.41	38.21	WAOC	
23	Mike Snell	4.29	2.33	1.45	1.11	0.05	4.16	1.24	4.35	2.35	2.25	3.21	1.46	2.59	0.47	1.06	1.54	0.43	0.38	Mike Snell	
	ERYRI	4.29	7.02	8.47	9.58	10.03	14.19	15.43	20.18	22.53	25.18	28.39	30.25	33.24	34.11	35.17	37.11	37.54	38.32	ERYRI	
24	Alison Howe	3.36	2.06	1.42	2.13	0.10	4.40	1.29	4.42	2.20	2.09	3.24	2.23	2.41	0.44	1.13	1.45	0.47	0.42	Alison Howe	
	SAX	3.36	5.42	7.24	9.37	9.47	14.27	15.56	20.38	22.58	25.07	28.31	30.54	33.35	34.19	35.32	37.17	38.04	38.46	SAX	
25	Heather Hartman	3.41	2.18	1.38	1.48	0.08	4.14	1.25	4.46	2.11	2.22	3.27	2.27	3.18	0.37	1.11	1.58	0.46	0.36	Heather Hartman	
	INT	3.41	5.59	7.37	9.25	9.33	13.47	15.12	19.58	22.09	24.31	27.58	30.25	33.43	34.20	35.31	37.29	38.15	38.51	INT	
26	Andrew Evans	4.21	2.26	1.36	2.31	0.11	3.46	1.37	4.33	2.26	2.18	4.01	1.38	2.27	0.40	1.13	1.51	0.45	0.36	Andrew Evans	
	DFOK	4.21	6.47	8.23	10.54	11.05	14.51	16.28	21.01	23.27	25.45	29.46	31.24	33.51	34.31	35.44	37.35	38.20	38.56	DFOK	
27	Dave Bales	3.37	2.44	2.11	1.56	0.09	4.11	1.27	4.52	2.14	2.26	3.12	2.25	2.45	0.42	1.04	1.53	0.41	0.35	Dave Bales	
	BOF	3.37	6.21	8.32	10.28	10.37	14.48	16.15	21.07	23.21	25.47	28.59	31.24	34.09	34.51	35.55	37.48	38.29	39.04	BOF	
28	Alastair Mackenzie	4.00	2.59	1.23	2.08	0.09	5.42	1.29	3.57	1.48	2.19	3.09	1.52	3.33	0.38	1.07	1.38	0.43	0.35	Alastair Mackenzie	
	CLOK	4.00	6.59	8.22	10.30	10.39	16.21	17.50	21.47	23.35	25.54	29.03	30.55	34.28	35.06	36.13	37.51	38.34	39.09	CLOK	
29	Morag McLuckie	3.27	2.18	1.45	2.40	0.12	5.22	1.15	4.23	2.12	2.14	3.02	2.27	3.35	0.37	1.09	1.41	0.46	0.36	Morag McLuckie	
	MOR	3.27	5.45	7.30	10.10	10.22	15.44	16.59	21.22	23.34	25.48	28.50	31.17	34.52	35.29	36.38	38.19	39.05	39.41	MOR	
30	David Kingham	5.36	2.15	1.39	0.10	0.01	5.35	1.26	4.29	1.44	2.04	3.57	1.50	3.08	0.33	1.52	1.54	0.49	0.44	David Kingham	
	TVOC	5.36	7.51	9.30	9.40	9.41	15.16	16.42	21.11	22.55	24.59	28.56	30.46	33.54	34.27	36.19	38.13	39.02	39.46	TVOC	
31	Rachel Kirkland	3.44	2.30	1.32	2.54	0.13	2.58	1.35	4.42	2.00	3.02	3.09	1.59	4.22	0.48	1.14	1.57	0.43	0.34	Rachel Kirkland	
	FVO	3.44	6.14	7.46	10.40	10.53	13.51	15.26	20.08	22.08	25.10	28.19	30.18	34.40	35.28	36.42	38.39	39.22	39.56	FVO	
32	Natalie Hawkrigg	3.05	2.21	1.16	0.21	0.02	5.15	2.05	3.52	1.50	8.49	2.52	1.21	2.12	0.55	0.55	1.40	0.40	0.35	Natalie Hawkrigg	
	BL	3.05	5.26	6.42	7.03	7.05	12.20	14.25	18.17	20.07	28.56	31.48	33.09	35.21	36.16	37.11	38.51	39.31	40.06	BL	
33	Andrew Kelly	3.57	2.22	1.41	1.22	0.06	5.07	1.27	5.17	2.13	2.23	3.40	1.57	3.08	0.46	1.15	1.50	0.54	0.46	Andrew Kelly	
	CLARO	3.57	6.19	8.00	9.22	9.28	14.35	16.02	21.19	23.32	25.55	29.35	31.32	34.40	35.26	36.41	38.31	39.25	40.11	CLARO	
34	Amanda Crawshaw	4.34	2.10	1.42	0.49	0.04	5.39	1.23	5.06	2.07	2.29	3.59	1.51	3.05	0.40	1.12	1.52	0.52	0.48	Amanda Crawshaw	
	SYO	4.34	6.44	8.26	9.15	9.19	14.58	16.21	21.27	23.34	26.03	30.02	31.53	34.58	35.38	36.50	38.42	39.34	40.22	SYO	
35	Christopher Kelsey	3.59	2.07	1.28	1.22	0.06	4.24	4.17	4.37	2.41	2.13	3.59	1.43	2.28	0.44	1.12	1.46	0.45	0.32	Christopher Kelsey	
	BOK	3.59	6.06	7.34	8.56	9.02	13.26	17.43	22.20	25.01	27.14	31.13	32.56	35.24	36.08	37.20	39.06	39.51	40.23	BOK	
36	Beccy Osborn	4.18	2.15	1.35	2.53	0.13	3.33	1.28	4.58	2.23	2.52	3.45	1.48	2.49	0.45	1.15	2.06	0.51	0.39	Beccy Osborn	
	FVO	4.18	6.33	8.08	11.01	11.14	14.47	16.15	21.13	23.36	26.28	30.13	32.01	34.50	35.35	36.50	38.56	39.47	40.26	FVO	
37	Rini Hoogkamer	3.58	3.36	1.52	3.41	0.16	2.51	1.44	5.00	1.51	2.33	3.44	1.39	3.19	0.40	1.12	1.41	0.39	0.35	Rini Hoogkamer	
	NOR	3.58	7.34	9.26	13.07	13.23	16.14	17.58	22.58	24.49	27.22	31.06	32.45	36.04	36.44	37.56	39.37	40.16	40.51	NOR	
38	Peter Maliphant	3.46	3.28	1.49	3.18	0.14	3.19	1.30	4.39	2.29	2.31	3.38	1.58	3.03	0.40	1.16	1.53	0.46	0.39	Peter Maliphant	
	BOK	3.46	7.14	9.03	12.21	12.35	15.54	17.24	22.03	24.32	27.03	30.41	32.39	35.42	36.22	37.38	39.31	40.17	40.56	BOK	
38	Frank Edge	3.43	2.06	1.32	3.09	0.14	5.36	1.25	5.02	2.03	2.39	3.07	2.12	2.49	0.41	1.12	1.46	0.51	0.49	Frank Edge	
	SN	3.43	5.49	7.21	10.30	10.44	16.20	17.45	22.47	24.50	27.29	30.36	32.48	35.37	36.18	37.30	39.16	40.07	40.56	SN	
40	Mike Frizzell	3.52	2.09	1.58	1.10	0.05	5.35	1.35	5.56	1.57	3.52	3.17	2.00	2.49	0.38	1.02	1.44	0.43	0.37	Mike Frizzell	
	BADO	3.52	6.01	7.59	9.09	9.14	14.49	16.24	22.20	24.17	28.09	31.26	33.26	36.15	36.53	37.55	39.39	40.22	40.59	BADO	
41	Natasha Conway	4.07	2.15	2.19	1.09	0.05	5.15	2.01	5.08	1.52	3.06	3.31	1.52	3.29	0.41	1.08	1.48	0.50	0.38	Natasha Conway	
	FVO	4.07	6.22	8.41	9.50	9.55	15.10	17.11	22.19	24.11	27.17	30.48	32.40	36.09	36.50	37.58	39.46	40.36	41.14	FVO	
42	Stephen Bingham	4.14	2.23	1.41	2.38	0.11	4.51	2.08	5.08	2.14	2.39	3.25	1.48	2.56	0.41	1.04	1.46	0.48	0.45	Stephen Bingham	
	BASOC	4.14	6.37	8.18	10.56	11.07	15.58	18.06	23.14	25.28	28.07	31.32	33.20	36.16	36.57	38.01	39.47	40.35	41.20	BASOC	
43	Jenni Adams	3.53	1.56	1.22	1.12	0.06	4.43	2.14	4.34	6.44	2.04	2.56	2.08	2.55	0.42	1.11	2.02	0.50	0.47	Jenni Adams	
	Peninsula and Plains Orienteers	3.53	5.49	7.11	8.23	8.29	13.12	15.26	20.00	26.44	28.48	31.44	33.52	36.47	37.29	38.40	40.42	41.32	42.19	Peninsula and Plains Orienteers	
44	Kevin Lomas	3.41	2.55	1.39	0.35	0.03	7.38	1.18	5.16	2.08	2.16	3.12	2.24	3.06	0.44	1.17	1.56	1.07	1.05	Kevin Lomas	
	NOC	3.41	6.36	8.15	8.50	8.53	16.31	17.49	23.05	25.13	27.29	30.41	33.05	36.11	36.55	38.12	40.08	41.15	42.20	NOC	
45	Jo Matthew	4.20	2.19	2.09	2.15	0.10	4.25	1.38	5.55	2.53	2.44	3.30	2.01	2.54	0.49	1.14	1.57	0.48	0.42	Jo Matthew	
	SROC	4.20	6.39	8.48	11.03	11.13	15.38	17.16	23.11	26.04	28.48	32.18	34.19	37.13	38.02	39.16	41.13	42.01	42.43	SROC	
46	Caroline Murray	4.11	2.35	1.48	2.10	0.09	4.47	1.25	5.01	2.13	2.42	3.26	1.57	3.34	0.43	2.14	2.21	0.54	0.43	Caroline Murray	
	KerryO	4.11	6.46	8.34	10.44	10.53	15.40	17.05	22.06	24.19	27.01	30.27	32.24	35.58	36.41	38.55	41.16	42.10	42.53	KerryO	
47	Graham Johnson	3.35	2.37	1.44	1.37	0.07	3.49	5.20	5.53	2.37	2.24	3.29	1.59	2.34	0.37	1.12	1.57	0.50	0.45	Graham Johnson	
	DVO	3.35	6.12	7.56	9.33	9.40	13.29	18.49	24.42	27.19	29.43	33.12	35.11	37.45	38.22	39.34	41.31	42.21	43.06	DVO	
48	Ian Moran	4.28	3.27	2.24	2.54	0.13	3.45	1.29	4.19	2.47	3.00	3.20	1.52	3.55	0.38	1.11	2.06	0.48	0.36	Ian Moran	
	SOC	4.28	7.55	10.19	13.13	13.26	17.11	18.40	22.59	25.46	28.46	32.06	33.58	37.53	38.31	39.42	41.48	42.36	43.12	SOC	
49	Mike Gardner	4.27	2.16	1.37	2.17	0.10	4.59	1.41	5.34	2.05	2.56	3.34	2.04	3.29	1.04	1.16	2.03	0.58	0.46	Mike Gardner	
	DVO	4.27	6.43	8.20	10.37	10.47	15.46	17.27	23.01	25.06	28.02	31.36	33.40	37.09	38.13	39.29	41.32	42.30	43.16	DVO	
50	Andrew Quickfall	3.48	2.34	1.42	3.52	0.17	3.25	1.19	4.57	2.26	2.51	3.44	1.56	4.24	0.51	1.21	1.58	1.05	1.07	Andrew Quickfall	
	SROC	3.48	6.22	8.04	11.56	12.13	15.38	16.57	21.54	24.20	27.11	30.55	32.51	37.15	38.06	39.27	41.25	42.30	43.37	SROC	
51	Robert King	4.03	2.24	1.32	2.52	0.12	4.41	1.36	4.45	3.03	2.39	4.06	2.16	3.09	0.52	1.22	1.56	1.33	0.39	Robert King	
	AIRE	4.03	6.27	7.59	10.51	11.03	15.44	17.20	22.05	25.08	27.47	31.53	34.09	37.18	38.10	39.32	41.28	43.01	43.40	AIRE	
51	Andrew Graham	4.00	3.05	3.19	0.58	0.05	5.34	1.25	5.23	2.20	2.29	3.22	2.26	3.53	0.42	1.15	1.47	0.52	0.45	Andrew Graham	
	SARUM	4.00	7.05	10.24	11.22	11.27	17.01	18.26	23.49	26.09	28.38	32.00	34.26	38.19	39.01	40.16	42.03	42.55	43.40	SARUM	
53	Michael Turner	3.33	3.28	2.08	3.43	0.59	3.45	2.03	4.48	2.43	2.40	3.23	2.06	3.08	0.48	1.14	1.55	0.44	0.33	Michael Turner	
	BOK	3.33	7.01	9.09	12.52	13.51	17.36	19.39	24.27	27.10	29.50	33.13	35.19	38.27	39.15	40.29	42.24	43.08	43.41	BOK	
54	Vesela Chokoeva	5.27	2.51	1.51	1.23	0.06	4.54	2.17	5.08	3.28	2.26	3.24	2.04	2.48	0.42	1.12	1.57	0.54	0.53	Vesela Chokoeva	
	SLOW	5.27	8.18	10.09	11.32	11.38	16.32	18.49	23.57	27.25	29.51	33.15	35.19	38.07	38.49	40.01	41.58	42.52	43.45	SLOW	
55	Dave Brown	4.12	4.14	1.51	1.30	0.07	5.27	1.36	4.59	3.04	2.36	3.24	1.55	4.03	0.47	1.05	1.51	0.43	0.35	Dave Brown	
	HALO	4.12	8.26	10.17	11.47	11.54	17.21	18.57	23.56	27.00	29.36	33.00	34.55	38.58	39.45	40.50	42.41	43.24	43.59	HALO	
56	Steve Edmonds	3.53	3.49	1.50	3.08	0.14	4.12	1.54	4.43	2.29	3.09	4.23	1.51	3.06	0.49	1.14	1.48	0.52	0.41	Steve Edmonds	
	DEVON	3.53	7.42	9.32	12.40	12.54	17.06	19.00	23.43	26.12	29.21	33.44	35.35	38.41	39.30	40.44	42.32	43.24	44.05	DEVON	
57	Nicola Howard	5.41	3.03	1.43	2.40	0.12	4.21	2.12	5.19	2.11	3.03	3.31	1.46	2.58	1.02	1.08	1.53	0.46	0.38	Nicola Howard	
	MOR	5.41	8.44	10.27	13.07	13.19	17.40	19.52	25.11	27.22	30.25	33.56	35.42	38.40	39.42	40.50	42.43	43.29	44.07	MOR	
58	Andy Emmerson	3.38	2.57	1.45	3.36	1.05	2.50	1.23	7.30	1.52	3.17	3.33	1.53	4.30	0.46	1.12	1.48	0.42	0.40	Andy Emmerson	
	OD	3.38	6.35	8.20	11.56	13.01	15.51	17.14	24.44	26.36	29.53	33.26	35.19	39.49	40.35	41.47	43.35	44.17	44.57	OD	
59	Bruce Bryant	4.05	2.10	1.44	2.00	0.09	5.24	1.27	5.33	5.05	2.32	3.49	2.09	3.19	0.46	1.17	1.55	0.55	0.47	Bruce Bryant	
	OD	4.05	6.15	7.59	9.59	10.08	15.32	16.59	22.32	27.37	30.09	33.58	36.07	39.26	40.12	41.29	43.24	44.19	45.06	OD	
60	Keith Roberts	4.02	2.51	1.54	1.13	0.06	6.23	1.23	5.55	2.33	4.55	3.38	2.03	3.01	0.52	1.14	2.01	0.51	0.47	Keith Roberts	
	MAROC	4.02	6.53	8.47	10.00	10.06	16.29	17.52	23.47	26.20	31.15	34.53	36.56	39.57	40.49	42.03	44.04	44.55	45.42	MAROC	
61	Carol Lovegrove	3.59	2.21	1.37	3.36	0.15	6.31	1.49	5.19	2.18	3.02	3.44	2.09	2.55	0.50	1.27	2.13	0.59	0.46	Carol Lovegrove	
	SN	3.59	6.20	7.57	11.33	11.48	18.19	20.08	25.27	27.45	30.47	34.31	36.40	39.35	40.25	41.52	44.05	45.04	45.50	SN	
62	Adrian Taylor	3.44	2.03	1.37	1.26	0.07	4.22	1.14	4.38	8.37	4.57	3.08	1.47	3.15	0.36	1.08	1.43	0.52	0.37	Adrian Taylor	
	DEVON	3.44	5.47	7.24	8.50	8.57	13.19	14.33	19.11	27.48	32.45	35.53	37.40	40.55	41.31	42.39	44.22	45.14	45.51	DEVON	
63	Mick Lucking	3.36	2.47	3.05	4.29	0.19	5.09	2.00	4.46	2.53	2.10	3.22	1.56	4.00	0.40	1.11	1.59	0.49	0.45	Mick Lucking	
	NOC	3.36	6.23	9.28	13.57	14.16	19.25	21.25	26.11	29.04	31.14	34.36	36.32	40.32	41.12	42.23	44.22	45.11	45.56	NOC	
64	Nick Campbell	4.11	3.37	3.09	1.00	0.05	6.03	1.35	5.25	3.37	2.45	3.29	2.12	3.13	0.51	1.18	1.57	0.58	0.54	Nick Campbell	
	DEE	4.11	7.48	10.57	11.57	12.02	18.05	19.40	25.05	28.42	31.27	34.56	37.08	40.21	41.12	42.30	44.27	45.25	46.19	DEE	
65	Mick Hunter	3.28	2.11	1.29	1.07	0.05	7.00	1.16	4.30	10.20	2.11	3.21	1.50	2.53	0.44	1.11	1.49	0.47	0.39	Mick Hunter	
	NWO	3.28	5.39	7.08	8.15	8.20	15.20	16.36	21.06	31.26	33.37	36.58	38.48	41.41	42.25	43.36	45.25	46.12	46.51	NWO	
65	Cat Edwardes	4.24	3.38	3.15	2.40	0.12	4.02	1.33	5.37	2.56	3.46	3.30	2.02	3.02	0.49	1.14	2.27	0.56	0.48	Cat Edwardes	
	DEVON	4.24	8.02	11.17	13.57	14.09	18.11	19.44	25.21	28.17	32.03	35.33	37.35	40.37	41.26	42.40	45.07	46.03	46.51	DEVON	
67	Anna Chapman	8.32	3.34	1.28	3.08	0.14	3.21	1.27	5.06	2.03	2.29	4.10	2.42	3.10	0.48	1.11	2.07	0.44	0.38	Anna Chapman	
	SO	8.32	12.06	13.34	16.42	16.56	20.17	21.44	26.50	28.53	31.22	35.32	38.14	41.24	42.12	43.23	45.30	46.14	46.52	SO	
68	Graham McIntyre	3.56	2.10	2.02	3.07	0.13	3.04	3.47	5.41	2.07	2.16	3.47	2.12	3.09	0.51	1.20	5.54	0.49	0.52	Graham McIntyre	
	INT	3.56	6.06	8.08	11.15	11.28	14.32	18.19	24.00	26.07	28.23	32.10	34.22	37.31	38.22	39.42	45.36	46.25	47.17	INT	
69	Ann Roller	5.15	2.36	2.00	1.42	0.08	5.38	1.29	6.16	2.21	2.53	3.29	2.09	4.02	1.44	1.22	2.11	1.05	1.02	Ann Roller	
	GO	5.15	7.51	9.51	11.33	11.41	17.19	18.48	25.04	27.25	30.18	33.47	35.56	39.58	41.42	43.04	45.15	46.20	47.22	GO	
70	Richard Tiley	4.45	2.55	1.36	2.00	0.09	5.59	3.33	6.03	2.07	2.36	4.04	2.06	3.27	0.47	1.26	2.11	1.04	0.54	Richard Tiley	
	LOC	4.45	7.40	9.16	11.16	11.25	17.24	20.57	27.00	29.07	31.43	35.47	37.53	41.20	42.07	43.33	45.44	46.48	47.42	LOC	
71	Pauline Tryner	4.35	2.35	2.52	2.02	0.09	5.32	1.40	5.52	2.32	2.54	4.24	2.07	3.57	0.48	1.22	2.11	1.05	1.07	Pauline Tryner	
	SYO	4.35	7.10	10.02	12.04	12.13	17.45	19.25	25.17	27.49	30.43	35.07	37.14	41.11	41.59	43.21	45.32	46.37	47.44	SYO	
72	Charles Daniel	3.56	3.13	1.46	3.45	0.16	3.07	4.41	5.32	1.47	3.08	4.08	1.59	4.07	0.58	1.41	2.17	0.53	0.44	Charles Daniel	
	BOK	3.56	7.09	8.55	12.40	12.56	16.03	20.44	26.16	28.03	31.11	35.19	37.18	41.25	42.23	44.04	46.21	47.14	47.58	BOK	
73	Jonathan Gilbert	4.34	3.13	1.52	3.46	0.16	3.39	2.54	5.23	5.14	3.22	3.35	2.11	2.55	0.50	1.19	1.50	0.44	0.46	Jonathan Gilbert	
	NOR	4.34	7.47	9.39	13.25	13.41	17.20	20.14	25.37	30.51	34.13	37.48	39.59	42.54	43.44	45.03	46.53	47.37	48.23	NOR	
74	Ian Byford	4.38	3.01	2.07	1.52	0.08	5.25	3.45	5.59	2.20	2.42	3.55	2.03	3.45	1.11	1.24	2.13	0.59	0.57	Ian Byford	
	HH	4.38	7.39	9.46	11.38	11.46	17.11	20.56	26.55	29.15	31.57	35.52	37.55	41.40	42.51	44.15	46.28	47.27	48.24	HH	
75	Michelle Mackervoy	4.35	2.30	3.54	3.27	0.15	3.43	3.14	6.03	2.57	3.29	3.30	1.58	3.17	0.53	1.22	2.03	0.47	0.39	Michelle Mackervoy	
	DVO	4.35	7.05	10.59	14.26	14.41	18.24	21.38	27.41	30.38	34.07	37.37	39.35	42.52	43.45	45.07	47.10	47.57	48.36	DVO	
76	Richard Cummings	4.49	4.10	1.59	2.57	0.13	4.27	1.55	6.01	3.19	2.55	4.31	2.16	3.20	0.45	1.18	2.00	0.56	0.49	Richard Cummings	
	WCOC	4.49	8.59	10.58	13.55	14.08	18.35	20.30	26.31	29.50	32.45	37.16	39.32	42.52	43.37	44.55	46.55	47.51	48.40	WCOC	
77	Jane Stagg	3.34	2.02	1.36	3.57	0.17	3.59	1.17	4.11	2.41	12.00	2.54	2.06	3.06	0.37	1.06	1.55	0.48	0.39	Jane Stagg	
	BOK	3.34	5.36	7.12	11.09	11.26	15.25	16.42	20.53	23.34	35.34	38.28	40.34	43.40	44.17	45.23	47.18	48.06	48.45	BOK	
78	Yvonne Näslund	4.39	2.29	2.13	3.14	0.14	4.35	1.55	6.48	2.16	3.08	4.01	2.29	4.35	0.48	1.41	2.22	0.54	0.41	Yvonne Näslund	
	Skogslöparna	4.39	7.08	9.21	12.35	12.49	17.24	19.19	26.07	28.23	31.31	35.32	38.01	42.36	43.24	45.05	47.27	48.21	49.02	Skogslöparna	
79	Nigel Bush	7.49	3.05	1.43	0.42	0.03	5.54	1.23	5.09	5.49	2.43	3.47	2.09	2.55	0.44	1.15	2.10	0.55	0.58	Nigel Bush	
	MV	7.49	10.54	12.37	13.19	13.22	19.16	20.39	25.48	31.37	34.20	38.07	40.16	43.11	43.55	45.10	47.20	48.15	49.13	MV	
80	Katie Clarke	4.43	2.43	1.54	3.45	0.16	3.52	1.52	5.57	2.15	3.44	5.19	2.10	3.49	0.55	1.30	2.34	1.03	0.55	Katie Clarke	
	SN	4.43	7.26	9.20	13.05	13.21	17.13	19.05	25.02	27.17	31.01	36.20	38.30	42.19	43.14	44.44	47.18	48.21	49.16	SN	
81	John Hurley	4.11	2.35	1.48	5.36	0.56	4.22	2.03	6.03	2.27	4.05	4.12	2.02	3.36	0.43	1.22	2.15	0.53	0.45	John Hurley	
	DVO	4.11	6.46	8.34	14.10	15.06	19.28	21.31	27.34	30.01	34.06	38.18	40.20	43.56	44.39	46.01	48.16	49.09	49.54	DVO	
82	Peter Woods	6.50	2.15	2.00	4.42	0.20	3.06	2.26	7.01	2.09	2.51	4.27	1.52	4.05	0.52	1.26	2.05	0.50	0.43	Peter Woods	
	WAOC	6.50	9.05	11.05	15.47	16.07	19.13	21.39	28.40	30.49	33.40	38.07	39.59	44.04	44.56	46.22	48.27	49.17	50.00	WAOC	
83	Malcolm Spencer	4.48	2.24	1.56	3.04	0.13	4.41	2.00	5.55	6.06	2.34	4.54	2.01	3.26	0.49	1.17	2.21	1.00	0.46	Malcolm Spencer	
	DVO	4.48	7.12	9.08	12.12	12.25	17.06	19.06	25.01	31.07	33.41	38.35	40.36	44.02	44.51	46.08	48.29	49.29	50.15	DVO	
84	Lizzie Rose	5.22	3.40	1.50	1.03	0.05	12.39	1.41	5.16	2.13	3.34	3.32	1.49	2.50	0.40	1.14	2.09	0.52	0.44	Lizzie Rose	
	ECKO	5.22	9.02	10.52	11.55	12.00	24.39	26.20	31.36	33.49	37.23	40.55	42.44	45.34	46.14	47.28	49.37	50.29	51.13	ECKO	
85	Christopher Wright	5.19	3.01	1.58	3.36	0.15	4.25	2.46	6.13	2.42	3.05	4.39	2.22	3.24	1.01	1.46	2.41	1.07	1.04	Christopher Wright	
	CLOK	5.19	8.20	10.18	13.54	14.09	18.34	21.20	27.33	30.15	33.20	37.59	40.21	43.45	44.46	46.32	49.13	50.20	51.24	CLOK	
86	Freya Askham	4.43	2.47	2.15	4.28	0.19	3.51	1.56	6.23	3.54	3.23	4.46	2.22	3.38	1.06	1.39	2.20	0.57	0.47	Freya Askham	
	SMOC	4.43	7.30	9.45	14.13	14.32	18.23	20.19	26.42	30.36	33.59	38.45	41.07	44.45	45.51	47.30	49.50	50.47	51.34	SMOC	
87	Maria Spurling	4.39	5.08	2.08	1.42	0.08	6.17	1.33	6.54	3.27	2.56	4.15	2.23	3.37	0.47	1.28	2.39	0.56	0.51	Maria Spurling	
	WRE	4.39	9.47	11.55	13.37	13.45	20.02	21.35	28.29	31.56	34.52	39.07	41.30	45.07	45.54	47.22	50.01	50.57	51.48	WRE	
88	Simon Crocker	4.31	3.09	1.54	4.35	0.20	4.19	1.46	7.04	2.48	3.09	4.32	3.11	4.00	0.55	1.33	2.13	1.04	0.53	Simon Crocker	
	DEE	4.31	7.40	9.34	14.09	14.29	18.48	20.34	27.38	30.26	33.35	38.07	41.18	45.18	46.13	47.46	49.59	51.03	51.56	DEE	
89	Peter Carter	4.38	5.28	2.03	3.43	0.16	3.54	2.07	7.44	2.52	3.01	4.25	2.20	3.13	0.49	1.26	2.14	1.03	1.04	Peter Carter	
	AIRE	4.38	10.06	12.09	15.52	16.08	20.02	22.09	29.53	32.45	35.46	40.11	42.31	45.44	46.33	47.59	50.13	51.16	52.20	AIRE	
90	Rebecca Medlock	4.53	3.58	2.06	3.39	0.16	4.52	2.26	6.05	2.36	4.39	4.39	2.02	4.00	0.48	1.35	2.29	1.18	0.43	Rebecca Medlock	
	WSX	4.53	8.51	10.57	14.36	14.52	19.44	22.10	28.15	30.51	35.30	40.09	42.11	46.11	46.59	48.34	51.03	52.21	53.04	WSX	
91	Alan Pucill	6.40	2.39	1.47	4.56	0.21	3.33	3.55	6.48	2.13	3.24	4.17	2.17	3.30	0.59	1.35	2.27	0.58	0.51	Alan Pucill	
	NGOC	6.40	9.19	11.06	16.02	16.23	19.56	23.51	30.39	32.52	36.16	40.33	42.50	46.20	47.19	48.54	51.21	52.19	53.10	NGOC	
92	David Roach	5.14	2.55	1.51	2.46	0.12	5.39	1.58	6.28	2.59	3.07	4.51	2.38	4.59	0.56	2.04	2.36	1.07	1.02	David Roach	
	Luxembourg OC	5.14	8.09	10.00	12.46	12.58	18.37	20.35	27.03	30.02	33.09	38.00	40.38	45.37	46.33	48.37	51.13	52.20	53.22	Luxembourg OC	
93	John Brammer	4.43	4.05	2.08	3.06	0.13	5.31	2.45	6.14	3.12	3.35	4.01	2.42	4.18	0.51	1.35	2.35	1.06	0.53	John Brammer	
	DEE	4.43	8.48	10.56	14.02	14.15	19.46	22.31	28.45	31.57	35.32	39.33	42.15	46.33	47.24	48.59	51.34	52.40	53.33	DEE	
94	Paul Shannon	4.01	2.17	1.41	2.36	0.11	5.44	1.52	5.11	14.49	2.35	3.12	1.56	2.50	0.49	1.19	1.45	0.45	0.37	Paul Shannon	
	DEE	4.01	6.18	7.59	10.35	10.46	16.30	18.22	23.33	38.22	40.57	44.09	46.05	48.55	49.44	51.03	52.48	53.33	54.10	DEE	
95	Angela Darley	5.26	3.18	2.19	4.54	0.21	4.12	2.06	6.58	2.52	3.47	4.20	2.28	3.59	1.05	1.43	2.28	1.08	0.55	Angela Darley	
	GO	5.26	8.44	11.03	15.57	16.18	20.30	22.36	29.34	32.26	36.13	40.33	43.01	47.00	48.05	49.48	52.16	53.24	54.19	GO	
96	Ian Byrne	4.14	3.03	1.50	4.38	0.12	3.50	5.59	5.27	4.53	3.28	4.12	2.05	4.02	1.16	1.27	2.05	1.04	0.45	Ian Byrne	
	SMOC	4.14	7.17	9.07	13.45	13.57	17.47	23.46	29.13	34.06	37.34	41.46	43.51	47.53	49.09	50.36	52.41	53.45	54.30	SMOC	
97	Deirdre Coyle	5.43	5.12	2.54	4.20	0.19	3.54	2.17	7.07	2.29	3.39	4.42	2.12	3.22	0.48	1.24	2.39	0.53	0.53	Deirdre Coyle	
	GEN	5.43	10.55	13.49	18.09	18.28	22.22	24.39	31.46	34.15	37.54	42.36	44.48	48.10	48.58	50.22	53.01	53.54	54.47	GEN	
98	Colin Swallow	5.29	3.01	2.03	3.48	0.16	4.02	4.00	6.41	2.40	3.12	4.41	4.00	3.32	1.03	1.34	2.29	1.16	1.03	Colin Swallow	
	SN	5.29	8.30	10.33	14.21	14.37	18.39	22.39	29.20	32.00	35.12	39.53	43.53	47.25	48.28	50.02	52.31	53.47	54.50	SN	
99	Colin West	8.10	2.42	1.59	3.36	0.15	4.38	2.05	6.46	3.56	3.37	4.40	2.04	3.53	0.52	1.30	2.40	0.54	0.42	Colin West	
	SOS	8.10	10.52	12.51	16.27	16.42	21.20	23.25	30.11	34.07	37.44	42.24	44.28	48.21	49.13	50.43	53.23	54.17	54.59	SOS	
100	Steve Perkins	4.50	2.29	1.57	4.16	0.18	4.18	2.24	5.40	7.21	2.22	7.57	2.02	3.16	0.57	1.20	2.13	0.53	0.44	Steve Perkins	
	BOC	4.50	7.19	9.16	13.32	13.50	18.08	20.32	26.12	33.33	35.55	43.52	45.54	49.10	50.07	51.27	53.40	54.33	55.17	BOC	
101	Michael Goldthorpe	3.48	3.17	2.16	5.49	0.25	5.43	2.23	5.15	8.41	2.59	4.11	1.44	3.16	0.41	1.23	2.24	0.43	0.36	Michael Goldthorpe	
	WRE	3.48	7.05	9.21	15.10	15.35	21.18	23.41	28.56	37.37	40.36	44.47	46.31	49.47	50.28	51.51	54.15	54.58	55.34	WRE	
102	Mark Garside	4.56	3.01	1.56	4.31	0.19	3.34	5.37	6.00	7.14	3.16	4.34	2.37	3.35	1.02	1.40	2.32	1.02	1.02	Mark Garside	
	WCH	4.56	7.57	9.53	14.24	14.43	18.17	23.54	29.54	37.08	40.24	44.58	47.35	51.10	52.12	53.52	56.24	57.26	58.28	WCH	
103	David Nichol	5.59	2.39	2.27	3.44	0.16	4.55	2.44	7.12	4.27	4.33	4.57	2.43	4.31	1.06	1.45	2.24	1.18	1.05	David Nichol	
	AYROC	5.59	8.38	11.05	14.49	15.05	20.00	22.44	29.56	34.23	38.56	43.53	46.36	51.07	52.13	53.58	56.22	57.40	58.45	AYROC	
104	Graham Batty	5.51	6.19	2.18	4.47	0.20	3.49	2.27	6.56	3.26	3.30	5.32	2.27	3.53	1.03	1.49	2.40	1.14	0.54	Graham Batty	
	HAVOC	5.51	12.10	14.28	19.15	19.35	23.24	25.51	32.47	36.13	39.43	45.15	47.42	51.35	52.38	54.27	57.07	58.21	59.15	HAVOC	
105	Terry Ley	5.57	4.20	2.25	5.16	0.22	6.21	2.00	7.40	3.22	3.15	4.34	2.12	4.09	0.49	1.25	3.12	0.59	0.59	Terry Ley	
	CorkO	5.57	10.17	12.42	17.58	18.20	24.41	26.41	34.21	37.43	40.58	45.32	47.44	51.53	52.42	54.07	57.19	58.18	59.17	CorkO	
106	Norma Rea	5.34	4.53	2.55	4.39	0.20	4.45	2.57	7.41	3.19	4.10	4.24	3.11	3.24	1.35	1.32	2.31	0.54	0.46	Norma Rea	
	LVO	5.34	10.27	13.22	18.01	18.21	23.06	26.03	33.44	37.03	41.13	45.37	48.48	52.12	53.47	55.19	57.50	58.44	59.30	LVO	
107	Peter Foster	4.14	3.58	2.07	3.31	2.39	5.46	6.24	8.06	2.42	3.07	4.08	2.31	4.26	0.43	1.15	3.24	0.52	0.45	Peter Foster	
	BOK	4.14	8.12	10.19	13.50	16.29	22.15	28.39	36.45	39.27	42.34	46.42	49.13	53.39	54.22	55.37	59.01	59.53	1:00.38	BOK	
108	Frances Britain	9.29	2.59	2.06	5.04	0.22	4.04	2.20	7.50	4.13	4.05	4.08	2.58	3.50	1.36	2.04	2.23	0.55	0.39	Frances Britain	
	MOR	9.29	12.28	14.34	19.38	20.00	24.04	26.24	34.14	38.27	42.32	46.40	49.38	53.28	55.04	57.08	59.31	1:00.26	1:01.05	MOR	
109	Mark Thompson	6.02	3.11	2.40	4.43	0.20	5.53	2.55	7.55	3.14	4.15	5.12	3.10	4.34	1.04	1.42	2.32	0.56	0.56	Mark Thompson	
	TVOC	6.02	9.13	11.53	16.36	16.56	22.49	25.44	33.39	36.53	41.08	46.20	49.30	54.04	55.08	56.50	59.22	1:00.18	1:01.14	TVOC	
110	Cinnamon Hodgson	4.45	10.14	2.03	3.52	0.17	4.51	1.56	6.50	2.46	8.42	4.00	2.01	3.19	0.48	1.23	1.55	0.55	0.49	Cinnamon Hodgson	
	SYO	4.45	14.59	17.02	20.54	21.11	26.02	27.58	34.48	37.34	46.16	50.16	52.17	55.36	56.24	57.47	59.42	1:00.37	1:01.26	SYO	
111	Tara Black	4.09	11.42	1.53	1.46	0.08	4.49	2.46	6.33	2.31	11.18	3.21	1.58	3.05	1.01	1.10	2.04	0.57	0.43	Tara Black	
	INVOC	4.09	15.51	17.44	19.30	19.38	24.27	27.13	33.46	36.17	47.35	50.56	52.54	55.59	57.00	58.10	1:00.14	1:01.11	1:01.54	INVOC	
112	Jenny Lightfoot	4.09	2.26	3.01	2.42	0.12	17.00	1.43	6.33	4.39	3.37	3.44	2.42	3.07	0.54	1.25	2.14	1.03	0.52	Jenny Lightfoot	
	SYO	4.09	6.35	9.36	12.18	12.30	29.30	31.13	37.46	42.25	46.02	49.46	52.28	55.35	56.29	57.54	1:00.08	1:01.11	1:02.03	SYO	
113	Kevin Parkes	5.17	5.56	3.49	5.22	1.59	4.31	2.21	7.10	3.00	3.46	5.06	2.48	4.22	0.58	1.34	2.26	1.01	0.54	Kevin Parkes	
	HH	5.17	11.13	15.02	20.24	22.23	26.54	29.15	36.25	39.25	43.11	48.17	51.05	55.27	56.25	57.59	1:00.25	1:01.26	1:02.20	HH	
114	Pat McCavana	6.14	2.39	2.07	2.40	0.12	4.07	1.28	4.54	2.12	21.18	3.46	2.09	3.08	0.46	1.10	2.02	0.58	0.40	Pat McCavana	
	GEN	6.14	8.53	11.00	13.40	13.52	17.59	19.27	24.21	26.33	47.51	51.37	53.46	56.54	57.40	58.50	1:00.52	1:01.50	1:02.30	GEN	
115	Peter Harris	4.32	4.21	8.15	5.02	0.21	4.56	2.01	6.17	3.06	4.06	6.09	2.11	4.46	0.55	1.29	2.38	0.56	0.41	Peter Harris	
	HALO	4.32	8.53	17.08	22.10	22.31	27.27	29.28	35.45	38.51	42.57	49.06	51.17	56.03	56.58	58.27	1:01.05	1:02.01	1:02.42	HALO	
116	John Lebeter	7.53	4.13	1.54	5.18	0.22	4.23	9.17	5.50	2.28	3.58	3.50	2.00	4.23	1.05	1.34	2.30	1.02	0.49	John Lebeter	
	CLARO	7.53	12.06	14.00	19.18	19.40	24.03	33.20	39.10	41.38	45.36	49.26	51.26	55.49	56.54	58.28	1:00.58	1:02.00	1:02.49	CLARO	
117	Helen Rennie	5.29	5.15	3.43	3.57	0.17	5.55	2.32	8.03	4.52	4.21	4.54	3.17	3.51	0.52	1.33	2.36	0.59	0.51	Helen Rennie	
	WCOC	5.29	10.44	14.27	18.24	18.41	24.36	27.08	35.11	40.03	44.24	49.18	52.35	56.26	57.18	58.51	1:01.27	1:02.26	1:03.17	WCOC	
118	Angus Mccubbine	4.57	2.28	1.38	4.39	0.20	4.19	19.25	5.22	3.16	2.25	4.08	1.51	2.58	0.42	1.12	1.59	1.08	0.38	Angus Mccubbine	
	KERNO	4.57	7.25	9.03	13.42	14.02	18.21	37.46	43.08	46.24	48.49	52.57	54.48	57.46	58.28	59.40	1:01.39	1:02.47	1:03.25	KERNO	
119	Patrick Murphy	5.26	5.04	2.55	3.01	0.13	6.19	2.11	9.29	4.24	5.26	4.54	3.08	3.59	1.04	1.31	2.43	0.59	0.48	Patrick Murphy	
	BOC	5.26	10.30	13.25	16.26	16.39	22.58	25.09	34.38	39.02	44.28	49.22	52.30	56.29	57.33	59.04	1:01.47	1:02.46	1:03.34	BOC	
120	Emily Pieters	5.58	2.39	4.09	4.03	0.17	6.37	2.31	10.37	3.19	4.01	4.48	2.45	4.22	0.57	1.45	3.14	1.17	0.57	Emily Pieters	
	SYO	5.58	8.37	12.46	16.49	17.06	23.43	26.14	36.51	40.10	44.11	48.59	51.44	56.06	57.03	58.48	1:02.02	1:03.19	1:04.16	SYO	
121	Geoffrey Hollins	5.36	7.18	2.35	6.38	0.11	4.22	2.29	6.57	3.06	4.27	5.51	3.28	4.07	1.08	1.50	2.29	0.56	0.49	Geoffrey Hollins	
	POTOC	5.36	12.54	15.29	22.07	22.18	26.40	29.09	36.06	39.12	43.39	49.30	52.58	57.05	58.13	1:00.03	1:02.32	1:03.28	1:04.17	POTOC	
122	Barbara Griessner	5.26	5.57	8.00	5.12	0.22	4.10	2.06	8.12	3.28	4.03	5.01	2.29	4.31	1.11	1.36	2.24	0.58	0.42	Barbara Griessner	
	SLOW	5.26	11.23	19.23	24.35	24.57	29.07	31.13	39.25	42.53	46.56	51.57	54.26	58.57	1:00.08	1:01.44	1:04.08	1:05.06	1:05.48	SLOW	
123	Peter Hayes	5.47	2.59	2.48	5.47	0.25	6.06	2.33	9.44	4.09	4.43	5.25	3.03	5.20	1.07	1.40	2.47	1.06	0.49	Peter Hayes	
	MDOC	5.47	8.46	11.34	17.21	17.46	23.52	26.25	36.09	40.18	45.01	50.26	53.29	58.49	59.56	1:01.36	1:04.23	1:05.29	1:06.18	MDOC	
124	Patricia Wong	6.24	3.52	2.35	7.20	1.14	4.54	2.49	9.07	2.51	4.38	6.05	3.10	4.37	1.16	1.51	3.12	1.03	0.42	Patricia Wong	
	NOC	6.24	10.16	12.51	20.11	21.25	26.19	29.08	38.15	41.06	45.44	51.49	54.59	59.36	1:00.52	1:02.43	1:05.55	1:06.58	1:07.40	NOC	
125	Hannah Nesbit	5.53	2.46	1.57	2.01	0.09	5.04	4.34	25.29	3.18	2.37	3.42	1.49	3.07	0.50	1.14	2.00	0.49	0.36	Hannah Nesbit	
	HH	5.53	8.39	10.36	12.37	12.46	17.50	22.24	47.53	51.11	53.48	57.30	59.19	1:02.26	1:03.16	1:04.30	1:06.30	1:07.19	1:07.55	HH	
126	Helen Ellis	5.31	5.34	1.51	4.15	0.18	3.28	3.51	6.44	2.16	17.37	5.05	2.25	3.22	0.57	1.25	2.12	0.54	0.48	Helen Ellis	
	PFO	5.31	11.05	12.56	17.11	17.29	20.57	24.48	31.32	33.48	51.25	56.30	58.55	1:02.17	1:03.14	1:04.39	1:06.51	1:07.45	1:08.33	PFO	
127	Allison Page	5.47	4.44	8.46	5.17	0.22	4.56	3.08	8.23	2.56	4.28	5.28	2.34	4.30	1.01	1.46	2.44	1.02	0.52	Allison Page	
	DFOK	5.47	10.31	19.17	24.34	24.56	29.52	33.00	41.23	44.19	48.47	54.15	56.49	1:01.19	1:02.20	1:04.06	1:06.50	1:07.52	1:08.44	DFOK	
128	Kate Turner	9.38	8.29	2.13	4.05	0.17	5.58	1.46	6.55	9.02	3.35	4.28	2.16	3.46	0.58	1.29	2.24	0.57	0.47	Kate Turner	
	SO	9.38	18.07	20.20	24.25	24.42	30.40	32.26	39.21	48.23	51.58	56.26	58.42	1:02.28	1:03.26	1:04.55	1:07.19	1:08.16	1:09.03	SO	
129	Martina Rowe	6.05	4.10	3.08	5.26	0.23	5.55	2.25	9.20	4.44	5.13	6.12	3.40	5.09	1.05	2.00	3.40	1.00	0.53	Martina Rowe	
	GEN	6.05	10.15	13.23	18.49	19.12	25.07	27.32	36.52	41.36	46.49	53.01	56.41	1:01.50	1:02.55	1:04.55	1:08.35	1:09.35	1:10.28	GEN	
130	Peter Cholerton	6.09	3.01	2.19	10.02	0.42	5.58	2.44	6.48	12.47	5.03	4.15	2.23	4.24	1.04	1.18	2.28	0.58	0.49	Peter Cholerton	
	NOC	6.09	9.10	11.29	21.31	22.13	28.11	30.55	37.43	50.30	55.33	59.48	1:02.11	1:06.35	1:07.39	1:08.57	1:11.25	1:12.23	1:13.12	NOC	
131	Dawn Clifford	6.26	4.07	2.57	6.42	0.32	6.18	2.57	9.28	3.43	5.02	7.05	3.32	5.44	1.18	2.00	3.34	1.13	1.02	Dawn Clifford	
	MV	6.26	10.33	13.30	20.12	20.44	27.02	29.59	39.27	43.10	48.12	55.17	58.49	1:04.33	1:05.51	1:07.51	1:11.25	1:12.38	1:13.40	MV	
132	Emese Svab	6.38	4.49	3.04	10.30	0.17	5.50	3.16	10.00	3.10	6.42	5.51	2.53	5.00	1.19	2.09	3.24	1.24	1.06	Emese Svab	
	HH	6.38	11.27	14.31	25.01	25.18	31.08	34.24	44.24	47.34	54.16	1:00.07	1:03.00	1:08.00	1:09.19	1:11.28	1:14.52	1:16.16	1:17.22	HH	
133	Fiona Buckley	15.41	8.07	2.20	3.48	0.16	5.03	1.48	11.00	4.29	3.34	4.15	8.36	3.07	1.31	1.37	2.30	0.52	0.47	Fiona Buckley	
	KerryO	15.41	23.48	26.08	29.56	30.12	35.15	37.03	48.03	52.32	56.06	1:00.21	1:08.57	1:12.04	1:13.35	1:15.12	1:17.42	1:18.34	1:19.21	KerryO	
134	Fiona Crowther	14.01	4.00	3.23	8.27	0.47	4.48	3.18	8.34	4.45	5.20	5.21	3.15	5.59	1.27	2.29	3.13	1.10	0.51	Fiona Crowther	
	EPOC	14.01	18.01	21.24	29.51	30.38	35.26	38.44	47.18	52.03	57.23	1:02.44	1:05.59	1:11.58	1:13.25	1:15.54	1:19.07	1:20.17	1:21.08	EPOC	
135	Barry Houghton	6.39	2.33	2.11	14.25	1.00	19.46	1.43	10.10	3.33	3.39	4.40	2.26	4.52	1.06	1.32	2.28	1.04	1.04	Barry Houghton	
	HOC	6.39	9.12	11.23	25.48	26.48	46.34	48.17	58.27	1:02.00	1:05.39	1:10.19	1:12.45	1:17.37	1:18.43	1:20.15	1:22.43	1:23.47	1:24.51	HOC	
136	Fiona Hancock	26.55	2.56	9.21	6.40	0.28	6.18	2.13	7.48	9.29	3.56	4.35	2.41	3.27	1.03	1.31	2.37	0.55	0.46	Fiona Hancock	
		26.55	29.51	39.12	45.52	46.20	52.38	54.51	1:02.39	1:12.08	1:16.04	1:20.39	1:23.20	1:26.47	1:27.50	1:29.21	1:31.58	1:32.53	1:33.39		
137	Vanessa Caudwell	26.55	3.43	2.45	3.46	0.16	6.23	5.16	9.59	7.13	6.39	8.52	2.47	4.22	0.53	1.29	2.56	1.02	0.46	Vanessa Caudwell	
	SYO	26.55	30.38	33.23	37.09	37.25	43.48	49.04	59.03	1:06.16	1:12.55	1:21.47	1:24.34	1:28.56	1:29.49	1:31.18	1:34.14	1:35.16	1:36.02	SYO	
	John Leeson	3.58	3.02	4.37	2.03	0.09			4.57	2.41	7.26	3.34	2.10	4.23	0.48	1.13	2.03	0.53	0.35	John Leeson	
	HOC	3.58	7.00	11.37	13.40	13.49		22.08	27.05	29.46	37.12	40.46	42.56	47.19	48.07	49.20	51.23	52.16	52.51	HOC	
	Malcolm Lyon	3.53	2.06	1.41	0.35	0.03	6.07	1.21			2.23	3.24	1.59	2.56	0.38	1.08	1.34	0.46	0.39	Malcolm Lyon	
	TVOC	3.53	5.59	7.40	8.15	8.18	14.25	15.46		22.12	24.35	27.59	29.58	32.54	33.32	34.40	36.14	37.00	37.39	TVOC	
	Mike O'Neil	5.18	16.03	1.42	4.45	0.20	8.31	7.36	6.01	2.04	2.32	3.25	1.53	4.02			2.12	0.51	0.38	Mike O'Neil	
	NOC	5.18	21.21	23.03	27.48	28.08	36.39	44.15	50.16	52.20	54.52	58.17	1:00.10	1:04.12		1:06.12	1:08.24	1:09.15	1:09.53	NOC	
	Tanya Taylor	4.08	2.10	1.29	6.45	0.29	5.58	1.51	4.50											Tanya Taylor	
	LOG	4.08	6.18	7.47	14.32	15.01	20.59	22.50	27.40											LOG	
	Martin Cook	4.28	3.33	2.46	2.24	0.10	5.29	1.46	6.23	2.23	2.52	4.41	2.15	4.22	1.01	1.19			0.50	Martin Cook	
	SMOC	4.28	8.01	10.47	13.11	13.21	18.50	20.36	26.59	29.22	32.14	36.55	39.10	43.32	44.33	45.52		48.57	49.47	SMOC	
	Andy Creber	3.18	1.45	1.51	2.53	-3.23	17.20													Andy Creber	
	NGOC	3.18	5.03	6.54	9.47	6.24	23.44													NGOC	
	Colin Jackson	4.57	3.13	2.23	4.33	1.37	4.24	1.52	6.15	4.35	3.42	4.32	2.13	3.40	1.02	1.34	2.23			Colin Jackson	
	HAVOC	4.57	8.10	10.33	15.06	16.43	21.07	22.59	29.14	33.49	37.31	42.03	44.16	47.56	48.58	50.32	52.55		54.47	HAVOC