Pos	Name	S-1 (40)	1-2 (132)	2-3 (131)	3-4 (126)	4-5 (127)	5-6 (128)	6-7 (125)	7-8 (124)	8-9 (122)	9-10 (121)	10-11 (120)	11-12 (119)	12-13 (104)	13-F	Name	
	Club															Club	
1	Duncan Morrison	0.23	0.14	0.49	2.09	0.59	1.22	1.33	1.54	2.34	0.37	1.24	2.44	0.56	0.14	Duncan Morrison	
	Auckland	0.23	0.37	1.26	3.35	4.34	5.56	7.29	9.23	11.57	12.34	13.58	16.42	17.38	17.52	Auckland	
2	Jonty Oram	0.26	0.16	0.49	2.14	1.18	1.29	1.30	2.01	3.07	0.44	1.39	1.58	0.59	0.13	Jonty Oram	
	Auckland	0.26	0.42	1.31	3.45	5.03	6.32	8.02	10.03	13.10	13.54	15.33	17.31	18.30	18.43	Auckland	
3	Simon Jager	0.28	0.18	0.47	2.38	1.08	1.55	2.01	2.10	3.23	0.59	1.51	2.12	0.56	0.15	Simon Jager	
	Auckland	0.28	0.46	1.33	4.11	5.19	7.14	9.15	11.25	14.48	15.47	17.38	19.50	20.46	21.01	Auckland	
4	Greg Flynn	0.35	0.22	0.48	2.20	1.10	1.42	1.50	2.04	3.09	1.40	1.48	2.17	1.05	0.15	Greg Flynn	
	Bay of Plenty	0.35	0.57	1.45	4.05	5.15	6.57	8.47	10.51	14.00	15.40	17.28	19.45	20.50	21.05	Bay of Plenty	
5	Kieran Woods	0.31	0.20	1.17	2.52	1.19	2.03	1.51	2.03	3.11	0.59	1.59	2.37	1.02	0.17	Kieran Woods	
	Auckland	0.31	0.51	2.08	5.00	6.19	8.22	10.13	12.16	15.27	16.26	18.25	21.02	22.04	22.21	Auckland	
6	Greg Barbour	0.43	0.26	1.08	3.11	1.44	2.04	2.31	2.51	3.14	0.54	1.47	2.19	1.12	0.20	Greg Barbour	
	Taranaki	0.43	1.09	2.17	5.28	7.12	9.16	11.47	14.38	17.52	18.46	20.33	22.52	24.04	24.24	Taranaki	
7	Daniel Wood	0.31	0.19	0.57	2.57	1.43	1.49	2.07	3.32	3.15	1.05	2.01	2.45	1.13	0.14	Daniel Wood	
	Counties Manukau	0.31	0.50	1.47	4.44	6.27	8.16	10.23	13.55	17.10	18.15	20.16	23.01	24.14	24.28	Counties Manukau	
8	Nathan Borton	0.33	0.20	0.57	3.03	1.22	2.19	2.37	3.07	3.53	1.00	2.07	2.36	1.09	0.17	Nathan Borton	
	Auckland	0.33	0.53	1.50	4.53	6.15	8.34	11.11	14.18	18.11	19.11	21.18	23.54	25.03	25.20	Auckland	
9	Alex Jobbins	0.53	0.32	2.33	2.57	2.00	1.32	2.04	2.24	2.30	3.17	1.33	1.52	0.59	0.17	Alex Jobbins	
	Auckland	0.53	1.25	3.58	6.55	8.55	10.27	12.31	14.55	17.25	20.42	22.15	24.07	25.06	25.23	Auckland	
10	Matthew Greenwood	0.47	0.29	1.07	3.13	2.05	1.59	2.07	2.33	3.33	1.21	2.00	2.48	1.20	0.19	Matthew Greenwood	
	Auckland	0.47	1.16	2.23	5.36	7.41	9.40	11.47	14.20	17.53	19.14	21.14	24.02	25.22	25.41	Auckland	
11	Molly McGowan	0.37	0.23	1.25	3.44	2.04	2.12	2.16	2.39	3.43	1.00	1.57	2.45	1.21	0.18	Molly McGowan	
	Auckland	0.37	1.00	2.25	6.09	8.13	10.25	12.41	15.20	19.03	20.03	22.00	24.45	26.06	26.24	Auckland	
12	Jeff Greenwood	0.34	0.21	1.12	3.04	1.40	1.48	2.22	2.34	4.22	0.54	2.07	3.51	1.26	0.18	Jeff Greenwood	
	Auckland	0.34	0.55	2.07	5.11	6.51	8.39	11.01	13.35	17.57	18.51	20.58	24.49	26.15	26.33	Auckland	
13	Kirsten Blake	0.45	0.28	1.19	3.09	1.38	2.22	2.10	3.17	2.56	0.54	2.01	3.06	2.17	0.17	Kirsten Blake	
	North West	0.45	1.13	2.32	5.41	7.19	9.41	11.51	15.08	18.04	18.58	20.59	24.05	26.22	26.39	North West	
14	Ionel Popovici	0.40	0.24	1.15	3.11	1.29	1.58	2.19	2.39	4.20	0.58	2.10	4.01	1.20	0.22	Ionel Popovici	
	Auckland	0.40	1.04	2.19	5.30	6.59	8.57	11.16	13.55	18.15	19.13	21.23	25.24	26.44	27.06	Auckland	
15	Daniel Monckton	0.36	0.22	1.02	2.38	1.34	1.43	2.33	2.45	5.33	2.17	2.26	2.22	1.09	0.18	Daniel Monckton	
	North West	0.36	0.58	2.00	4.38	6.12	7.55	10.28	13.13	18.46	21.03	23.29	25.51	27.00	27.18	North West	
16	Sam Carryer	1.17	0.47	1.04	2.58	2.12	1.55	2.17	3.48	3.42	1.08	1.58	2.47	1.17	0.16	Sam Carryer	
	Auckland	1.17	2.04	3.08	6.06	8.18	10.13	12.30	16.18	20.00	21.08	23.06	25.53	27.10	27.26	Auckland	
17	Mark Lawson	1.16	0.46	1.08	3.05	2.00	1.57	2.12	2.50	3.38	1.06	2.59	2.33	1.39	0.25	Mark Lawson	
	North West	1.16	2.02	3.10	6.15	8.15	10.12	12.24	15.14	18.52	19.58	22.57	25.30	27.09	27.34	North West	
18	Marquita Gelderman	0.34	0.21	1.15	3.20	2.10	4.10	1.52	3.53	3.34	0.59	2.24	2.36	1.19	0.25	Marquita Gelderman	
	North West	0.34	0.55	2.10	5.30	7.40	11.50	13.42	17.35	21.09	22.08	24.32	27.08	28.27	28.52	North West	
19	Claire Flynn	2.27	1.29	1.37	3.22	1.40	1.50	2.06	2.49	3.44	0.53	2.10	3.08	1.21	0.20	Claire Flynn	
	Bay of Plenty	2.27	3.56	5.33	8.55	10.35	12.25	14.31	17.20	21.04	21.57	24.07	27.15	28.36	28.56	Bay of Plenty	
20	Andrew de Lisle	0.51	0.31	1.31	3.40	1.56	2.20	2.36	3.48	3.50	1.12	2.32	3.01	1.27	0.19	Andrew de Lisle	
	North West	0.51	1.22	2.53	6.33	8.29	10.49	13.25	17.13	21.03	22.15	24.47	27.48	29.15	29.34	North West	
21	David Stewart	0.10	1.31	1.25	3.32	2.03	2.20	2.34	3.06	4.31	1.13	2.33	3.02	1.26	0.18	David Stewart	
	Auckland	0.10	1.41	3.06	6.38	8.41	11.01	13.35	16.41	21.12	22.25	24.58	28.00	29.26	29.44	Auckland	
21	Rob Garden	0.50	0.31	1.19	3.10	1.30	1.58	2.10	2.47	4.10	3.56	2.19	3.16	1.24	0.24	Rob Garden	
	North West	0.50	1.21	2.40	5.50	7.20	9.18	11.28	14.15	18.25	22.21	24.40	27.56	29.20	29.44	North West	
23	Rolf Boswell	0.36	0.22	1.10	3.34	1.33	2.10	2.25	2.52	4.27	1.56	2.15	5.03	1.34	0.20	Rolf Boswell	
	Waikato	0.36	0.58	2.08	5.42	7.15	9.25	11.50	14.42	19.09	21.05	23.20	28.23	29.57	30.17	Waikato	
24	Liam Stolberger	1.00	0.37	1.11	2.50	5.41	1.50	1.55	2.59	3.46	2.29	2.02	2.53	1.04	0.20	Liam Stolberger	
	North West	1.00	1.37	2.48	5.38	11.19	13.09	15.04	18.03	21.49	24.18	26.20	29.13	30.17	30.37	North West	
25	Martin Crosby	0.42	0.26	1.17	3.41	1.52	2.18	2.41	3.12	4.56	1.18	2.19	4.03	1.35	0.18	Martin Crosby	
	Auckland	0.42	1.08	2.25	6.06	7.58	10.16	12.57	16.09	21.05	22.23	24.42	28.45	30.20	30.38	Auckland	
26	Rob Murphy	0.36	0.22	1.10	3.41	2.54	2.59	2.32	3.07	4.12	1.12	2.32	3.32	1.30	0.27	Rob Murphy	
	North West	0.36	0.58	2.08	5.49	8.43	11.42	14.14	17.21	21.33	22.45	25.17	28.49	30.19	30.46	North West	
27	Sofia Toes	1.05	0.39	1.26	3.16	2.15	3.17	2.49	3.40	3.30	1.20	2.40	3.06	1.25	0.21	Sofia Toes	
	Auckland	1.05	1.44	3.10	6.26	8.41	11.58	14.47	18.27	21.57	23.17	25.57	29.03	30.28	30.49	Auckland	
28	Liam Buyck	0.51	0.31	2.01	5.35	1.40	1.46	1.54	6.23	3.32	0.49	1.55	2.41	1.23	0.23	Liam Buyck	
	Auckland	0.51	1.22	3.23	8.58	10.38	12.24	14.18	20.41	24.13	25.02	26.57	29.38	31.01	31.24	Auckland	
29	Steve Pyatt	0.51	0.31	1.27	3.39	2.13	3.35	3.55	3.32	3.52	0.51	2.16	3.19	1.17	0.19	Steve Pyatt	
	North West	0.51	1.22	2.49	6.28	8.41	12.16	16.11	19.43	23.35	24.26	26.42	30.01	31.18	31.37	North West	
30	Michael McCormack	0.25	0.15	0.57	4.10	1.36	2.39	5.40	3.41	4.06	1.04	2.21	3.00	1.25	0.24	Michael McCormack	
	Auckland	0.25	0.40	1.37	5.47	7.23	10.02	15.42	19.23	23.29	24.33	26.54	29.54	31.19	31.43	Auckland	
31	Tom Aish	1.26	0.53	2.16	4.19	1.23	1.52	2.33	2.20	4.08	0.55	1.38	6.59	1.18	0.20	Tom Aish	
	Auckland	1.26	2.19	4.35	8.54	10.17	12.09	14.42	17.02	21.10	22.05	23.43	30.42	32.00	32.20	Auckland	
32	Harry Borton	0.31	0.19	1.09	4.15	1.34	3.07	5.17	3.51	4.05	1.58	2.21	3.39	1.05	0.17	Harry Borton	
	Auckland	0.31	0.50	1.59	6.14	7.48	10.55	16.12	20.03	24.08	26.06	28.27	32.06	33.11	33.28	Auckland	
33	Dave Crofts	1.06	0.40	1.34	3.54	1.56	2.53	2.35	3.39	5.02	1.39	3.21	3.21	1.37	0.22	Dave Crofts	
	Auckland	1.06	1.46	3.20	7.14	9.10	12.03	14.38	18.17	23.19	24.58	28.19	31.40	33.17	33.39	Auckland	
34	Dave Middleton	0.35	0.22	1.30	4.09	1.52	2.33	3.21	3.23	5.04	1.39	3.07	3.25	2.35	0.30	Dave Middleton	
	North West	0.35	0.57	2.27	6.36	8.28	11.01	14.22	17.45	22.49	24.28	27.35	31.00	33.35	34.05	North West	
35	Geoff Mead	0.54	0.33	1.26	3.43	3.32	2.35	3.52	3.08	4.40	1.54	2.56	3.04	1.43	0.21	Geoff Mead	
	North West	0.54	1.27	2.53	6.36	10.08	12.43	16.35	19.43	24.23	26.17	29.13	32.17	34.00	34.21	North West	
36	Neill McGowan	1.23	0.51	1.27	4.41	2.23	2.37	2.29	3.40	6.48	2.11	2.21	3.15	1.18	0.20	Neill McGowan	
	Auckland	1.23	2.14	3.41	8.22	10.45	13.22	15.51	19.31	26.19	28.30	30.51	34.06	35.24	35.44	Auckland	
37	Emma Carruthers	0.40	0.25	1.07	3.15	2.19	9.18	4.07	3.22	3.52	1.01	2.22	3.00	1.34	0.20	Emma Carruthers	
	Auckland	0.40	1.05	2.12	5.27	7.46	17.04	21.11	24.33	28.25	29.26	31.48	34.48	36.22	36.42	Auckland	
38	Phillippa Poole	1.02	0.38	2.00	4.32	2.16	2.39	3.02	4.22	5.12	1.26	3.26	4.18	1.39	0.27	Phillippa Poole	
	North West	1.02	1.40	3.40	8.12	10.28	13.07	16.09	20.31	25.43	27.09	30.35	34.53	36.32	36.59	North West	
39	Guy Cory-Wright	0.54	0.33	6.16	3.23	1.49	1.54	2.16	6.17	3.21	1.24	2.16	4.51	1.28	0.20	Guy Cory-Wright	
	Auckland	0.54	1.27	7.43	11.06	12.55	14.49	17.05	23.22	26.43	28.07	30.23	35.14	36.42	37.02	Auckland	
40	Katelin Toes	0.39	0.24	1.33	4.01	2.03	2.30	2.45	3.43	6.57	5.20	2.58	3.17	1.27	0.14	Katelin Toes	
	Auckland	0.39	1.03	2.36	6.37	8.40	11.10	13.55	17.38	24.35	29.55	32.53	36.10	37.37	37.51	Auckland	
41	Llewellyn McGivern	0.34	0.21	1.32	5.48	1.42	3.15	3.37	4.41	5.14	2.48	3.07	3.16	1.37	0.21	Llewellyn McGivern	
	Counties Manukau	0.34	0.55	2.27	8.15	9.57	13.12	16.49	21.30	26.44	29.32	32.39	35.55	37.32	37.53	Counties Manukau	
42	Carey Martin	0.46	0.28	1.37	4.06	2.09	4.06	2.51	8.15	4.12	1.28	2.56	3.15	1.27	0.24	Carey Martin	
	Taranaki	0.46	1.14	2.51	6.57	9.06	13.12	16.03	24.18	28.30	29.58	32.54	36.09	37.36	38.00	Taranaki	
43	Paul Borton	0.26	0.17	1.01	3.45	5.08	3.50	2.41	7.47	3.46	2.57	2.07	2.40	1.13	0.23	Paul Borton	
	Auckland	0.26	0.43	1.44	5.29	10.37	14.27	17.08	24.55	28.41	31.38	33.45	36.25	37.38	38.01	Auckland	
44	Callum Wishart	0.28	0.17	11.32	2.51	2.06	5.21	2.56	2.55	3.14	1.02	1.41	2.19	1.14	0.14	Callum Wishart	
	Auckland	0.28	0.45	12.17	15.08	17.14	22.35	25.31	28.26	31.40	32.42	34.23	36.42	37.56	38.10	Auckland	
45	Lyn Stanton	1.45	1.04	1.50	3.50	2.23	5.40	5.06	3.41	4.39	1.39	2.35	2.41	1.29	0.23	Lyn Stanton	
	Peninsula and Plains	1.45	2.49	4.39	8.29	10.52	16.32	21.38	25.19	29.58	31.37	34.12	36.53	38.22	38.45	Peninsula and Plains	
46	Lisa Mead	3.26	2.04	1.47	4.44	2.40	2.58	3.14	3.09	3.38	1.27	2.59	3.35	2.49	0.21	Lisa Mead	
	North West	3.26	5.30	7.17	12.01	14.41	17.39	20.53	24.02	27.40	29.07	32.06	35.41	38.30	38.51	North West	
47	Ferguson Muthu	0.42	0.26	1.16	6.21	2.22	3.15	3.19	4.05	6.19	1.29	3.19	4.14	2.28	0.26	Ferguson Muthu	
	Auckland	0.42	1.08	2.24	8.45	11.07	14.22	17.41	21.46	28.05	29.34	32.53	37.07	39.35	40.01	Auckland	
48	Kate Jobbins	0.51	0.32	2.49	3.41	1.36	1.48	4.26	11.19	4.04	1.39	2.50	3.10	1.16	0.16	Kate Jobbins	
	Auckland	0.51	1.23	4.12	7.53	9.29	11.17	15.43	27.02	31.06	32.45	35.35	38.45	40.01	40.17	Auckland	
49	Alicia McGivern	0.55	0.33	2.47	3.39	1.30	1.44	3.08	12.42	4.02	1.51	2.46	3.06	1.17	0.18	Alicia McGivern	
	Counties Manukau	0.55	1.28	4.15	7.54	9.24	11.08	14.16	26.58	31.00	32.51	35.37	38.43	40.00	40.18	Counties Manukau	
49	Nick Monckton	1.03	0.38	5.21	3.19	1.57	4.10	1.58	3.56	5.41	1.43	3.00	5.27	1.36	0.29	Nick Monckton	
	North West	1.03	1.41	7.02	10.21	12.18	16.28	18.26	22.22	28.03	29.46	32.46	38.13	39.49	40.18	North West	
51	Brent Hill	1.09	0.42	2.15	4.47	2.49	3.30	4.39	4.29	5.50	1.58	2.50	3.49	2.44	0.17	Brent Hill	
	Taranaki	1.09	1.51	4.06	8.53	11.42	15.12	19.51	24.20	30.10	32.08	34.58	38.47	41.31	41.48	Taranaki	
52	Neil Martin	1.09	0.42	2.17	4.38	3.22	3.49	6.09	4.26	5.08	1.42	3.03	3.56	2.09	0.20	Neil Martin	
	North West	1.09	1.51	4.08	8.46	12.08	15.57	22.06	26.32	31.40	33.22	36.25	40.21	42.30	42.50	North West	
53	Darren Gosse	1.13	0.45	1.27	11.43	2.04	3.54	2.52	3.43	4.52	1.50	2.50	4.30	1.50	0.17	Darren Gosse	
	North West	1.13	1.58	3.25	15.08	17.12	21.06	23.58	27.41	32.33	34.23	37.13	41.43	43.33	43.50	North West	
54	Thomas Stolberger	0.28	0.18	1.02	4.09	3.31	5.01	2.57	4.39	6.51	2.39	3.31	6.19	2.06	0.39	Thomas Stolberger	
	North West	0.28	0.46	1.48	5.57	9.28	14.29	17.26	22.05	28.56	31.35	35.06	41.25	43.31	44.10	North West	
55	Nick Collins	1.00	0.06	1.43	3.52	2.03	11.43	3.02	4.19	5.01	1.26	3.20	4.50	2.11	0.23	Nick Collins	
	Taranaki	1.00	1.06	2.49	6.41	8.44	20.27	23.29	27.48	32.49	34.15	37.35	42.25	44.36	44.59	Taranaki	
56	Jo Wood	0.35	0.22	1.09	8.39	2.49	3.18	3.51	4.52	6.25	1.53	3.51	4.50	2.36	0.23	Jo Wood	
	Counties Manukau	0.35	0.57	2.06	10.45	13.34	16.52	20.43	25.35	32.00	33.53	37.44	42.34	45.10	45.33	Counties Manukau	
57	Jason Mouat	7.31	4.32	1.13	4.38	2.10	2.13	2.27	4.41	4.41	1.53	3.08	5.10	1.54	0.16	Jason Mouat	
	Waikato	7.31	12.03	13.16	17.54	20.04	22.17	24.44	29.25	34.06	35.59	39.07	44.17	46.11	46.27	Waikato	
58	Annette Orchard	1.09	0.42	2.04	5.41	2.53	4.38	4.02	5.51	6.10	1.29	4.34	5.31	1.56	0.29	Annette Orchard	
	Auckland	1.09	1.51	3.55	9.36	12.29	17.07	21.09	27.00	33.10	34.39	39.13	44.44	46.40	47.09	Auckland	
59	Paul Ireland	1.12	0.44	1.54	3.49	2.13	6.44	8.14	3.57	4.39	1.33	2.19	5.12	4.33	0.29	Paul Ireland	
	North West	1.12	1.56	3.50	7.39	9.52	16.36	24.50	28.47	33.26	34.59	37.18	42.30	47.03	47.32	North West	
60	Rosie Monckton	1.30	0.55	1.43	5.17	7.29	3.33	4.23	4.33	5.45	2.15	3.40	4.19	2.01	0.27	Rosie Monckton	
	North West	1.30	2.25	4.08	9.25	16.54	20.27	24.50	29.23	35.08	37.23	41.03	45.22	47.23	47.50	North West	
61	Bruce Peat	0.40	0.25	1.56	6.00	4.00	5.37	3.13	13.51	3.44	0.56	2.02	3.53	1.18	0.20	Bruce Peat	
	Counties Manukau	0.40	1.05	3.01	9.01	13.01	18.38	21.51	35.42	39.26	40.22	42.24	46.17	47.35	47.55	Counties Manukau	
62	Scott Vennell	5.47	3.29	1.34	6.36	2.08	4.05	3.19	6.59	5.14	1.55	3.12	3.41	1.40	0.22	Scott Vennell	
	Auckland	5.47	9.16	10.50	17.26	19.34	23.39	26.58	33.57	39.11	41.06	44.18	47.59	49.39	50.01	Auckland	
63	Bronwyn Holcombe	0.46	0.28	2.08	13.00	2.47	5.32	4.34	4.49	6.20	2.03	4.35	4.39	1.57	0.29	Bronwyn Holcombe	
	Auckland	0.46	1.14	3.22	16.22	19.09	24.41	29.15	34.04	40.24	42.27	47.02	51.41	53.38	54.07	Auckland	
64	Norm Jager	4.28	2.42	1.52	6.06	8.36	4.25	3.49	4.52	5.32	1.43	3.31	5.52	2.31	0.38	Norm Jager	
	Auckland	4.28	7.10	9.02	15.08	23.44	28.09	31.58	36.50	42.22	44.05	47.36	53.28	55.59	56.37	Auckland	
65	Mark Frater	0.55	0.34	10.16	3.32	10.37	3.35	3.48	3.50	5.41	1.47	3.50	5.50	2.02	0.29	Mark Frater	
	Auckland	0.55	1.29	11.45	15.17	25.54	29.29	33.17	37.07	42.48	44.35	48.25	54.15	56.17	56.46	Auckland	
66	Ingrid Perols	2.08	1.18	2.26	6.04	2.07	4.12	6.35	23.38	5.35	2.31	4.23	5.19	2.05	0.27	Ingrid Perols	
	Hawke's Bay	2.08	3.26	5.52	11.56	14.03	18.15	24.50	48.28	54.03	56.34	1:00.57	1:06.16	1:08.21	1:08.48	Hawke's Bay	
67	Simon Hunt	1.10	0.42	2.20	6.18	4.05	12.21	4.42	5.37	6.51	4.47	4.43	14.07	2.50	0.30	Simon Hunt	
	Auckland	1.10	1.52	4.12	10.30	14.35	26.56	31.38	37.15	44.06	48.53	53.36	1:07.43	1:10.33	1:11.03	Auckland	
68	Owen Means	1.41	1.01	2.07	14.04	3.32	4.36	4.52	10.46	9.33	2.12	5.44	8.31	3.18	0.56	Owen Means	
	North West	1.41	2.42	4.49	18.53	22.25	27.01	31.53	42.39	52.12	54.24	1:00.08	1:08.39	1:11.57	1:12.53	North West	
69	Vitali Volkov	0.32	0.20	1.09	3.42	12.24	49.42	6.38	14.57	6.34	4.39	3.54	4.19	1.58	0.16	Vitali Volkov	
	Auckland	0.32	0.52	2.01	5.43	18.07	1:07.49	1:14.27	1:29.24	1:35.58	1:40.37	1:44.31	1:48.50	1:50.48	1:51.04	Auckland