XVI Bizkaia Saria-La Arboleda (LN-Pyrene) Domingo, COBi [21/05/2017]
class number of runners number of controls class number of runners number of controls class number of runners number of controls
M-E 4 27 M-45 20 22 F-18 6 17
M-21(LN)/M-21A(Pyrene) 14 25 M-55 Solo LN 6 20 F-16 5 16
M-AK Solo LN 15 22 OPEN Naranja (Ini Adultos) Solo LN 41 16 F-14 4 15
M-20 4 24 OPEN Amarillo (LN) / Iniciación (Pyrene) 29 12 F/M-12 Solo LN 10 12
M-18 7 20 OPEN Rojo (LN) / Open (Pyrene) 63 18 F-35 10 20
M-16 5 17 F-21(LN)/F-21A(Pyrene) 9 22 F-45 18 17
M-14 14 15 F-AK Solo LN 8 18  
M-35 22 24 F-E Solo Pyrene 1 24