Pos	Name	S-1 (32)	1-2 (33)	2-3 (35)	3-4 (34)	4-5 (36)	5-6 (37)	6-7 (58)	7-8 (47)	8-9 (51)	9-10 (38)	10-11 (43)	11-12 (40)	12-13 (54)	13-14 (55)	14-15 (44)	15-16 (45)	16-17 (57)	17-18 (41)	18-19 (48)	19-20 (49)	20-21 (50)	21-22 (100)	22-F	Name	
	Club																								Club	
1	Matthias Kyburz	3.04	0.37	1.23	2.27	4.02	0.45	1.31	0.45	2.54	0.34	0.49	1.14	1.53	1.02	1.02	0.52	2.47	2.29	1.45	2.34	2.21	1.19	0.10	Matthias Kyburz	
	Switzerland	3.04	3.41	5.04	7.31	11.33	12.18	13.49	14.34	17.28	18.02	18.51	20.05	21.58	23.00	24.02	24.54	27.41	30.10	31.55	34.29	36.50	38.09	38.19	Switzerland	
2	Joey Hadorn	3.24	0.34	1.43	2.36	5.04	0.42	1.40	1.31	2.20	0.41	0.52	1.19	2.10	1.11	1.08	0.52	2.40	2.32	1.35	2.18	2.10	1.09	0.08	Joey Hadorn	
	Switzerland	3.24	3.58	5.41	8.17	13.21	14.03	15.43	17.14	19.34	20.15	21.07	22.26	24.36	25.47	26.55	27.47	30.27	32.59	34.34	36.52	39.02	40.11	40.19	Switzerland	
3	Jannis Bonek	3.13	0.38	1.31	2.43	5.07	0.45	1.55	0.46	2.43	0.37	1.00	1.15	2.14	1.03	1.11	0.47	2.41	2.29	1.37	2.34	2.24	1.05	0.08	Jannis Bonek	
	Austria	3.13	3.51	5.22	8.05	13.12	13.57	15.52	16.38	19.21	19.58	20.58	22.13	24.27	25.30	26.41	27.28	30.09	32.38	34.15	36.49	39.13	40.18	40.26	Austria	
4	Albin Ridefelt	3.13	0.33	1.33	2.36	5.32	0.49	1.36	0.44	2.51	0.32	0.49	1.15	1.54	1.02	1.04	0.54	2.50	2.21	1.45	2.34	2.52	1.22	0.10	Albin Ridefelt	
	Sweden	3.13	3.46	5.19	7.55	13.27	14.16	15.52	16.36	19.27	19.59	20.48	22.03	23.57	24.59	26.03	26.57	29.47	32.08	33.53	36.27	39.19	40.41	40.51	Sweden	
5	Gustav Bergman	3.07	0.38	1.22	2.38	4.51	0.39	1.38	0.46	2.51	0.35	0.54	1.14	2.03	1.19	1.06	0.55	2.51	2.40	1.50	2.28	2.56	1.29	0.09	Gustav Bergman	
	Sweden	3.07	3.45	5.07	7.45	12.36	13.15	14.53	15.39	18.30	19.05	19.59	21.13	23.16	24.35	25.41	26.36	29.27	32.07	33.57	36.25	39.21	40.50	40.59	Sweden	
6	Olli Ojanaho	3.14	0.45	1.37	2.43	4.41	0.38	1.54	0.44	2.45	0.36	0.48	1.17	1.55	1.59	1.14	0.52	2.47	2.32	1.44	2.19	2.42	1.10	0.07	Olli Ojanaho	
	Finland	3.14	3.59	5.36	8.19	13.00	13.38	15.32	16.16	19.01	19.37	20.25	21.42	23.37	25.36	26.50	27.42	30.29	33.01	34.45	37.04	39.46	40.56	41.03	Finland	
7	Kasper Harlem Fosser	3.40	0.36	2.06	2.52	4.45	0.40	1.45	0.47	2.36	0.39	0.52	1.28	2.07	1.00	1.09	0.58	3.05	2.34	1.41	2.34	2.19	1.21	0.09	Kasper Harlem Fosser	
	Norway	3.40	4.16	6.22	9.14	13.59	14.39	16.24	17.11	19.47	20.26	21.18	22.46	24.53	25.53	27.02	28.00	31.05	33.39	35.20	37.54	40.13	41.34	41.43	Norway	
8	Eskil Kinneberg	3.00	0.37	1.53	2.37	4.50	0.45	1.44	0.51	2.50	0.37	0.54	1.22	2.09	1.05	1.05	0.56	2.47	2.38	1.46	2.37	3.08	1.28	0.11	Eskil Kinneberg	
	Norway	3.00	3.37	5.30	8.07	12.57	13.42	15.26	16.17	19.07	19.44	20.38	22.00	24.09	25.14	26.19	27.15	30.02	32.40	34.26	37.03	40.11	41.39	41.50	Norway	
9	Lucas Basset	2.59	0.36	1.33	2.40	5.28	0.41	1.43	0.47	2.40	0.36	0.48	1.21	2.03	1.03	1.04	0.56	2.50	2.32	2.00	2.32	3.26	1.28	0.08	Lucas Basset	
	France	2.59	3.35	5.08	7.48	13.16	13.57	15.40	16.27	19.07	19.43	20.31	21.52	23.55	24.58	26.02	26.58	29.48	32.20	34.20	36.52	40.18	41.46	41.54	France	
10	Emil Svensk	2.45	0.35	3.16	2.21	5.44	0.40	1.56	0.56	2.57	0.33	0.47	1.19	1.50	1.05	0.58	0.53	2.44	2.54	1.46	2.26	2.16	1.26	0.09	Emil Svensk	
	Sweden	2.45	3.20	6.36	8.57	14.41	15.21	17.17	18.13	21.10	21.43	22.30	23.49	25.39	26.44	27.42	28.35	31.19	34.13	35.59	38.25	40.41	42.07	42.16	Sweden	
11	Gaute Steiwer	3.34	0.35	1.32	2.35	5.26	0.46	1.43	0.53	2.50	0.35	0.53	2.24	2.07	1.05	1.09	0.59	2.54	2.33	1.50	2.30	2.36	1.20	0.10	Gaute Steiwer	
	Norway	3.34	4.09	5.41	8.16	13.42	14.28	16.11	17.04	19.54	20.29	21.22	23.46	25.53	26.58	28.07	29.06	32.00	34.33	36.23	38.53	41.29	42.49	42.59	Norway	
12	Anton Johansson	2.52	0.33	1.43	2.39	4.48	1.00	1.56	0.48	2.50	0.38	0.52	1.23	2.26	1.01	1.06	0.57	3.17	2.41	2.23	2.47	3.08	1.19	0.10	Anton Johansson	
	Sweden	2.52	3.25	5.08	7.47	12.35	13.35	15.31	16.19	19.09	19.47	20.39	22.02	24.28	25.29	26.35	27.32	30.49	33.30	35.53	38.40	41.48	43.07	43.17	Sweden	
13	Ruslan Glibov	4.23	0.43	2.33	2.30	5.12	0.42	1.59	0.45	2.42	0.45	0.50	1.23	1.59	1.08	1.12	0.52	2.47	2.49	1.46	2.50	2.20	1.19	0.08	Ruslan Glibov	
	Ukraine	4.23	5.06	7.39	10.09	15.21	16.03	18.02	18.47	21.29	22.14	23.04	24.27	26.26	27.34	28.46	29.38	32.25	35.14	37.00	39.50	42.10	43.29	43.37	Ukraine	
14	Florian Howald	2.54	0.33	1.32	2.41	6.29	0.53	1.43	0.53	3.00	0.36	0.52	1.44	2.11	1.05	1.02	0.55	3.03	2.45	1.51	2.31	2.58	1.34	0.10	Florian Howald	
	Switzerland	2.54	3.27	4.59	7.40	14.09	15.02	16.45	17.38	20.38	21.14	22.06	23.50	26.01	27.06	28.08	29.03	32.06	34.51	36.42	39.13	42.11	43.45	43.55	Switzerland	
15	Soren Thrane Oedum	3.10	0.33	1.32	3.17	4.25	0.40	1.46	1.02	3.06	0.36	1.24	1.20	2.37	1.23	1.06	0.55	2.50	2.41	2.36	2.34	2.53	1.26	0.08	Soren Thrane Oedum	
	Denmark	3.10	3.43	5.15	8.32	12.57	13.37	15.23	16.25	19.31	20.07	21.31	22.51	25.28	26.51	27.57	28.52	31.42	34.23	36.59	39.33	42.26	43.52	44.00	Denmark	
16	Miika Kirmula	4.27	0.34	1.56	2.29	4.55	0.47	2.15	0.42	3.06	0.37	0.49	1.29	2.03	1.06	1.08	0.58	2.53	2.42	1.50	2.32	3.18	1.17	0.09	Miika Kirmula	
	Finland	4.27	5.01	6.57	9.26	14.21	15.08	17.23	18.05	21.11	21.48	22.37	24.06	26.09	27.15	28.23	29.21	32.14	34.56	36.46	39.18	42.36	43.53	44.02	Finland	
17	Tomas Krivda	3.25	0.37	1.27	2.44	4.52	0.42	3.00	0.49	3.06	0.36	0.52	1.31	2.12	1.06	1.18	0.58	3.07	2.42	2.01	2.39	2.57	1.24	0.09	Tomas Krivda	
	Czechia	3.25	4.02	5.29	8.13	13.05	13.47	16.47	17.36	20.42	21.18	22.10	23.41	25.53	26.59	28.17	29.15	32.22	35.04	37.05	39.44	42.41	44.05	44.14	Czechia	
18	Bojan Blumenstein	3.33	0.42	1.43	2.55	4.54	0.48	1.54	0.48	2.59	0.44	0.57	1.31	2.26	1.33	1.14	0.57	3.17	2.47	1.50	2.45	4.22	1.25	0.10	Bojan Blumenstein	
	Germany	3.33	4.15	5.58	8.53	13.47	14.35	16.29	17.17	20.16	21.00	21.57	23.28	25.54	27.27	28.41	29.38	32.55	35.42	37.32	40.17	44.39	46.04	46.14	Germany	
19	Gernot Ymsen	5.17	0.40	1.37	2.51	5.08	0.48	2.22	0.53	3.09	0.37	0.50	1.29	2.18	1.04	1.17	0.58	3.09	2.37	2.04	2.40	2.56	1.22	0.09	Gernot Ymsen	
	Austria	5.17	5.57	7.34	10.25	15.33	16.21	18.43	19.36	22.45	23.22	24.12	25.41	27.59	29.03	30.20	31.18	34.27	37.04	39.08	41.48	44.44	46.06	46.15	Austria	
20	Topi Syrjalainen	4.21	0.38	2.55	2.42	5.32	0.40	2.05	0.53	3.10	0.38	0.53	1.27	2.00	1.09	1.08	0.58	3.09	2.49	2.12	2.46	2.52	1.22	0.09	Topi Syrjalainen	
	Finland	4.21	4.59	7.54	10.36	16.08	16.48	18.53	19.46	22.56	23.34	24.27	25.54	27.54	29.03	30.11	31.09	34.18	37.07	39.19	42.05	44.57	46.19	46.28	Finland	
20	Lauri Sild	3.52	0.39	1.46	2.51	4.44	0.44	1.47	0.52	3.02	0.42	0.58	1.35	2.25	1.53	1.19	1.00	3.05	2.47	2.21	2.42	3.53	1.19	0.12	Lauri Sild	
	Estonia	3.52	4.31	6.17	9.08	13.52	14.36	16.23	17.15	20.17	20.59	21.57	23.32	25.57	27.50	29.09	30.09	33.14	36.01	38.22	41.04	44.57	46.16	46.28	Estonia	
20	Vegard Jarvis Westergard	3.57	0.46	1.41	2.55	5.08	0.47	2.00	0.54	3.16	0.37	1.03	1.31	2.31	1.09	1.10	1.01	3.24	2.55	1.57	2.54	3.17	1.26	0.09	Vegard Jarvis Westergard	
	Canada	3.57	4.43	6.24	9.19	14.27	15.14	17.14	18.08	21.24	22.01	23.04	24.35	27.06	28.15	29.25	30.26	33.50	36.45	38.42	41.36	44.53	46.19	46.28	Canada	
23	Loic Capbern	3.07	0.47	2.22	3.12	5.05	0.45	2.21	1.00	3.01	0.43	0.58	1.32	2.08	1.19	1.13	0.58	3.02	3.20	1.59	2.43	3.17	1.31	0.09	Loic Capbern	
	France	3.07	3.54	6.16	9.28	14.33	15.18	17.39	18.39	21.40	22.23	23.21	24.53	27.01	28.20	29.33	30.31	33.33	36.53	38.52	41.35	44.52	46.23	46.32	France	
24	Timo Sild	4.24	0.35	2.45	3.03	4.54	0.40	1.58	0.48	3.07	0.40	0.56	1.26	2.09	1.17	1.11	0.57	3.16	3.05	2.09	2.41	2.45	1.46	0.11	Timo Sild	
	Estonia	4.24	4.59	7.44	10.47	15.41	16.21	18.19	19.07	22.14	22.54	23.50	25.16	27.25	28.42	29.53	30.50	34.06	37.11	39.20	42.01	44.46	46.32	46.43	Estonia	
25	Mathieu Perrin	3.50	0.40	1.46	3.39	5.05	0.53	2.08	0.50	3.07	0.35	0.57	1.49	2.35	1.08	1.07	0.57	3.33	2.55	2.05	2.51	2.42	1.37	0.12	Mathieu Perrin	
	France	3.50	4.30	6.16	9.55	15.00	15.53	18.01	18.51	21.58	22.33	23.30	25.19	27.54	29.02	30.09	31.06	34.39	37.34	39.39	42.30	45.12	46.49	47.01	France	
26	Michal Olejnik	4.08	0.43	1.58	3.14	5.23	0.50	2.04	0.53	3.02	0.47	1.02	1.32	2.33	2.16	1.06	0.55	3.27	2.56	1.44	2.33	2.37	1.22	0.10	Michal Olejnik	
	Poland	4.08	4.51	6.49	10.03	15.26	16.16	18.20	19.13	22.15	23.02	24.04	25.36	28.09	30.25	31.31	32.26	35.53	38.49	40.33	43.06	45.43	47.05	47.15	Poland	
27	Martin Hubmann	5.47	0.36	1.38	2.48	4.58	0.47	1.42	0.55	3.16	0.39	0.51	1.25	2.08	1.09	1.04	0.54	2.57	3.55	1.54	3.27	2.54	1.32	0.09	Martin Hubmann	
	Switzerland	5.47	6.23	8.01	10.49	15.47	16.34	18.16	19.11	22.27	23.06	23.57	25.22	27.30	28.39	29.43	30.37	33.34	37.29	39.23	42.50	45.44	47.16	47.25	Switzerland	
28	Rudolfs Zernis	4.12	0.43	2.53	2.41	5.49	0.45	1.51	0.47	2.58	0.39	0.51	1.30	2.33	1.15	1.14	1.00	3.30	2.41	2.08	2.53	2.56	1.31	0.11	Rudolfs Zernis	
	Latvia	4.12	4.55	7.48	10.29	16.18	17.03	18.54	19.41	22.39	23.18	24.09	25.39	28.12	29.27	30.41	31.41	35.11	37.52	40.00	42.53	45.49	47.20	47.31	Latvia	
29	Ralph Street	3.23	0.39	1.34	3.14	4.35	0.47	1.48	0.48	5.19	0.38	0.55	1.29	2.09	1.11	1.11	1.00	3.18	3.14	2.09	2.50	4.03	1.31	0.09	Ralph Street	
	Great Britain	3.23	4.02	5.36	8.50	13.25	14.12	16.00	16.48	22.07	22.45	23.40	25.09	27.18	28.29	29.40	30.40	33.58	37.12	39.21	42.11	46.14	47.45	47.54	Great Britain	
30	Uldis Upitis	4.58	2.07	1.43	2.51	5.08	1.03	1.53	0.50	2.50	0.39	1.03	1.29	2.10	1.08	1.16	0.52	3.16	2.39	1.59	2.30	2.46	2.41	0.11	Uldis Upitis	
	Latvia	4.58	7.05	8.48	11.39	16.47	17.50	19.43	20.33	23.23	24.02	25.05	26.34	28.44	29.52	31.08	32.00	35.16	37.55	39.54	42.24	45.10	47.51	48.02	Latvia	
31	Alexandru Blejdea	5.57	0.48	1.40	2.56	5.09	0.44	2.04	0.51	3.11	0.43	1.02	1.33	2.29	1.09	1.10	1.01	3.26	2.53	1.58	2.54	3.19	1.27	0.09	Alexandru Blejdea	
	Romania	5.57	6.45	8.25	11.21	16.30	17.14	19.18	20.09	23.20	24.03	25.05	26.38	29.07	30.16	31.26	32.27	35.53	38.46	40.44	43.38	46.57	48.24	48.33	Romania	
32	Evert Leeuws	3.58	0.57	1.42	2.59	5.10	1.08	2.07	0.52	3.33	0.41	0.52	1.38	2.15	1.33	1.05	0.57	3.29	2.55	3.10	2.50	2.54	1.45	0.10	Evert Leeuws	
	Belgium	3.58	4.55	6.37	9.36	14.46	15.54	18.01	18.53	22.26	23.07	23.59	25.37	27.52	29.25	30.30	31.27	34.56	37.51	41.01	43.51	46.45	48.30	48.40	Belgium	
33	Jonas Hubacek	3.25	0.43	2.17	2.54	6.36	1.33	3.19	0.50	3.09	0.36	0.50	1.32	2.12	1.08	1.14	0.59	3.06	2.44	2.04	2.43	3.18	1.35	0.10	Jonas Hubacek	
	Czechia	3.25	4.08	6.25	9.19	15.55	17.28	20.47	21.37	24.46	25.22	26.12	27.44	29.56	31.04	32.18	33.17	36.23	39.07	41.11	43.54	47.12	48.47	48.57	Czechia	
34	Alastair Thomas	4.14	0.43	2.34	2.57	5.49	0.51	2.15	0.54	3.03	0.40	0.56	1.33	2.49	1.26	1.17	1.04	3.13	2.55	2.07	2.54	2.58	1.37	0.11	Alastair Thomas	
	Great Britain	4.14	4.57	7.31	10.28	16.17	17.08	19.23	20.17	23.20	24.00	24.56	26.29	29.18	30.44	32.01	33.05	36.18	39.13	41.20	44.14	47.12	48.49	49.00	Great Britain	
35	Henry Mcnulty	4.12	0.36	1.58	3.11	4.50	0.46	2.21	1.14	3.11	0.42	0.56	1.32	2.27	2.19	1.20	0.58	4.19	2.55	2.04	2.45	2.53	1.37	0.10	Henry Mcnulty	
	Australia	4.12	4.48	6.46	9.57	14.47	15.33	17.54	19.08	22.19	23.01	23.57	25.29	27.56	30.15	31.35	32.33	36.52	39.47	41.51	44.36	47.29	49.06	49.16	Australia	
36	Bartosz Pawlak	3.21	0.40	1.52	4.49	5.13	0.52	2.18	0.56	3.43	0.41	0.54	1.36	2.26	1.26	1.07	1.06	3.14	3.04	2.02	2.53	3.11	1.43	0.11	Bartosz Pawlak	
	Poland	3.21	4.01	5.53	10.42	15.55	16.47	19.05	20.01	23.44	24.25	25.19	26.55	29.21	30.47	31.54	33.00	36.14	39.18	41.20	44.13	47.24	49.07	49.18	Poland	
37	Bjoern Cederberg	4.04	0.35	1.39	3.38	5.25	0.46	1.52	1.53	3.23	0.56	0.59	2.03	2.41	1.31	1.11	0.59	3.24	3.00	2.46	3.09	2.57	1.42	0.10	Bjoern Cederberg	
	Denmark	4.04	4.39	6.18	9.56	15.21	16.07	17.59	19.52	23.15	24.11	25.10	27.13	29.54	31.25	32.36	33.35	36.59	39.59	42.45	45.54	48.51	50.33	50.43	Denmark	
38	Mathias Peter	4.13	0.37	1.46	3.04	5.38	0.47	2.00	1.20	3.58	0.40	0.57	1.37	4.01	1.52	1.16	0.58	3.07	3.26	2.24	2.55	2.43	1.25	0.08	Mathias Peter	
	Austria	4.13	4.50	6.36	9.40	15.18	16.05	18.05	19.25	23.23	24.03	25.00	26.37	30.38	32.30	33.46	34.44	37.51	41.17	43.41	46.36	49.19	50.44	50.52	Austria	
39	Vilius Aleliunas	4.00	0.45	1.53	3.40	6.27	0.53	1.53	1.02	3.12	0.46	1.11	1.33	4.07	1.22	1.11	1.00	3.18	3.22	2.20	2.47	3.35	1.17	0.08	Vilius Aleliunas	
	Lithuania	4.00	4.45	6.38	10.18	16.45	17.38	19.31	20.33	23.45	24.31	25.42	27.15	31.22	32.44	33.55	34.55	38.13	41.35	43.55	46.42	50.17	51.34	51.42	Lithuania	
40	Matt Ogden	5.47	0.40	1.46	3.07	5.35	1.04	2.12	0.49	3.20	0.42	0.58	1.35	2.31	1.19	1.13	0.59	3.42	3.44	2.12	2.56	3.48	1.38	0.10	Matt Ogden	
	New Zealand	5.47	6.27	8.13	11.20	16.55	17.59	20.11	21.00	24.20	25.02	26.00	27.35	30.06	31.25	32.38	33.37	37.19	41.03	43.15	46.11	49.59	51.37	51.47	New Zealand	
41	Algirdas Bartkevicius	3.30	0.45	2.03	5.52	6.40	0.50	2.04	1.11	3.28	0.39	0.59	1.39	2.12	1.28	1.09	0.56	3.36	2.51	2.43	2.36	3.18	1.29	0.10	Algirdas Bartkevicius	
	Lithuania	3.30	4.15	6.18	12.10	18.50	19.40	21.44	22.55	26.23	27.02	28.01	29.40	31.52	33.20	34.29	35.25	39.01	41.52	44.35	47.11	50.29	51.58	52.08	Lithuania	
42	Tim Robertson	5.24	0.34	1.35	3.12	4.39	0.57	1.54	0.51	4.17	0.42	1.08	1.48	3.44	1.30	1.26	1.04	3.24	3.19	3.05	3.05	3.28	1.52	0.13	Tim Robertson	
	New Zealand	5.24	5.58	7.33	10.45	15.24	16.21	18.15	19.06	23.23	24.05	25.13	27.01	30.45	32.15	33.41	34.45	38.09	41.28	44.33	47.38	51.06	52.58	53.11	New Zealand	
43	Daniel Pompura	4.47	0.49	3.09	3.49	5.40	0.55	2.14	1.00	4.21	0.43	1.05	1.40	2.30	1.15	1.24	1.01	3.25	3.17	2.36	3.01	2.58	1.31	0.10	Daniel Pompura	
	Slovakia	4.47	5.36	8.45	12.34	18.14	19.09	21.23	22.23	26.44	27.27	28.32	30.12	32.42	33.57	35.21	36.22	39.47	43.04	45.40	48.41	51.39	53.10	53.20	Slovakia	
44	Itsuki Ito	4.03	0.50	2.09	5.23	5.40	0.58	2.35	0.55	3.41	1.27	1.21	1.48	2.30	1.36	1.17	0.59	3.48	2.50	2.00	2.47	3.35	1.35	0.11	Itsuki Ito	
	Japan	4.03	4.53	7.02	12.25	18.05	19.03	21.38	22.33	26.14	27.41	29.02	30.50	33.20	34.56	36.13	37.12	41.00	43.50	45.50	48.37	52.12	53.47	53.58	Japan	
45	Anatoli Fomiciov	4.10	0.43	2.42	3.33	6.12	0.53	2.12	1.22	3.45	0.43	1.01	1.44	2.55	2.04	1.16	1.05	3.39	3.20	2.42	3.15	3.03	2.08	0.10	Anatoli Fomiciov	
	Moldova  Republic of	4.10	4.53	7.35	11.08	17.20	18.13	20.25	21.47	25.32	26.15	27.16	29.00	31.55	33.59	35.15	36.20	39.59	43.19	46.01	49.16	52.19	54.27	54.37	Moldova  Republic of	
46	Mihaly Ormay	3.44	0.40	2.24	4.39	6.13	1.28	2.27	1.18	4.07	0.46	1.14	1.39	3.15	1.13	1.22	0.57	3.20	3.02	2.48	2.53	3.39	1.36	0.11	Mihaly Ormay	
	Hungary	3.44	4.24	6.48	11.27	17.40	19.08	21.35	22.53	27.00	27.46	29.00	30.39	33.54	35.07	36.29	37.26	40.46	43.48	46.36	49.29	53.08	54.44	54.55	Hungary	
47	Nitsan Yasur	3.59	0.50	2.03	3.31	7.07	1.16	4.22	1.01	3.12	0.43	1.07	1.32	3.19	1.16	1.13	1.00	3.22	2.59	2.27	2.54	4.41	1.36	0.11	Nitsan Yasur	
	Israel	3.59	4.49	6.52	10.23	17.30	18.46	23.08	24.09	27.21	28.04	29.11	30.43	34.02	35.18	36.31	37.31	40.53	43.52	46.19	49.13	53.54	55.30	55.41	Israel	
48	Gian Coolen	4.18	0.54	3.02	3.50	6.44	1.15	2.42	1.04	3.46	1.01	2.19	1.58	2.32	1.34	1.20	1.00	3.24	3.15	2.43	2.55	3.04	1.48	0.09	Gian Coolen	
	Netherlands	4.18	5.12	8.14	12.04	18.48	20.03	22.45	23.49	27.35	28.36	30.55	32.53	35.25	36.59	38.19	39.19	42.43	45.58	48.41	51.36	54.40	56.28	56.37	Netherlands	
49	Paul Pruzina	5.44	0.55	2.14	3.40	5.51	0.56	2.18	0.51	4.49	0.53	1.01	2.38	2.35	1.40	2.18	0.58	3.16	3.00	2.48	3.02	3.28	1.37	0.10	Paul Pruzina	
	Ireland	5.44	6.39	8.53	12.33	18.24	19.20	21.38	22.29	27.18	28.11	29.12	31.50	34.25	36.05	38.23	39.21	42.37	45.37	48.25	51.27	54.55	56.32	56.42	Ireland	
50	Ivan Sirakov	4.08	0.44	2.11	3.33	6.01	1.26	2.22	1.07	3.38	0.51	1.17	1.34	3.09	1.37	1.17	1.09	3.52	3.34	2.10	3.05	6.12	1.56	0.11	Ivan Sirakov	
	Bulgaria	4.08	4.52	7.03	10.36	16.37	18.03	20.25	21.32	25.10	26.01	27.18	28.52	32.01	33.38	34.55	36.04	39.56	43.30	45.40	48.45	54.57	56.53	57.04	Bulgaria	
51	Eduardo Gil Marcos	4.56	0.41	2.07	3.12	5.25	0.56	3.08	1.36	4.23	0.47	1.27	2.31	3.45	2.37	1.24	1.07	4.12	3.47	3.45	3.35	3.29	1.52	0.14	Eduardo Gil Marcos	
	Spain	4.56	5.37	7.44	10.56	16.21	17.17	20.25	22.01	26.24	27.11	28.38	31.09	34.54	37.31	38.55	40.02	44.14	48.01	51.46	55.21	58.50	1:00.42	1:00.56	Spain	
52	Anton Salmenkyla	4.49	0.37	3.38	4.12	5.46	0.54	2.39	1.04	6.28	0.49	1.04	2.06	2.47	1.27	1.15	1.04	3.34	5.25	2.57	3.06	3.30	1.42	0.08	Anton Salmenkyla	
	United States	4.49	5.26	9.04	13.16	19.02	19.56	22.35	23.39	30.07	30.56	32.00	34.06	36.53	38.20	39.35	40.39	44.13	49.38	52.35	55.41	59.11	1:00.53	1:01.01	United States	
53	Matija Razum	4.57	0.48	7.07	3.59	6.30	1.09	3.08	1.10	3.41	0.57	1.29	1.44	3.18	1.36	1.21	1.01	3.20	3.35	2.46	3.14	3.19	1.30	0.10	Matija Razum	
	Croatia	4.57	5.45	12.52	16.51	23.21	24.30	27.38	28.48	32.29	33.26	34.55	36.39	39.57	41.33	42.54	43.55	47.15	50.50	53.36	56.50	1:00.09	1:01.39	1:01.49	Croatia	
54	Ahmet Kacmaz	5.37	0.44	4.27	4.32	5.59	2.00	2.08	0.59	4.20	0.45	0.59	1.52	3.11	3.25	1.18	1.01	3.48	3.47	2.56	3.03	4.37	1.39	0.10	Ahmet Kacmaz	
	Turkiye	5.37	6.21	10.48	15.20	21.19	23.19	25.27	26.26	30.46	31.31	32.30	34.22	37.33	40.58	42.16	43.17	47.05	50.52	53.48	56.51	1:01.28	1:03.07	1:03.17	Turkiye	
55	Gelson Andrey Zago Togni	5.28	1.03	3.28	4.23	8.08	0.59	2.58	2.49	4.07	0.51	1.09	2.05	3.01	1.35	1.37	1.10	3.52	3.30	3.29	3.46	3.25	1.47	0.10	Gelson Andrey Zago Togni	
	Brazil	5.28	6.31	9.59	14.22	22.30	23.29	26.27	29.16	33.23	34.14	35.23	37.28	40.29	42.04	43.41	44.51	48.43	52.13	55.42	59.28	1:02.53	1:04.40	1:04.50	Brazil	
56	Zhuoye Li	6.55	0.59	2.40	4.25	6.17	1.05	2.38	1.20	4.27	3.27	1.18	1.52	2.57	1.57	1.28	0.59	4.03	6.05	2.47	3.08	3.26	1.27	0.10	Zhuoye Li	
	China	6.55	7.54	10.34	14.59	21.16	22.21	24.59	26.19	30.46	34.13	35.31	37.23	40.20	42.17	43.45	44.44	48.47	54.52	57.39	1:00.47	1:04.13	1:05.40	1:05.50	China	
57	Andraz Hribar	4.22	0.48	2.21	6.01	6.22	1.07	2.49	1.16	6.03	0.53	1.31	2.23	3.06	1.31	1.27	1.13	4.40	4.02	5.36	3.39	4.33	2.09	0.13	Andraz Hribar	
	Slovenia	4.22	5.10	7.31	13.32	19.54	21.01	23.50	25.06	31.09	32.02	33.33	35.56	39.02	40.33	42.00	43.13	47.53	51.55	57.31	1:01.10	1:05.43	1:07.52	1:08.05	Slovenia	
58	Marko Radovanovic	5.00	1.09	3.52	4.20	6.40	1.07	5.21	1.05	4.57	0.53	1.24	4.19	3.17	5.29	1.38	1.10	4.47	3.27	3.36	3.20	7.47	2.04	0.13	Marko Radovanovic	
	Serbia	5.00	6.09	10.01	14.21	21.01	22.08	27.29	28.34	33.31	34.24	35.48	40.07	43.24	48.53	50.31	51.41	56.28	59.55	1:03.31	1:06.51	1:14.38	1:16.42	1:16.55	Serbia	
	Riccardo Scalet	6.30	0.41	1.40	3.10	6.13	0.46	1.50	0.48	2.56	0.37	0.55	1.27												Riccardo Scalet	
	Italy	6.30	7.11	8.51	12.01	18.14	19.00	20.50	21.38	24.34	25.11	26.06	27.33												Italy	
	Joao Magalhaes	4.00	0.40	2.36	6.03	5.18	4.11	2.47	1.01	3.52	0.46	1.19	2.42			1.31	0.59	3.31	2.59	3.07	2.54	3.29	1.45		Joao Magalhaes	
	Portugal	4.00	4.40	7.16	13.19	18.37	22.48	25.35	26.36	30.28	31.14	32.33	35.15		38.27	39.58	40.57	44.28	47.27	50.34	53.28	56.57	58.42		Portugal	
	Marius Thrane Oedum	4.41	0.35	2.03	2.29	4.54	0.39	1.38	0.48	3.03	0.36	1.03													Marius Thrane Oedum	
	Denmark	4.41	5.16	7.19	9.48	14.42	15.21	16.59	17.47	20.50	21.26	22.29													Denmark