Pos	Name	S-1 (75)	1-2 (76)	2-3 (92)	3-4 (96)	4-5 (97)	5-6 (61)	6-7 (77)	7-8 (59)	8-9 (102)	9-10 (63)	10-11 (107)	11-12 (65)	12-13 (106)	13-14 (85)	14-15 (72)	15-16 (104)	16-17 (56)	17-18 (45)	18-19 (46)	19-20 (49)	20-21 (50)	21-F	Name	
	Club																							Club	
1	Clemence Rolin	0.40	2.21	2.17	0.36	1.31	2.15	1.09	1.40	1.58	1.54	1.42	9.48	0.41	0.58	4.13	4.36	1.01	1.53	0.52	1.08	0.39	0.24	Clemence Rolin	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	0.40	3.01	5.18	5.54	7.25	9.40	10.49	12.29	14.27	16.21	18.03	27.51	28.32	29.30	33.43	38.19	39.20	41.13	42.05	43.13	43.52	44.16	PP Peninsula and Plains	
2	Linley Earnshaw	0.34	2.18	2.30	0.36	1.20	2.03	1.22	2.18	1.56	2.18	1.40	8.00	0.34	1.05	4.11	5.12	1.00	2.14	1.02	1.17	0.37	0.31	Linley Earnshaw	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	0.34	2.52	5.22	5.58	7.18	9.21	10.43	13.01	14.57	17.15	18.55	26.55	27.29	28.34	32.45	37.57	38.57	41.11	42.13	43.30	44.07	44.38	PP Peninsula and Plains	
3	Martin Freeman	0.42	5.40	3.00	0.22	1.18	3.18	2.05	1.48	1.06	2.20	1.15	6.39	0.33	1.01	3.54	4.08	1.03	1.30	0.52	1.31	0.39	0.29	Martin Freeman	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	0.42	6.22	9.22	9.44	11.02	14.20	16.25	18.13	19.19	21.39	22.54	29.33	30.06	31.07	35.01	39.09	40.12	41.42	42.34	44.05	44.44	45.13	PP Peninsula and Plains	
4	Kate Pedley	0.36	1.37	2.15	0.32	1.42	2.23	1.34	2.36	2.22	2.34	1.33	8.09	0.45	1.06	4.36	5.15	1.11	2.00	1.07	1.27	0.44	0.36	Kate Pedley	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	0.36	2.13	4.28	5.00	6.42	9.05	10.39	13.15	15.37	18.11	19.44	27.53	28.38	29.44	34.20	39.35	40.46	42.46	43.53	45.20	46.04	46.40	PP Peninsula and Plains	
5	Graeme Read	1.01	1.54	3.57	0.34	1.23	3.00	1.51	1.55	1.41	2.09	1.47	10.00	0.38	1.02	3.56	4.41	2.01	1.54	0.54	1.27	0.43	0.31	Graeme Read	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	1.01	2.55	6.52	7.26	8.49	11.49	13.40	15.35	17.16	19.25	21.12	31.12	31.50	32.52	36.48	41.29	43.30	45.24	46.18	47.45	48.28	48.59	PP Peninsula and Plains	
6	Marcus Diprose	0.33	2.26	3.41	0.44	1.34	2.51	1.48	2.35	2.49	2.30	1.47	9.39	0.41	1.39	4.17	5.40	1.03	1.53	1.10	1.24	0.38	0.34	Marcus Diprose	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	0.33	2.59	6.40	7.24	8.58	11.49	13.37	16.12	19.01	21.31	23.18	32.57	33.38	35.17	39.34	45.14	46.17	48.10	49.20	50.44	51.22	51.56	PP Peninsula and Plains	
7	Beth Hunter	0.29	1.38	3.36	0.31	1.34	3.33	2.48	1.41	2.54	2.47	1.56	7.48	0.58	2.39	3.52	10.05	1.17	1.45	0.45	1.09	0.30	0.24	Beth Hunter	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	0.29	2.07	5.43	6.14	7.48	11.21	14.09	15.50	18.44	21.31	23.27	31.15	32.13	34.52	38.44	48.49	50.06	51.51	52.36	53.45	54.15	54.39	PP Peninsula and Plains	
8	Vivien Bloor	0.28	3.48	8.27	0.43	1.43	2.42	2.10	2.22	2.15	2.29	1.50	9.02	0.43	1.20	4.17	5.42	1.08	2.04	1.00	1.22	0.39	0.32	Vivien Bloor	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	0.28	4.16	12.43	13.26	15.09	17.51	20.01	22.23	24.38	27.07	28.57	37.59	38.42	40.02	44.19	50.01	51.09	53.13	54.13	55.35	56.14	56.46	PP Peninsula and Plains	
9	Angus Steven	0.39	3.31	2.14	0.29	1.42	2.35	2.08	3.16	2.34	3.27	1.58	10.40	0.53	3.44	3.48	9.14	0.55	1.24	0.59	1.20	0.46	0.24	Angus Steven	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	0.39	4.10	6.24	6.53	8.35	11.10	13.18	16.34	19.08	22.35	24.33	35.13	36.06	39.50	43.38	52.52	53.47	55.11	56.10	57.30	58.16	58.40	PP Peninsula and Plains	
10	Greg Bristow	0.38	2.43	6.19	0.45	1.24	7.55	1.45	2.27	1.29	3.06	2.06	8.16	1.04	1.19	4.57	5.24	1.17	1.51	1.07	2.53	0.55	0.33	Greg Bristow	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	0.38	3.21	9.40	10.25	11.49	19.44	21.29	23.56	25.25	28.31	30.37	38.53	39.57	41.16	46.13	51.37	52.54	54.45	55.52	58.45	59.40	1:00.13	PP Peninsula and Plains	
11	Neil Egan	1.03	2.26	9.29	0.40	5.09	3.05	1.46	2.00	2.14	2.25	1.39	12.45	0.51	1.19	4.02	5.17	1.16	2.04	0.59	1.39	0.39	0.29	Neil Egan	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	1.03	3.29	12.58	13.38	18.47	21.52	23.38	25.38	27.52	30.17	31.56	44.41	45.32	46.51	50.53	56.10	57.26	59.30	1:00.29	1:02.08	1:02.47	1:03.16	PP Peninsula and Plains	
12	Josie Boland	4.21	2.05	3.07	0.38	1.42	2.45	7.40	2.27	1.22	3.12	2.14	11.13	0.44	1.21	6.20	5.54	1.15	2.23	1.10	1.48	0.51	0.28	Josie Boland	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	4.21	6.26	9.33	10.11	11.53	14.38	22.18	24.45	26.07	29.19	31.33	42.46	43.30	44.51	51.11	57.05	58.20	1:00.43	1:01.53	1:03.41	1:04.32	1:05.00	PP Peninsula and Plains	
13	Richard English	0.29	2.07	14.26	0.30	2.18	5.08	1.43	2.35	3.03	2.23	1.57	10.52	0.43	1.19	5.27	5.35	1.13	1.53	0.57	1.31	0.43	0.24	Richard English	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	0.29	2.36	17.02	17.32	19.50	24.58	26.41	29.16	32.19	34.42	36.39	47.31	48.14	49.33	55.00	1:00.35	1:01.48	1:03.41	1:04.38	1:06.09	1:06.52	1:07.16	PP Peninsula and Plains	
14	Melanie Brigden	1.01	3.19	5.56	0.46	1.46	3.22	4.19	2.56	3.19	3.25	2.28	10.23	2.53	2.00	6.23	7.20	1.05	2.10	1.10	1.29	0.35	0.26	Melanie Brigden	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	1.01	4.20	10.16	11.02	12.48	16.10	20.29	23.25	26.44	30.09	32.37	43.00	45.53	47.53	54.16	1:01.36	1:02.41	1:04.51	1:06.01	1:07.30	1:08.05	1:08.31	PP Peninsula and Plains	
15	Akiko Sasanuma	5.26	2.05	9.52	0.52	1.40	7.37	2.25	2.57	1.42	3.06	2.08	9.49	0.58	1.24	7.28	6.46	1.20	1.53	1.14	1.36	0.42	0.26	Akiko Sasanuma	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	5.26	7.31	17.23	18.15	19.55	27.32	29.57	32.54	34.36	37.42	39.50	49.39	50.37	52.01	59.29	1:06.15	1:07.35	1:09.28	1:10.42	1:12.18	1:13.00	1:13.26	PP Peninsula and Plains	
16	John Calder	0.37	2.43	4.26	0.46	1.48	3.11	4.51	11.25	3.41	2.32	1.40	9.57	2.26	1.57	5.45	5.39	1.27	2.08	1.15	4.33	0.47	0.29	John Calder	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	0.37	3.20	7.46	8.32	10.20	13.31	18.22	29.47	33.28	36.00	37.40	47.37	50.03	52.00	57.45	1:03.24	1:04.51	1:06.59	1:08.14	1:12.47	1:13.34	1:14.03	PP Peninsula and Plains	
17	Helen Wood	9.42	2.10	6.14	0.57	1.45	4.42	2.09	3.06	2.25	3.37	2.07	10.19	1.04	4.21	4.20	6.15	1.16	2.13	0.54	1.39	2.51	0.38	Helen Wood	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	9.42	11.52	18.06	19.03	20.48	25.30	27.39	30.45	33.10	36.47	38.54	49.13	50.17	54.38	58.58	1:05.13	1:06.29	1:08.42	1:09.36	1:11.15	1:14.06	1:14.44	PP Peninsula and Plains	
18	Chrissie Williams	0.49	3.57	3.09	0.59	2.19	6.02	2.26	3.10	3.23	4.35	2.19	12.45	1.26	1.57	10.22	9.55	1.58	3.06	1.53	2.54	1.28	1.16	Chrissie Williams	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	0.49	4.46	7.55	8.54	11.13	17.15	19.41	22.51	26.14	30.49	33.08	45.53	47.19	49.16	59.38	1:09.33	1:11.31	1:14.37	1:16.30	1:19.24	1:20.52	1:22.08	PP Peninsula and Plains	
19	Heather Pugh-Williams	1.09	3.37	4.00	1.03	2.26	4.28	10.45	3.18	3.22	3.30	3.14	13.09	1.17	1.31	3.47	11.09	1.59	3.21	1.30	2.04	1.12	0.33	Heather Pugh-Williams	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	1.09	4.46	8.46	9.49	12.15	16.43	27.28	30.46	34.08	37.38	40.52	54.01	55.18	56.49	1:00.36	1:11.45	1:13.44	1:17.05	1:18.35	1:20.39	1:21.51	1:22.24	PP Peninsula and Plains	
20	Anne Hunter	1.55	3.16	3.33	1.15	3.27	4.34	3.52	3.20	12.03	3.56	2.44	27.48	1.09	1.10	5.17	13.17	1.30	1.55	1.07	7.56	0.48	0.35	Anne Hunter	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	1.55	5.11	8.44	9.59	13.26	18.00	21.52	25.12	37.15	41.11	43.55	1:11.43	1:12.52	1:14.02	1:19.19	1:32.36	1:34.06	1:36.01	1:37.08	1:45.04	1:45.52	1:46.27	PP Peninsula and Plains	
21	Linda / Claire Wright / Spear	1.04	4.08	11.13	1.30	5.19	4.18	4.24	3.31	19.34	3.01	5.02	14.48	1.20	2.11	5.34	11.14	1.04	2.18	1.24	3.52	1.14	0.38	Linda / Claire Wright / Spear	
	. Non-member	1.04	5.12	16.25	17.55	23.14	27.32	31.56	35.27	55.01	58.02	1:03.04	1:17.52	1:19.12	1:21.23	1:26.57	1:38.11	1:39.15	1:41.33	1:42.57	1:46.49	1:48.03	1:48.41	. Non-member	
	Keith Unsworth	0.56	3.00	8.17	0.40	2.14	3.53	2.17	3.05	3.10	7.25	2.39	10.35	3.14	1.58	6.53	6.33	1.30			2.05	0.55	0.31	Keith Unsworth	
	PP Peninsula and Plains	0.56	3.56	12.13	12.53	15.07	19.00	21.17	24.22	27.32	34.57	37.36	48.11	51.25	53.23	1:00.16	1:06.49	1:08.19		1:13.21	1:15.26	1:16.21	1:16.52	PP Peninsula and Plains	
	Jenny Calder																							Jenny Calder	
	PP Peninsula and Plains																							PP Peninsula and Plains