4. MTBO Austria Cup 2023 ÖSTM & ÖM / Czech Cup / Middle Distance, OLZ Union Waldviertel & Orienteering Klosterneuburg [17/06/2023]
class number of runners number of controls class number of runners number of controls class number of runners number of controls
D21-E (AUT), WE (CZE), W20 (CZE) 27 17 H-20 (AUT), M20 (CZE), H40- (AUT), M40 (CZE) 27 21 H50- (AUT), M50 (CZE) 25 16
W21 (CZE), H60- (AUT), M60 (CZE) 31 15 D-17 (AUT), W17 (CZE), D60- (AUT), W60 (CZE) 8 9 Open Family, M/W10 (CZE) 8 6
H21-E (AUT), ME (CZE) 40 21 H-17 (AUT), M17 (CZE) 12 11 Open Long, E-Bike 10 11
M21 (CZE) 14 16 D-14 (AUT), W14 (CZE), H-14 (AUT), M14 (CZE) 17 9 Open Short 3 7
H21-K (AUT), MB (CZE), D40- (AUT), W40 (CZE) 24 11 M12 (CZE), W12 (CZE) 14 7  
D-20 (AUT), D21-K (AUT), WB (CZE) 5 13 D50- (AUT), W50 (CZE), H70- (AUT), M70 (CZE) 19 9