Primiero O-Week - Village Stages - Transacqua, U.S. Primiero A.S.D. [04/07/2017]
class number of runners number of controls class number of runners number of controls class number of runners number of controls
W21 Elite 7 22 M12 22 11 W60 11 16
M21 Elite 20 23 W10 14 11 M60 21 19
W21 A 7 19 M10 17 11 W65 12 16
M21 A 5 22 W35 13 19 M65 14 19
W20 4 22 M35 9 22 W70 8 15
M20 4 22 W40 21 18 M70 15 16
W18 7 22 M40 30 19 W75 2 15
M18 10 22 W45 19 18 M75 8 16
W16 13 16 M45 19 19 M80 1 15
M16 18 16 W50 25 19 Beginners 27 11
W14 16 16 M50 29 18 Direct Long 9 22
M14 33 16 W55 13 19 Direct Short 20 19
W12 19 11 M55 22 18