Function correctRedDays()
  Dim i As Integer
  Dim d As Date
  Dim startDate As Date, endDate As Date
  Dim dateColumn As Integer
  Dim noOfChanges As Integer
  Dim normalDayColor As Long, redDayColor As Long, newColor As Long
  Dim lastDayYear As Integer
  Dim rda() As Date

  For i = 3 To 30
    If shtDay.Cells(4, i) = "datum" Then
      dateColumn = i
      Exit For
    End If

  i = 5
  Do While shtDay.Cells(i, dateColumn) <> ""
    i = i + 1

  startDate = CDate(shtDay.Cells(5, dateColumn))
  endDate = CDate(shtDay.Cells(i - 1, dateColumn))

  normalDayColor = shtSetup.Cells(8, 9).Interior.color
  redDayColor = shtSetup.Cells(9, 9).Interior.color

  For d = startDate To endDate

    If Format(d, "yyyy") <> lastDayYear Then
      lastDayYear = Format(d, "yyyy")
      createRedDayArray lastDayYear, rda()
    End If

    newColor = IIf(isRedDay(d, rda()), redDayColor, normalDayColor)
    If shtDay.Cells(5 + CLng(d - startDate) * 4, 2).Interior.color <> newColor Then
      shtDay.Cells(5 + CLng(d - startDate) * 4, 2).Interior.color = newColor
      noOfChanges = noOfChanges + 1
    End If

  MsgBox "Färgen ändrades för " & noOfChanges & " dagar.", vbInformation

End Function