купа Елена 2023-ден1-спринт, КО Чумерна Елена [02/09/2023]
class number of runners number of controls class number of runners number of controls class number of runners number of controls
W21E 14 15 W12 17 12 M55 10 13
M21E 13 18 M12 19 12 W65 7 12
W18 3 17 W10 19 4 M65 7 14
M18 4 15 M10 19 4 M70 4 12
W16 11 13 M40 6 17 M75 8 12
M16 10 17 W45 7 13 Open 14 12
W14 18 14 M45 13 17  
M14 17 14 W55 7 14