Pos	Name	S-1 (80)	1-2 (63)	2-3 (82)	3-4 (73)	4-5 (72)	5-6 (62)	6-7 (50)	7-8 (48)	8-9 (49)	9-10 (51)	10-11 (61)	11-12 (56)	12-13 (65)	13-14 (70)	14-15 (59)	15-16 (69)	16-17 (55)	17-18 (43)	18-19 (36)	19-20 (42)	20-21 (100)	21-F	Name	
	Club																							Club	
1	David Wright	2.41	1.04	0.51	1.26	0.55	1.41	1.36	1.26	1.14	1.13	0.52	3.13	2.15	1.28	1.43	2.36	2.32	0.50	1.46	0.47	0.33	0.30	David Wright	
	Peninsula and Plains	2.41	3.45	4.36	6.02	6.57	8.38	10.14	11.40	12.54	14.07	14.59	18.12	20.27	21.55	23.38	26.14	28.46	29.36	31.22	32.09	32.42	33.12	Peninsula and Plains	
2	Neil Charters	2.54	1.03	0.58	1.33	1.18	1.37	1.59	2.24	1.01	1.12	0.51	3.12	1.39	1.09	1.34	2.35	2.38	0.57	1.37	1.13	0.40	0.45	Neil Charters	
	Peninsula and Plains	2.54	3.57	4.55	6.28	7.46	9.23	11.22	13.46	14.47	15.59	16.50	20.02	21.41	22.50	24.24	26.59	29.37	30.34	32.11	33.24	34.04	34.49	Peninsula and Plains	
3	Richard Greatrex	3.01	1.36	1.16	2.11	1.34	2.27	2.29	2.23	1.46	1.50	1.17	4.45	2.53	1.46	2.31	4.27	3.59	1.33	2.15	1.10	0.59	1.17	Richard Greatrex	
	Nelson	3.01	4.37	5.53	8.04	9.38	12.05	14.34	16.57	18.43	20.33	21.50	26.35	29.28	31.14	33.45	38.12	42.11	43.44	45.59	47.09	48.08	49.25	Nelson